Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Nurture-Offer Sequence

Do you ever feel like your audience just isn’t interested in buying from you? That if they wanted what you’re offering, they would have bought by now? Does it seem like your audience is dead, and there’s no one available for you to sell to?

“If they wanted to buy, they would have by now” is a common limiting belief that holds so many coaches back from making the impact and income they desire. But the truth is most of you aren’t making enough offers to warrant this belief. This is where the Nurture-Offer Sequence can shift your perspective on selling.

Join me this week as I introduce you to a powerful concept I call the Nurture-Offer Sequence and how it’ll transform the way you think about serving your people. You’ll learn a detailed breakdown of the journey your potential clients are on right now, how to use the Nurture-Offer Sequence for your business, and the importance of figuring out how your audience needs to hear your message.


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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why the belief “if they wanted to buy, they would have by now” stems from self-focused thinking, and how to shift to a service-focused mindset.
  • What I believe is happening if someone in your world hasn’t bought from you yet.
  • The importance of making offers consistently and figuring out how your audience needs to hear your message.
  • A detailed breakdown of the typical journey a potential client goes through before they’re ready to buy and how to support them at each stage.
  • Why evaluating and improving your marketing, selling, and delivery is crucial to signing more clients.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2k, 20k, and 200k using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 302. So today, we’re going to talk about a concept that I just created called the nurture-offer sequence. This might sound like we’re going to talk about a strategy, but we’re not. However, as I talk through this topic, at the end, you’re going to understand the purpose of the nurture-offer sequence and what it could be and how you could use it for your business. So, I think it’s the why and the root is always so much more important than the how, and that’s really what we’re going to talk through today.

So, here’s how this concept came about. I am running two live experiences, that’s what I’m going to call them, at the same time right now in my business, which is not typical, but it’s so perfect. Which is not typical, but it’s giving me just all of the energy, all of the thoughts that I want to share with you all. So right now, I am in the middle of 2k for 2k LIVE, which is my core foundational program where I teach getting consults and then learning how to sell on them and close on them to get clients as a life coach.

And there are five steps to the process and we’re going through it live. Each week is dedicated to one step of the process. And so, we’re on week three right now. And then I also just started my 25k in 30 day challenge with my 200k Mastermind. And I’m doing the challenge different than I’ve ever done it before. I am coaching them three times a week. And I created a process and we are really going all in together as a group and some of them have different challenges. It’s not just 25k. Some of them are doing 10k. Some of them are doing 15k. Some of them are doing 50k.

Everybody gets to actually choose their challenge. It was just inspired originally by people making their investment back when the 200k Mastermind used to be 25k. So, it’s an arbitrary number, but it’s a revenue challenge. So, we’re running that and I’m just supporting them like crazy through that and really helping their mindset be the highest it can be so that they can stay in high value cycles while they go through it. And then at the same time again, I’m helping my 2k students go through the process and really show up bigger in their businesses than they’ve ever shown up before.

And inevitably, what I’ve told both of them is that when you sign yourself up for a challenge. Whenever you set yourself up to do something bigger than you’ve ever done before, and to play big and go really create impact and sign a bunch of clients and get your business off the ground, make 25k in 30 days, whatever it is.

When you set yourself up for something big, what inevitably happens is, every thought and belief limitation you’ve had, every unintentional thought, every thought that has kept you at the income that you’re at. Especially lines of thinking, consistent lines of thinking, specific ways that you maybe catastrophize things when you’re in disbelief. Certain tunnels, you go down where you’re like, “Oh, no. Here we go. We’re believing this thought again.” All of those things get brought up to the surface. Now, people tend to think that that’s a bad thing.

I think it’s a brilliant thing because it was always there to begin with. And now it’s in this type of container where you’re really going for something. There’s an opportunity to let it go forever, to really let it come up. It comes up in a big way, address it in a really powerful container and then let it go.

So, one of the thoughts that came up for one of our 2k students that I see all of the time and coach on in my 2k room, in my 200k room, in my Two Million Dollar Group room. At every level this thought comes up and the thought is, if they wanted to buy it, they would have by now. That’s the thought. If they wanted to buy it, they would have by now. It’s some version of my list is dead. My audience is dead. There’s no one available for me to sell to, some version of that.

But I really love sticking with this pure version, if they wanted to buy it, they would have by now because so many of you tell me this sentence. And we’re going to break it down. And at the end, you’re going to see why I’m calling this episode the Nurture-Offer Sequence.

So, here’s the first thing you need to know as fact. I don’t even need to argue whether this is thought or fact. As a fact most of you are not making enough offers, not offering enough to even warrant this belief. You’re just not even making enough offers for this statement to even be true but here’s how this statement happens.

We get into self-focused thinking and in self-focused thinking it has us being the center of the world and believing that we are front and center in other people’s minds and with their attention. And we just aren’t, no matter how amazing and awesome you are. No matter how big your business is or how small, either way, we are not ever the star in someone else’s story. We are the supporting characters.

That’s very important to know because the lens to which you have the belief, if they wanted to buy it, they would have by now, it’s just presupposing they’ve seen every offer that you’ve ever made. They’ve read every post that you’ve ever written. They’ve seen all that there has been to see. They’ve listened to every podcast. And how I know that people think this is when I do audits of my mastermind students, emails, sales pages, social medias.

I always see where they are thinking someone has heard something before. And they’re saying it in a way that is just assuming familiarity with their work or with their concepts or with their ideas, or with their offers, that isn’t actually there. So, it’s not always a conscious thought, but I want you to just think about right now if you tend to think everyone is seeing all of your stuff. If you’re not telling yourself the lie that no one sees your stuff, if you’re believing that they’ve seen it so much that if they wanted to buy it, they would have by now. You’re just misunderstanding this idea. And thinking you’re the center of their world.

And you may not logically believe that. You might logically believe, obviously I’m not the center of their world, they’re barely thinking of me. But when you think that they would have bought it by now if they were going to, you’re thinking they’ve seen your offer so many times, then if they were going to buy it, they would have. But they probably have not seen your offer even a fraction of the amount of times that would be required for them to buy it.

I remember when I first got into the industry, the thing that I heard was that the average person needs to see an offer 16 times before they take action. And then most recently, Google has done a study where people need to be presented an offer roughly 11 times in the first 90 days ish, or the first 30 days, something like that. They have to see it 11 times and they have to consume seven hours of your content and have 40 touch points and so they have to have a lot.

And the reason for that and this is not to stress you out, but the reason for that is because you are not front and center in their mind and in their attention. So, you have a fraction of their attention every time they might be seeing you on social media or in their email inbox. This is not a bad thing. I think that you could also use that to go down your own rabbit hole and you don’t need to. This is just the world we live in, it’s just the circumstance of the situation. So, then you get to decide how am I going to show up to that.

But before we dive into that, before we go down that line of thinking, the other thing I want you to know factually is that I recently had a student sign up for 2k for 2k and I did a consult with them eight years ago. Now, that’s the longest for me. But it did blow my mind to see a student in 2k for 2k that I did an actual one-on-one consult back when I was offering one-on-one coaching, eight years ago. I remember the consult and I was like, “Dang, okay.” I was so excited, that feels like the craziest, best blast from the past.

I also once signed a one-on-one client that was a free coaching client, one of my first free coaching clients. They signed up to coach with me two years later. This is just important to know. Now, it’s also important to know that while these people needed two or eight years or weren’t inspired to sign up for two or eight years, lots of other people were. So, it’s not that you’re not going to get a client for eight years, you’re not going to get a client for two years. It just means that when you think they’ve seen your offer, they didn’t want it, bye, and they left your world. That’s not true.

And I’m going to really break down how this isn’t about you and what is actually happening with the people in just a second. But I just want you to know that this thought is really brought to you by your brain, who wants you to give up and stay the same because it’s easier and safer. It’s a thought brought to you from get energy because the thought is kind of really, the flavor is what’s the point, I’m not going to get anything out of this audience. And it’s a thought that has you disengage and be disinterested in your audience rather than connect deeper. So just know that.

You might think, and I just coached someone in my 200k Mastermind in the 25k challenge on this exact thing. I told her this episode was going to be for her too. We talked about, she had this idea that there’s just not enough people in my audience. There’s no people in my audience. There’s not enough to even get a few clients, there’s just not enough people. And it felt very true for her and it created a lot of feelings of deflation. And when we got talking about it, the truth is there’s actually 2,000 people in her audience, measurably 2,000 people in her audience.

So, it’s impossible that all 2,000 people have seen every offer she’s ever made, and they’ve decided not to buy it. But it is a thought that our brain offers us when we’re hyper focused on, I’ve posted something or I’ve emailed something or I’ve done some type of marketing and I didn’t get anything from it. So that has to mean something about the quality of my audience, something about what they’re thinking about my offer and something I’m not going to get. It has you think that email list is dead. It has you think your audience is disinterested.

It has you think that they’ve decided already not to buy, which creates disengagement and disinterest from you and I’m going to show you how to connect deeper. But I just want you to notice that when you say things like this about your audience that have you disengage and become disinterested instead of connecting deeper. And I also believe this flavor or line of thinking is a misunderstanding of how relationships are cultivated and the need to give value and make offers consistently.

And to be, while you’re giving value and making offers consistently, constantly working to figure out how do they need to hear it. I was in the coaching with this student in my 200k Mastermind. One of the things that’s so great is I had just looked at her sales page. And seeing that on her sales page there was a part at the bottom, so much of her sales page was so perfect and so amazing and really interesting.

And then I get to the bottom and there’s a segment at the bottom that creates so much confusion and overwhelm that I was like, “Oh, my gosh, I wonder how many people she’s losing here.” And so, I was telling her, “I want you to imagine that that’s the gate or the stop for them. They’re coming to the sales page. They’re loving what you’re about, and then they get to this obstacle and this part of your page, and then they go into overwhelm and confusion and then they can’t get out of it. And so, then they just don’t sign up for the consult.”

So, I was talking to her about the specific things she was communicating, I was like, “There’s so many different ways to communicate this that could be so much cleaner, so much more enticing, that doesn’t create so much confusion and then end up making your whole sales page just about this part right here, this one little thing that you offer. That could be so amazing that you offer it, but it ends up becoming the whole thing and not in a good way.”

So, I think the more powerful and interesting thing to solve for is giving lots of value, showing up more to give value, making offers more consistently. And then really focusing on how have I said it and how might they need to hear it. And I’m going to say it 100 different ways. I’m going to be willing to get creative. I’m going to connect to my people. I’m just going to keep thinking of ways to communicate to them, to say it to them, to get them to move, “Oh, I did this, this didn’t work. I didn’t get anyone to move on from this post, so I’m going to do another one.”

Or, “I sent this email, I didn’t have as many people click on it as I would like. Okay, I’m going to send another email.” And I was telling my 200k Mastermind students, I’m like, “Sometimes it’s just the subject line.” Sometimes if you change the subject line, one person who didn’t read the first one because they were like, “That subject line doesn’t interest me,” then reads the email the next time because you nailed the subject line that doesn’t interest them. And then they read the email and then you get clicks.

I’ve done this so many times where I changed the subject line for an email that I see didn’t get clicks and then suddenly it’s getting clicks. So sometimes it really is just, you didn’t land on the thing that interested them. You didn’t present your offer in a way that felt enticing to them. But imagine how it feels to solve the problem of no one in your audience wants to buy, or they would have by now. And what you end up doing when you think that versus solving the problem of, I just haven’t said what they need to hear, yet. I haven’t given them enough value yet. I haven’t made them enough offers yet.

What you do in those two thought processes are very different. One of them has you feeling deflated and thinking it’s hopeless and inconsistently showing up, because why bother anyways. Or thinking you have to go accumulate 2,000 more people in order to get a sale because the first 2,000 aren’t buying versus thinking, I need three of these 2,000 people to be ready to take action now. How do I speak to them to get them to move now, to create that spark for them? I haven’t found how to spark them yet, but they are there.

Think about this, if I said, “Listen, we’re doing the 25k in 30 day challenge or you’re going to make your first 2k today, whichever one lands for you. You’re going to walk into this room and it’s going to have 2,000 live humans in it that all know who you are, that all know you’re a coach and all are interested at some level in working with you. Walk around the room, talk to as many as you can and all you need is for three of them to be very interested right now.” I don’t know about you, but that would be very hopeful for me.

I’d be like, “I only need three sales and I’m just going to walk into a room with 2,000 people and talk to them about it all at the same time. And I just need to find a couple of them ready to buy now.” Yet we don’t seem to think of social media that way. And maybe it’s not 2,000 people for you, maybe it’s 200 people. In the beginning for me it was 20, and I told myself the story that that was enough. I remember knowing some people that were interested but they hadn’t signed up for a consult yet or they hadn’t really moved themselves.

And I remember consistently thinking, I just have to figure out how to spark them. I have to figure out how to stay consistent, top of their mind. My job is to keep myself top of mind. Not, I’m the center of their world and I’m obviously, of course, always on their mind. And so, if they haven’t signed up yet, clearly it’s because they just have chosen not to. They don’t want to and they’ve decided no. That’s not it at all. I’ve got to get them there. I’ve got to get them to the yes.

This was very valuable for me. This was very helpful for me to think that. And this is the thing that I have thought year after year after year, that’s been very valuable for me. I’m going to walk you through a scenario. It’s kind of a long scenario, but I’m going to walk you through this scenario in a lot of detail. So, I believe that if they haven’t bought yet, if they are in your world, or if they come into your world, they can come in at all times. Every time you show up, you have the opportunity for new people to come into your world.

But whether they’ve known you for a day, a week, a month, a year or 10 years, if they haven’t bought yet, this one individual person, this is what’s happening. They are busy living a full regular life. I don’t know very many people who tell me they’re just sitting around with lots of time. In fact, the story that people typically tell me, average everyday people is that they are overextended, overbooked, everything’s going on. Life is so busy and they can’t catch their breath.

This is useful for me to think about when it comes to selling on the internet or meeting people out in real life. They’re busy. They’re living a regular full, maybe even possibly overwhelming, overextending life. They have possibly no one else in their life figuring out life alongside them. They don’t have anyone to be talking about dreams with or outcomes with or solutions with. They’re wishing there was more kind of humming in the back of their brain just every once in a while, this humming consistent underlying thought of wishing there was more is there.

And the wishing there was more is far from hoping there’s more and deciding to figure out that there’s more and also deciding to pay for help to figure out how to get the more, but the wishing is the very beginning. It’s the furthest away from buying. And then they see my content and they think, that’s inspiring and possibly the first time they see it, but not for me. It’s inspiring that someone could do that, but I couldn’t do that. And maybe though, they decide to follow.

I keep making offers and most of which they probably don’t see because they don’t live on social or in their inbox and they only pop into their inbox or social media from time to time. I know for me, when I get a lot of sales emails in my inbox from all kinds of companies from all over the world, and I don’t open all of them, I don’t see all of the offers. I open the most intriguing ones, even for me as a consumer. So, I presume that this is how other people are behaving as well.

But the more they do see of me, the more they want to change and the more they start thinking about their life, the more they feel inspired. Now, they keep living their life and they keep having the same problems. But now that they’ve been presented with solutions, they get more frustrated with the problems. They get harder to live with, and because of that, they start listening closer. They start coming to see me and what I have to share instead of waiting around and thinking and hoping and wishing, they start actually coming and clicking and looking around.

They start visualizing a new life. They start daydreaming more often than not. Then they start realizing that every time that they come and see my social media or watch a story or come to a live or read an email, any time they engage with me and my work, they believe in themselves more. And they start showing up slightly differently to their life. They start seeing that it kind of works and feeling empowered and a little more alive than they were before, a little more awake, a little more alive.

And then they start engaging with me and they start seeing me as their coach. They start showing up regularly to my free stuff, even if they’re lurking and even if they’re not engaging all the time, they’re starting to show up. They hear my offer and for the first time ever, they consider it. But the price feels scary, but mostly even though they have seen it help other people, they don’t know if they could be one of the ones who really gets a lot out of it.

And then they start thinking, what will their family and friends think if they hire a coach, is this weird? And then an obstacle pops up in their life and they get distracted. And for each person it could be for days, for weeks or even years. Or they try something else that seems more tangible, and they try that for days, weeks or even years.

Then when they are tired and fed up of being in the obstacles and being back in the humdrum of life, they think of me again. They remember how good it felt to be in my space. They remember how good it felt when they were believing there was a solution. They start following me again. This time it feels more serious because they’ve fallen off and they’ve seen the difference.

When they were following with me and feeling a little bit alive and going after it and trying things, they weren’t paying me yet, but they were trying things and they were getting some results. And so now this time it feels even more serious, more important. So, this time they actually speak to their spouse, if they have one about getting help, they actually tell someone else they’re going to get help.

But their spouse thinks that they can do it on their own, and so they think they probably should try that too, even though they don’t really want to and doesn’t really feel exciting and it doesn’t make them feel alive. They think I should probably try that too. So, then they spend days, weeks or months trying it on their own, but really wishing they were just working with me. So, then they start following more closely. They start listening deeply.

They start feeling something activate again and then they have another problem, another obstacle, they get a fresh batch of frustration and disappointment and deflation. And one day they’re shopping with a friend and they’re talking and they express their frustration with their life situation to this good friend. And the good friend tells them not to worry about it. It’s going to get better. They’re so strong. Life is ups and down. And then the friend moves on to what they want to talk about.

And this potential client slips off into their brain and they start dreaming of wanting something more and wishing for better conversations, wishing for solutions that work. And they drive home from the shopping experience thinking about the change that they want so hard that they forget to turn on the radio. They’re lost in the reverie of what could be. And they get home and they go about the rest of their day and at dinner the idea pops back in their brain.

And then at night, they’re lying in bed and they’re scrolling and they see a post and they look at their spouse and they say, “I am going to at least set up a call with that coach and see if they can help me. I’m going to reach out. I really would like to find out at the very least.” And the spouse says, “Okay, if you think so.” And then they reach out. And at this point this is the first time I’ve ever really known they were even in my world. This is the first time I’ve realized this person is interested or even seriously considering. This is when they enter my world.

So, all of that I just explained, that’s before I’m even in the realization that they’re in my world. So, then they set up a call and we talk. And then they either move forward and it finally all clicks or let’s say in the worst case scenario, the person who takes the longest to buy, they stress about the price. And they step back in the fear of it maybe not working for them again and they start the cycle all over again until the next time they’re fed up and then they’re likely really in.

And this happens for people again, whether this happens over a few days or it happens over a few weeks or it happens over a few months or over a few years, everyone’s different. There are lots of different types of buyers. Some people buy much faster than other people. Some people take the longest time to buy. Sales are happening all in between, but this is what I’m thinking about. I’m thinking about this person. This person is very helpful for me to think about.

This is my infinite game person where when I think about the long term of my business, I’m thinking of serving the people who are available to buy today and who are really interested right now. Today is their day that they are fed up and they’re in, that they’re inspired and they’re in. And then there are people who are going to take a long time. But what am I doing this whole time knowing that I don’t know that this is happening, just assuming this is happening with people, not knowing who it is, what am I doing the whole time?

What I’m doing when I believe this, when I’m focused on the infinite game and knowing that this is what happens with buyers, I’m showing up every single day. I am meeting new people because I know some people are days people, some people are weeks people, and some people are months people and some people are years people. So, I’m showing up knowing that I’m going to serve all of those people and open to meeting all of those people. And then I’m telling everyone who I am.

And I’m giving value across the board and creating opportunities for people to come into my world and engage deeper for free, to help them get more certain of themselves, not me, of themselves. I’m thinking of what I can say today to reach them right now, because I know the cost of waiting another day. And I’m also knowing that the only thing that will move them is moving them right now, in this moment, always. So, I’m approaching every day like this is the moment, the day.

If you’re in 2k for 2k, this is the energy of 2k today. How would I show up if I believed I could walk into a room and make $2,000 today and sign that first client, that next client? What would I do if I believed that client was there on the internet, waiting to watch my live stream, waiting to read my social media post and today would be the day that they would finally have the courage to take action? I stay ready for this decision moment. I don’t come in and out and act inconsistently because I don’t think this decision moment is happening anytime soon. I stay ready for it.

I make offers constantly for that decision moment to be today and for me to comfortably, for me to create a space where that can comfortably transpire for them, I’m finally ready, oh my God, and there’s an offer. She’s made an offer today. It must be the universe. It’s magic in the air, or it’s that I’m making offers all the time. For them they might feel like it’s a little magic in the air. And then I’m constantly figuring out what they need to hear, how they need to hear it, and how I know that I haven’t said what they need to hear and how they need to hear it is, they haven’t bought yet.

So, I keep thinking of different ways I can say it, 100 different ways. I improve my marketing and selling and delivering so that I get more and more confident and I deliver it in a clearer and clearer way every time. I grow my self-concept as a coach and a leader and a money maker. I help others who are ready now. And I keep figuring out what I can do to make that next step for the people who haven’t taken it yet, more exciting. I get clearer on the outcomes and the vision of what’s possible. I get better at explaining that in a compelling way.

I get better at tangibly explaining the gap between where they are and where they want to be. I continue to every day be a product of my product so that I can be an example of what it’s like to be a life coach, work with a life coach, have life coaching tools everywhere I go, everywhere I go. I’m just a walking billboard for my offer. I wake up every morning and turn my open sign on. I make new and exciting offers to keep it interesting. I get more confident and more bold.

I work on me until I become the version of me who signs this person, and every person. I don’t ever think it’s because they don’t want it or they’re never going to buy or they would have by now. I remind myself of their journey, of what they’re working up against, that they don’t actually have someone in their life talking to them every single day, helping move them forward. I know that they’re in and out of that. I know how busy they are. I know how overextended they are.

I know all the obstacles and limitations that they have to overcome to even become the person that’s like, “I’m going to do this.” And I meet them where they are and I keep serving and supporting from afar. I get better at explaining the value of what I do. I keep offering free ways to come in and explore. And this is where this concept of the nurture-offer sequence really came to me is, I live in a nurture-offer sequence. I’m nurturing with value. I’m nurturing with service. I’m making offers. I’m nurturing value and service and making offers. And I’m meeting people all of the time to come into that sequence.

In 200k Mastermind, if you’re a 200k student or you become one, I teach a concept that would be the next concept after this called the three year buy cycle, but I just stay doing two things. I’m nurturing the people who I know are going through this sequence. I want you to really think about this as, have you ever done that, where you have done a play by play of what it could take for someone to buy from you, really walked through their life step by step by step?

I wrote this out, this scenario out in five minutes because I think of this person all of the time. I think of this experience all of the time. I’m living in their story in a way that’s very powerful for me, and it’s very compassionate and understanding, and knows that I’m the one that has to show up the most to make this happen. I know I’m the one that has to keep getting creative. I’m the one that has to keep going. I’m the one that has to troubleshoot when it isn’t working.

And sometimes it is something really tangible and simple, something on your sales page is causing confusion and so it’s having people not sign up. Or sometimes it’s as simple as you’re not sold on your offer, so no one else is going to move first. No one else is going to be sold first. It will feel like there is no power, nothing that could be changed if you’ve taken action for a long period of time and not changed anything along the way because there is a difference.

The people who work with me often tend to be the people who are taking action. And so, they’re taking action. They’re evaluating and then we’re going again. But when people come to me for the first time or they’ve been at it for a long time, it may be years in their business and never created anything. Typically, when I ask them, “How much of that did you evaluate?” They tell me, “Nothing.” So, there is a difference between being the same salesperson, having the same offer and going at it every single day without changing anything.

And then you could stack up years of failure and have not much to learn from it and feel very deflated or like I told my 2k students and I told my challenge students in my Mastermind. “I want you to become a new version of yourself every single day because you actioned and then you learned and then you reimplemented. You evaluated. You theorized. You critically were thinking and doing something different and becoming someone different every single day. By the end of a 30 day period or a five week period, you’re a completely different person.”

That is required along the way, which is why I added who I am. So, there’s what they’re going through in their life and then there’s who I’m being in my business. And we want both of those to meet together to converge into a client coach experience. And so, I have to live in the land of us making that happen. I live there. I live in their experience and understanding it. I live in what I can do better to support them. And I stay constant in showing up, nurturing, giving value, making offers as if today is the day, always, today is the day for them to be taking action.

I always say, there’s no better day than today to make a change. It’s the only day available to make that change, today right now. But I don’t get frustrated and give up because I didn’t get what I wanted today. I keep going. I think of this person. I create another scenario for another person. This would be so valuable and beneficial for you. This is so much better than thinking of a client avatar. Who’s your perfect person? That’s valuable to some degree but think about the non-perfect person who also could be helped.

And think about what it would require of you to get all of the people, the people who move right away and only need a few days or the people who need a few weeks.

Alright, I just know this episode is going to help so many of you. Just make a little promise with me right here and right now that you’re not going to ever tell yourself again, if they wanted to buy it, they would have by now. I have so many examples of this, but I literally had people sign up just now for 2k for 2k LIVE that were on my list for eight years, six years. I have been selling 2k for 2k LIVE for six years and I had someone ask me what it was during this opening. “Wait, I don’t know what 2k for 2k is.”

I actually did a webinar where I invited people to come and learn from me, and I only invited people who were not already in 2k or 200k or Two Million Dollar Group. And I asked people on that live webinar, “Have you heard of 2k for 2k?” And many of them said no, but I talk about it relentlessly on my social medias, in my emails. At the end of my email there’s a call to action to join 2k for 2k, after every single email. On my website, the very first page, there’s a button that says make money now and it sends you to my free five day training which offers 2k for 2k.

And yet there were people on my list, clearly they had to have been because we didn’t market it on social. They came to this webinar and told me they hadn’t heard of 2k for 2k. So, you just can’t ever say to yourself, if they wanted to buy it, they would have by now. The truth is they don’t know what you’re offering. They haven’t heard it enough yet. They missed all the offers before today’s. They just haven’t seen them enough, maybe at all.

And if you really believed that were true, or it hasn’t been said to them in a way that really clicks for them, that this is for me, that this will help me. If you believe that, everything you do every day in your business is going to be completely different.

Alright, have a beautiful week. I’ll talk to you next week. Go make some money, serve some clients. Be the amazing coach that I know you can be and I will talk to you next week. Bye bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program. Where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part, using my simple five-step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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