Make Money as a Life Coach® Podcast

Ep #39: Limiting Money Beliefs

Ep #39: Limiting Money Beliefs

I’ve experienced too many clients come to me with their limiting money beliefs, thinking that this is some deep-rooted issue they have to unravel to start making money in their business. No. Let’s...

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Ep #38: The Value Bank

Ep #38: The Value Bank

If you’re in any of my programs or have been following me for a while, you probably understand the concept of value and how it is key to making money in your business. Without putting value out into...

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Ep #37: Self-Value Vs. Business Value

Ep #37: Self-Value Vs. Business Value

I see a lot of clients who tell me they feel unworthy and thus feel the need to work through that belief system before they can get to work on their business. On the podcast today, I’m going to help...

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Ep #36: Underselling

Ep #36: Underselling

Last week, we talked about the concept of overselling, and today we’re addressing underselling. Although these concepts seem paradoxical, they really have the same roots. All of it has to do with...

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Ep #35: Overselling

Ep #35: Overselling

We're diving into the concept of overselling this week because it's something all of us go through at some point on our journeys as entrepreneurs and coaches. When we're lacking the confidence and...

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Ep #34: Urgency to Buy

Ep #34: Urgency to Buy

I know that many of you don't like the idea of selling because it feels like you're lying. That said, there's also the other side of the coin where you feel the need to create a sense of urgency in...

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Ep #32: How to Ask Great Questions

Ep #32: How to Ask Great Questions

I get a lot of questions in my 2K group, like "What next steps should I take?," or "How do I motivate myself into action?" but just presenting questions like these isn't how you grow your business....

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Ep #31: Entitlement

Ep #31: Entitlement

Lovies, be prepared to be triggered this week on the podcast as I'm taking a deep dive into the topic of entitlement. We all know that being an entrepreneur and trying to grow our coaching...

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Ep #30: The Belief Scale

Ep #30: The Belief Scale

This week, I'm introducing you to a concept called the belief scale. We spent the last three weeks going through the three stages of belief, so you know how to identify which stage you're in by...

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