Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Creating Big Things 2.0

Over the past year, my team and I have been quietly working on one of the biggest projects we’ve ever created in my business. The end result we’ve built has truly been a dream come true, and I can’t wait for you to experience the brilliance of it as we enter the holiday season.

As I reflect back on how far my coaching practice has come and think about where I want to take my business going forward, I have a deep knowing within me that things have to change to accommodate the influx of clientele and the growth of my own mastery and teaching. I have a vision of my brand and the ways in which I want to present my best work to all of you, and this project is how my team and I have emulated it.

Tune in this week to discover why I decided to embark on this game-changing project, the complete timeline and breakdown of how I made it happen, and the biggest takeaways that have contributed to the end result. If you’re already in 2K for 2K, I know that so many of you have already been enjoying the fruits of my labor, and if you haven’t already joined yet, there has never been a better time.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What I’ve been working on for the last year.
  • Why I wanted to make changes and deliver an up-leveled product for my students.
  • The vision that I have for my business going forward and how I’ve emulated that.
  • A breakdown of the work my team and I have done over the last six months.
  • How I’ve enabled my students to deeply apply the lessons they learn in my program.
  • The biggest lesson I took away from creating this big project in my business.
  • 8 things that contributed to me being able to create this end result.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 104. We’re talking about creating big things 2.0. So I did a podcast, if you haven’t listened to it, the original creating big things. We talked about my journey creating my first virtual event for 200K mastermind and doing it in a really big way.

Well today, I want to give you the inside scoop on another big project myself and my team just created. We are feeling a little bit like it’s Christmas morning. It was so fun, it started yesterday where we really started – it started to sink in, that it was feeling like Christmas Eve and we felt like Santa Claus.

Like we were going to come in the middle of the night and deliver Christmas presents to all of our clients, and they were going to wake up in the morning and have all of the presents and feel the magic of Santa. This is how it’s felt for us here at Stacey Boehman Coaching. It’s been a really fun, emotional day.

So here’s what we’ve been working on for the last six months very quietly, very diligently, and on today’s episode, I’m going to break down the work that I did to create this end result that I’m going to tell you about today. So I would actually say for the last year I’ve been personally working on this. Six months in my head, six months of actual hard work.

But today, we have launched for our clients – now, if you’re listening to this, this is going to be released two weeks after we have done this. But today, as of December 9th 2020, we have released in the quiet of the night, a brand new 2K for 2K member portal and a brand new 2K for 2K process.

It has been the joy of my life thus far in my business. So let me first rewind and tell you a little bit about what led up to that decision, and then I’m going to tell you about the end result and I’m going to tell you – I just jotted some notes down on what I think it took for me to create this.

So without further ado, at the beginning of this current year, 2020, I really knew that as my business grew, we were already at multiple seven figures, that in order to go to eight figures and 10 million dollars, 20 million dollars, there were some things that we’re going to have to change to accommodate an influx of clientele.

So another big thing that just happened is we just hit 2000 members in 2K for 2K. 2000 coaches making money. Everyone has been celebrating and I love that my students feel like that is significant. They feel the vision and the energy of what that means, how many people are going to be helped because 2000 coaches are learning how to sell.

So thinking of at 10 million dollars, 20 million dollars, 5000, 10,000 people being in my program, I started thinking about what would need to happen to accommodate that level of student participation, to teach all of those students at once, and I’ve gone through my own process four or five times.

And although I think it’s brilliant and amazing, mostly because my thoughts about selling that are just normal for me blows people’s minds. Like wait what? No one has said it quite this way. So my first iteration of 2K, what I would consider looking back, my first most basic teaching skills and my first most basic ideas were really mind-blowing to my students.

And we’ve made four million dollars off of our program with that. Many of the modules created – some of the modules were created where I hired someone to film me and the sound is terrible. Horrible. And I literally was propping a flip chart up, like a dry erase board up on a chair and writing on it and just breaking down models.

So the sound was bad, you can hear wind chimes in the background, and then it was created at the time that I was selling Diva Business School. So a lot of the videos were like, “Hey Diva,” and I would refer to Diva Business School and old masterminds like VIP Divas.

So those were some of the things as I was going through my course four, five different times that really started to stand out to me as this could be a lot better. The sound could be better, the teachings could be more clear and succinct and they could be more up to date with the vision and the brand that I have now.

The content itself is incredible. Again, it’s just my basic thoughts I feel like about selling make it so valuable on its own. But I knew after going through master coach training, I think that was 2018, I was really forced to become a very good teacher. Forced by the instructors.

We had to do a lot of teaching exercises and I had to work on my teaching a lot and it’s gotten so much more efficient and clearer and easier I think to follow as I’ve also just coached 2000 students through the 2K process and had to much more experience coaching in big group settings, all of the things.

So I felt like there was this next level version emerging from me. But I also knew it was going to be a big task. It was going to be a big project because the way that I was kind of thinking about it is if I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it right. I’m going to do it and I’m not going to do it again for a while. It’s going to be a very thought-out meticulous presentation of my best work. That’s what I’m going to present to the world.

And I want to really make a big splash with it and I want it to be something representative of holding a space for 5000, 10,000 students and for creating eight figures in my business. I really want it to represent that future brand. And so I’m not going to just re-record stuff in my office and throw it up. I’m going to really put some time into it.

And then on top of that, as I’m watching the process over and over, I also – we had done our first member portal, the way we designed our portal the first time, we had done it with a designer who did custom coding, where it wasn’t just like we could go in and change things all the time. Everything was very custom. It was hard to bring new people on to work on our site. And it wasn’t as functional as we wanted it to be.

And so we went in and did a small iteration, a small upgrade to make it a little more functional. And then there were some pieces of it that just still weren’t as user friendly as they could have been. And so I’m thinking about 10,000 people and I’m thinking it has to be extremely user friendly.

And we get emails all the time from people telling us they love the process, they love everything about the program, and they love it so much, and they feel so much ownership over the program that they have ideas for how to make it better. So we’ve kept those ideas and we’ve thought about – we’ve taken into consideration everything that they would like to have.

For example, because they like to go through the process so many times and because they don’t want to miss a beat, our students have requested progress tracking. And we’ve had students request closed captioning, and we’ve had students request being able to download the modules and the life coaching calls so they can listen to them when they’re not in good reception areas.

So we’ve really thought about everything that they’ve said would make their experience 100 times better. And so it wasn’t just I want to overhaul the content to reflect my highest level of mastery teaching and coaching and highest-level ideas after coaching 2000 students, but also, we want to make a member portal that is extremely user friendly and functional.

So this is what we did for six – I’m going to break down this year. For the first six months, I really focused on going through the process and just paying attention to things that I thought needed to be changed and ruminating on those ideas. I’m going to talk about this in a second, but there’s a concept that I want to actually spend an entire podcast for you all on, which is called strategic procrastination.

But it’s an idea of when you have an idea of something you want to create and something you want to work on, if you don’t get working on it right away, if you allow there to be time between when you create the idea and when you deliver it, and you go do other things, in that procrastination, what’s actually happening in the back of your mind once you’ve committed to creating something is your mind already goes to work figuring out how to create that.

And it’s doing that kind of subconsciously, which is one of the things I love about our brain is I think our brain works really hard for us when we understand how to make that happen. And so for six months, I was coaching in 2K and I was going through the Facebook community and reading everyone’s comments and seeing where they were getting stuck and making notes, jotting things down, creating concepts, delivering them first on the podcast.

Really ruminating on what I want to teach if I could teach this from scratch again. And then teach it like it’s the first, last, and only time I’m ever going to teach it. So I did that for six months while I also went on and created other things.

And my team started working on it very early on as well, seeing what would need to be done to create this user-friendly version, researching different plugins, researching different options, hiring designers, all of those things.

And then we wanted to do a total rebrand of all of our program materials, like our Making Money with the Model workbook, our Consultation Code, all of our things like that. So they started working on that in the background as well.

And then in September, it was go time. It was time to really create this work and so I’m going to tell you about that in a second, but I’m going to flash forward now to December 9th 2020, Christmas morning, launch day of our brand-new member portal.

I’m going to probably get emotional. I did interviews today and cried on both of them like a crazy person. They actually loved it, so they’ll probably come work for us because our entire team has the good feels today.

But today we launched the new member portal and the new process and it is gorgeous. It is completely user friendly. Same original five-step process. So when you start the program, you go through learning how to market organically, organic marketing, and then you move into an entire module that focuses just on making offers, which is actually part of marketing, but I did an entire module to really dive into making offers because there’s so much drama for coaches about making offers.

And then we move into clean selling as step three. I break down how to do a consultation step by step on step four. And then step five is dedicated, even though it’s part of consultations, it’s an entire module dedicated to the art and the craft and the skillset of overcoming objections.

And so I would say a year ago I re-filmed clean selling and added in making offers. So those were relatively new so I didn’t touch those. I think they’re really great work already. So I re-filmed marketing, the consultation process, and overcoming objections.

And the work I created there literally makes me cry, first of all. It’s so beautiful, so well taught. The classrooms are anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, highly digestible, totally representative of mastery in teaching and coaching. And very focused on this is the exact thing you will need to go out and apply and get the result you created.

So we have five beautiful modules with anywhere from eight to 10 classrooms in each module, breaking down little concepts that helped me really make my first 100K. Not just my first 2K but my first 100K. And then we added the progress tracking, we added the closed captioning.

So we have some people who are more visual learners, they like to read the words as they’re happening. We redesigned the functionality. So when you log in, you only see four buttons. So it’s not hard to figure out what to do. The first one says start here, and when you click on that, it teaches you how to go through the program.

So it teaches you how to utilize Ask A Coach in the best way you can, how to engage in the Facebook community, it teaches you about the model and gives you an option if you want to learn the model and where you can go learn even more in depth in bonuses that we offer about the model. And you learn how to evaluate and how to do your evaluations, and then you can also take just a crash course, just a couple little classrooms on the model so that you understand the basics when we talk about it.

I really teach the model, especially now, since we have so many students who have never heard of the model, they’ve never used the model, they’ve been certified with other programs, they use other techniques. I don’t want that to be something that you have to learn in order to understand my work.

So I really created this new process to be sort of working with in the best way, utilizing the model to sell and to make money and to utilize your brain in the highest capacity, but also to learn how to sell and do consultations and sign clients without having to learn the model.

And so you can take that course if you want to learn the basics of the model, and then if you want to go even deeper, then you can jump into bonuses, the Making Money with The Model program, and go through a 30-day period where you really deeply intensely study the model and apply it to the 2K process.

So that’s how you start. Start here takes you through basically the orientation process. And under every video, it gives you a little button to go to the next one. So you never know what you should do next, it leads you right through the program. It’s so easy and so clear on what to do.

And then the next option that you have on the homepage is the 2K process. And then you have the live coaching tab, and then you also have Ask A Coach. And under the live coaching tab, this is something really fun that I didn’t even know my team was doing. So I have to give them all credit.

They went through and watched the live coaching calls that we’ve done for the last two years and labeled them all by topic so that you can scroll through and be like, I really need coaching right now on this very specific topic, and you can go in and select the topic. So amazing of them, so shout-out to Christine and Michelle for making this happen.

Really, it was a brilliant idea and I was blown away. We started doing that in our 200K member portal and I guess they just decided to do it in the 2K portal and I was on board. It’s amazing. So you have four really simple options, but then you also have a bonuses tab where you’re going to get all of the original bonuses that we have.

And because our students loved the 2K process so much, they have favorites from the original process, we kept the entire original process under a bonus tab. So you can just click on 2K for 2K 1.0 and you have access to that as well. So it’s really like two programs in one now.

And we also created a tab for webinars because so many of my students, they can’t come live to my webinars, they desperately want to watch them because they’re so valuable. And so they have access now to all of our past webinars that we’ve done.

And so many more things. It’s really stunning. It looks beautiful, highly user friendly, and oh, the most fun thing. So I wanted people to be able to deeply apply all of the lessons and I didn’t want them to binge so fast that they blow through the classrooms and don’t actually apply the work. I wanted to slow my students down a little bit.

So we actually created worksheets. I created worksheets for every single classroom. And some of them have a couple, if I wanted to take an exercise one or two different ways. Sometimes it helps to hear something a couple different ways.

And so underneath each classroom, you literally click on the download the worksheet button and the worksheet emerges and you can fill it out. And then you do that through the entire process, but we also compiled all those worksheets into one workbook with space to do self-coaching and evaluations after every single classroom.

So you can really take what you learned through the module and do your self-coaching work and not just be guessing on what you should be self-coaching on, but actually be guided through your self-coaching, know specifically what to take to Ask A Coach or our live coaching calls every week.

And then also go out and apply it into the world and bring it back and evaluate it and have all of that in the exact same space. I think that is going to change the game for people getting results and really being kind of force-led to deeply apply the work.

So we put that all in one workbook as well if people want to print that out and have it and actually write in it. And then I love that you can also access and download the worksheets from each classroom in case there are some – our consultation process, we give you exercises that you actually fill in while you’re working with a client on a consult.

And you can print those off, five, 10, 15, 20 of those without printing out the whole workbook 20 times. You have access to print individual worksheets that you want to do over and over. You have that access. And then you can mark each classroom complete as you go so you never get lost and forget what you have learned.

Y’all, it’s stunning. I mean, I can’t even handle it. It’s, I’m telling you, the great work of my life. So this is the result that we launched. Oh, and I almost forgot, how could I have forgotten this? Okay, one last thing and then I’m going to tell you how I did it.

We also launched a private podcast. So good. So this is how this happened. Because people had requested to be able to download the episodes, that had been happening for a year and I never knew how I wanted to do that because there’s a lot that goes into allowing people to download your work.

And so I was trying to figure out how that would kind of work, and then at the beginning of this year, my coach Brooke Castillo with The Life Coach School launched for her program, Self-Coaching Scholars, an internal podcast. And then a couple of my other colleagues did it as well.

I happen to be in Self-Coaching Scholars and I am obsessed with the internal podcast. I love being able to listen to the past coaching calls that I missed or the ones that I loved just over and over. I listen to it while I’m getting ready and putting my makeup on. I’m like, this is fantastic.

I wanted my students to have that ability. I don’t even have a membership. This probably works better if you have a membership and people are continuously paying you. 2K is a one-time payment. You get lifetime access. But I’m like, listen, they should have this. It’s amazing.

I loved interacting with the internal podcast with Self-Coaching Scholars so much that I thought my students just have to have this. So we created an internal podcast as well, so you can listen to the past coaching calls. And then once you’ve made it all the way through the member portal through the 2K process, through all the videos on the member portal and you’ve gone through them and actually taken notes and done the activities, once you are completed with that, you get an email and you get access to all of the modules.

There’s a separate feed with all of the module content as well that you can listen to on the podcast. So if you’re someone that goes through the course more than one time, like so many of my students, your second, third, fourth time around, you can just listen to the lessons over and over and over on the podcast.

We want you to do the work the first time. We want you to watch it, I use a flip chart for all the trainings, it’s highly engaged. I think it’s really important, a lot of things I teach about selling and about energy and how you impact and influence your client with how you show up, it’s really helpful to have visuals and see that playing out.

And so I want people to go through that process first through the videos and watch the videos. But then I want you to have access to listen to the content and the material over and over and over and over. So that’s what we did.

So now it feels like okay, those are the changes we just delivered. Really, really fun. People are already messaging that they’ve subscribed to the podcast and they’re so excited.

So this was a lot of work. And it required six months of continual work, meaning I work three days a week, all three of those days going to creating content. And what I found was the biggest challenge for me was sustaining my brain to think at that level that much.

It doesn’t require anything for me to think when I’m coaching other people because I’m just listening to their thoughts and reflecting back to them what I hear and what I see. But when I’m creating content, it’s using your brain in a different way. It’s very highly engaged. And it requires a lot of energy.

So to keep my brain willing, for example, when I was teaching, to keep my brain willing to have the patience to break down a concept that is second nature to me in a way that would be digestible for someone who it’s completely not second nature to, to take the time and patience and be willing to really think that through and break it down. It required a lot of energy of my brain and a lot of focus over the last six months.

I was telling my colleague Kara, we did a podcast that you’ll hear the episode before this one, I think. And I might have even talked about it there, where it’s made creating other content, for example, for the podcast and for other things so much harder because my brain is tired.

I might have told her this before we hit record. But my brain is tired. It doesn’t want to think about things anymore. It’s like, I want a break. But it was such a great learning process for me to know that I could sustain that level of thought for six months straight.

So without further ado, that’s the major lesson I took from creating this second big project of my business really. Maybe third because we also created 200K member portal. I’ll tell you about that one a different time. And that was a really big project too, but this one really pushed me.

And I feel like the 200K member portal, so much of that went into creating big things 1.0 when I did the 200K live event. I did it all at the same time. So this one was like, a lot, a lot of work. And I think that’s the biggest takeaway I took is that it is possible to push your brain far beyond what you think for extended periods of time.

Okay, so here are some of the things I think contributed to this result. Number one was the strategic procrastination. I’m going to do a separate podcast on that at some point, but being willing to give myself six months to think about it in a really abundant way with no time constraint. To not be in a hurry, to not be rushed or urgent.

I will say for those of you who have not created your body of work yet, who are still working on just coaching people and developing your skill of coaching and figuring out who your people are going to be and what you’re going to teach and what that will look like, this is why I don’t want you to rush to do those things.

Because you want to have time that isn’t rushed and urgent to just think and create with no deadline. To just be mulling things over, to really strategically be allowing your brain to marinade. So even if you – once you’ve decided you’re going to create something, once I decided I was creating the new member portal, even when I wasn’t taking action on it, my brain was thinking about it for six months straight.

Be in the shower thinking about it, on a walk, thinking about it, coaching a client, thinking about it, in the Facebook community, thinking about it. I have literally probably 100 pages of notes in my phone from things I’ve thought about and I would always put them under headings that I could pull up and search later.

And it took weeks to take all that content and distill it down, make sure I include this, make sure I include this, and I also didn’t want to repeat myself. So I had to keep going through the original process to make sure, okay, I taught this here so let’s not teach this again here. And really be very concise and constrained.

And that strategic procrastination was so helpful. We oftentimes beat ourselves up about procrastinating, wanting to do something and not taking action on it, and I just want to challenge you that it can be really purposeful and helpful to decide to do something and then allow yourself some time to go do something else before taking action on it and allow yourself that – remember, a luxurious amount of time from creating big things, the first podcast. Giving yourself luxurious amounts of time to think about and create.

The second thing is the patience. The patience to do this. To have an outcome that you’re thinking about, whether that’s a goal that you want to create, say a million dollars, 200K, 25K, or it’s a big project you’re creating, the patience to allow yourself to take a sufficient amount of time for the work to be very high quality.

To not rush because you don’t have the patience and because you want the instant gratification of it being done. Patience was everything here. And discipline I think went along with that once I started the process in September to actually start recording and creating the worksheets and getting – actually doing the work to create this new process and portal.

The discipline to do it even when I didn’t want to. I remember one of the things I learned was if I wrote the flip charts out and didn’t record right away, I didn’t like the end result as much and I would end up re-recording.

So I remember so many times writing out the flip chart and then being like, no, it’s go time, we have to record right now, even though I might have been scheduled to have dinner or a meeting with someone. I would be like, listen, you got to give me 15 extra minutes. I’ve got to get this recorded. And just the discipline, even Neil commented on how disciplined I was with getting the work done.

And then the courage, this was – I decided to call my creative process the chaos. So courage to go into the chaos, to be willing to put yourself in a lot of drama. To me, I was telling Kara that it felt like I’m in the movie, A Beautiful Mind, that’s what it feels like when I’m creating.

There’s just so much happening in my brain and to get it out of my body and on to paper articulately and into trainings, it’s a lot of chaos, it’s a lot of drama. I’ve really allowed myself grace for that. Grace to let the process be highly messy and have drama and a lot of fear and to take way longer than I thought in order to get that best work out.

I did not push anything. I really wanted the best work to present itself, even if that required changing things up, re-recording things, taking longer than I anticipated. And my team was so gracious to accommodate that kind of chaotic creative process.

I don’t think we talk about that enough in the coaching industry, that creative processes are chaotic sometimes. And they’re not beautiful and proper and they don’t always fit directly in your schedule for exactly what you put on the calendar.

I love how Simon Sinek talks about in his last book that he wrote, I think it’s called The Infinite Game. It’s so good. I recommended all my 200K students read it. But he talks about that process, about it feels like when he’s writing a book, he becomes a madman.

And I do think you can get better at that, but I really think that along with that strategic procrastination for me, I love the work that I produce at the end of it, and I’ve just decided to not endlessly coach myself about being better about my creative process, but to allow myself to fully express it the way it comes out for me.

I think about Picasso and I think about Dalí and they weren’t thinking like, I was scheduled at 2pm to cut my ear off, to finish this melting clock, right? They were just going with whatever – I’m sure they took lots of breaks when they weren’t feeling the inspiration. They allowed themselves that kind of crazy chaos and then also the time to work through that for themselves. So to me, that was really important.

And then holding the vision. I had to hold the vision a lot in the times where I was having to have the most patience and discipline of thinking about my students on this morning getting this email, getting access to this new material and this new presentation of the material.

I really held the vision of the results it would create, the people it would impact, and even the future money that it would create for our company. And I had to do that enough that it kept me compelled and motivated to push my brain for six months straight. I had to constantly go back to that. Every time I stepped out and didn’t want to go to work, I brought myself back to the vision.

And then the other piece would be willingness to stay in that massive action. And the way that I do this, and it kind of encapsulates all of these things, holding the vision, having that courage, the discipline, the patience is I made my team present the work as we went so that I could see things. And the more concrete things I started to see, the more my energy would pick up and the more compelled I would be to keep going.

It’s kind of like – the way I imagine seeing a finished workbook cover, or seeing the worksheets being created. I would have them – they created the member portal and they put the old videos in as placeholders, and then I had them put the new videos on as I finished them.

And as I saw them, it felt like you’re running across a finish line of a marathon and you have people at the – you have 10 miles left, five miles left, two miles left, and you have those people cheering you on, telling you you only have this far to go. And it also helped me look and see what might need to change overall and what things needed to go here or there.

It’s like when I started, there was a million puzzle pieces, I didn’t know what the puzzle looked like or how to put all the pieces together. And we started piecing them together, and then ever so often, we would kind of zoom out and look at what we had created so far to judge the rest of the pieces and how they would come together.

And then this next thing is so important, which is failure tolerance. There was a lot of failure, a lot of setbacks. I recorded videos that had really terrible sound, my mic wasn’t on, my computer has a glitch with QuickTime where it sometimes just stops recording mid-sentence and freezes, and I have to close out of everything and then I have to create a part two and we have to dub them together.

Sometimes I have to go back and start something I was teaching. And one time I lost 40 minutes of content that it was like – in my brain I was shouting this is amazing, gone. And sometimes it would do that little interruption for everything I recorded, every single time for days on end.

And to be willing to not go into the tantrum and to be willing to work through it and keep going and not make it mean terrible things, to stay positive. I just decided it happens every time. I’m like, oh yeah, this is what happens, this is how we record.

And it really became this thing where there was zero drama. I have an entire process now of exactly what I do. Force quit QuickTime, pull it back up, save the video, do the next one as part two, message my producer. I mean, it was like, it became this process where I decided this always happens, here’s the process, I have no drama about it.

So I really think ultimately, what allowed me to finish the process and to stay in that – I don’t want to say high energy, but high-level thinking and creating to keep my brain producing at that level, the genius was not letting any of the technical difficulties get to me. To not assign them any meaning, to not have a strong emotional reaction.

Because this is how I am, and maybe you experience this too. But if I let myself get really frustrated, the tears come, and once the tears come, they don’t stop. And then my face is all puffy, and then we’re done for the day. So I really had to just nip any sort of victim mentality that would try to pop up, especially with my QuickTime computer issues, I had to really work on that and really tell myself that it didn’t matter, it wasn’t important.

The important part was that I just, wherever it paused, I would always stay in that thought, tell my brain to pause, stay right there, and I would get the new video up as quick as possible and just – I didn’t even skip a beat. Keep going. I think my ability to deal with that failure tolerance is the reason we have such a beautiful finished product.

And of course, my amazing producer, Matt Kerr was so incredible at seamlessly dubbing the videos together and editing them in such a beautiful way that you don’t notice at all. And I also – actually, the benefit I will say of all of those failures, of just those technological setbacks was I got so good at teaching my work. I had to say it 100 different ways.

I had to be able to say it over and over again and not really miss a beat. And so whatever big thing that you go to create, even if that’s a big goal coming into the new year, 2021, let’s do it, going into 2021 or even finishing with this year, you’ve really got to look at what is your meter for your failure tolerance.

How well are you handling failure, how much power and life and energy force are you giving to it? Are you willing to go through failure and setbacks for six months to a year straight and maintain your high-quality level of thinking? Use your brain at your highest level and all of those setbacks become non-important to the process.

I would really check in for you when you’re creating big things, is that the case? Because I think with a lot of people with their goals, especially when you first start achieving them, your tolerance for failure is so low that the reason you’re not achieving your goals is because of how much energy you’re giving to the failure and what your reaction to it is and then what you do after your reaction and how much time and energy goes to that.

And then your ability to pick yourself back up and get into that high level thinking and believing and stay in that vision and keep taking action until you see bigger and bigger pieces of the puzzle forming, until you get closer and closer to the finish line.

And the last thing is I really kept my eyes on my work. Really this entire year I feel like my eyes have been on my work. I was just talking to my coach and I said the one thing I can’t say about myself is I did not work hard this year. COVID did not stop me. We worked harder, we produced more, created more value this year than ever before.

Our results show for it. Six million dollars and counting revenue. I think we’re probably at 6.1 right now. And so I’ve worked really hard. And when you’re really in your own creative process, it’s very helpful to not be looking at what other people are doing and creating and compare and despair, doing all of that.

It’s really staying very focused on – for example, I wasn’t reading a bunch of books on marketing and reading a bunch of books on selling and trying to add in other people’s ideas. It was really pulling my ideas from my brain, getting them out, and not letting a lot of other people’s ideas influence that.

So if you’ve listened to the podcast on cognitive load and even horizontal hostility, that idea and concept came from that of just like, not focusing on what other people in the industry are doing, not letting myself get caught up in the pettiness in the industry and really being very careful about – especially since September, of what I’ve been putting in my brain, to be able to think at this high level.

So these are the things I would say contributed this round in the biggest way to creating such an incredible result for my clients. Strategic procrastination, patience, discipline, courage to go into the chaos, accept the chaos, and not try to endlessly self-coach myself to be better than the chaos, holding the vision for that end result and my clients and what we’re going to create, the impact of that, staying in massive action and having my team continuously show me what we’re creating, and the puzzle pieces so I could see the vision more and more clear as I go, really upping my failure tolerance to a level that I think it’s the highest it’s ever been, and really keeping my eyes on my work and focused on my students and focused on what I’m working on for six months straight.

It’s a long time to go without actually having that tangible result. It’s the same really as I think achieving a financial goal. It’s really working massively, consistently towards a result. So we’re very, very, very proud of the result.

I am so excited, if you’re listening and you’re one of my clients, to share this work with you. I do want to invite you obviously if you’ve not joined 2K yet, there has never been a better time. Now you literally get two programs in one. You get the old 2K process, you’ll always have access to the original content, and it’ll be fun for you to see too how much I’ve grown in that and what’s possible for you and see that you can get started where I was and see the end result as seven years in the making. So to see that end result.

So there’s never been a better time. You got to get in. The program is amazing and you have the opportunity to be making money by the beginning of next year, so don’t wait. Make sure you join.

Alright, I can’t wait. I have a couple of fun podcasts planned coming up. You’re going to hear from one of my amazing students who just crossed the million-dollar mark. And at the beginning of the year, I’m going to share with you my company values that I have been working on, as well as some of the brand-new concepts that I have created that are new classes inside the 2K process.

So you’ll get a little taste of what I’ve been working on over the past six months, so enjoy your holidays and I will see you next week.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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