Make Money as a Life Coach® Podcast

Ep #74: Letting Clients Come to You

Ep #74: Letting Clients Come to You

All of you know that my philosophy around selling is to meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, and make offers to help them. There is a lot of misunderstanding around what I mean by this, and...

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Ep #73: Truth Bombs from Inside 2K for 2K

Ep #73: Truth Bombs from Inside 2K for 2K

Over the last six weeks, I’ve been doing daily live coaching inside my 2K for 2K program as part of my response to the coronavirus pandemic. I believe people need coaches now, more than ever, and so...

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Ep #71: Coaching Business Models

Ep #71: Coaching Business Models

One of the reasons the students in my 200K mastermind manage to make a ton of money without working themselves into the ground is that we work on making very considerate decisions about the...

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Ep #70: Advanced Selling

Ep #70: Advanced Selling

A lot of people come to me with questions about the different principles I teach in 2K for 2K and my 200K mastermind. Your mindset as a coach and the level at which you’re learning to sell is vastly...

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Ep #69: Making Money with Kids at Home

Ep #69: Making Money with Kids at Home

One thing that’s come up more than ever for my clients during this whole pandemic situation we’ve got going on, is how to make money when you’ve got all your kids at home. Balancing business and...

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