Frequently Asked


Am I guaranteed to have results similar to past students in the data study?

We cannot guarantee that your results will be the same as the median student in our data study. This study is a measurable look at the median participant. Half our students grew MORE than this result and half grew less. Many factors and circumstances may play into this result including but not limited to, personal life circumstances, working full-time as a life coach, growing or declining revenue at the time of enrollment, coachability, and utilization of the resources inside the mastermind. 

Also please remember, 10, 20, and even 30+% growth is considered substantial in the business world. Our study does not intend to diminish these accomplishments either. Rather show what is possible when investing in coaching. 

Students who have had the most success tend to exhibit these traits: 

Highly coachable and willing to explore coaching given in the room and the principles taught in the room. 

Very motivated to grow and willing to work hard to make it happen. 

Are putting in full-time work hours and are fully committed to the mastermind, their growth, and their business during the mastermind. 

Willingness to plug into the community, track revenue, ask for help when they need it, and utilize the coaching given. 

Coach themselves daily and manage their brain and emotions. 

Have past track records for success they can lean on and believe their business is going to grow regardless of acceptance into the mastermind.

Do you offer payment plans?

We can accept payment on multiple cards or multiple payment methods. In some circumstances we may be able to set up a payment plan. Email with questions.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the time, energy, and investment that goes into curating and delivering each class, we do not offer refunds. This room is an advanced room and best suited for coaches who are familiar with Stacey’s teachings and processes through the Make Money as a Life Coach® Podcast, 2k for 2k program, or have been in her world for some time and understand her style. This room is best suited for coaches who feel fully comfortable in making this investment and getting a return for themselves.

Do I have to track my revenue in the mastermind?

Access to our custom revenue tracking software is given to all students, however it is optional to participate. Your individual revenue will never be shared publicly without your permission. Those who participate help allow Stacey to monitor the individual and group performance throughout the mastermind and tailor content to what is most helpful to the entire group. Each month you do a revenue report, and you will also get access to a BONUS revenue tracking call. Our goal with this technology is to increase mastermind performance overall, help individual coaches understand their numbers more deeply than median bookkeeping, and feel more powerful with their money and business moving forward.

What is the unbundled 200k Mastermind?

The 200k Mastermind is now more accessible than ever.

We’re offering each value component separately and making it available a la carte.

The July 2024 class will be the first class to have the opportunity to join the mastermind at its unbundled price of just $10k.

You’ll also have the opportunity to add one-to-one coaching to your mastermind for $5k.

Live Events will be held once a year, and you’ll be able to join those separately as well.

Why the change?

Unbundling is a strategic decision to make it easier for you to join 200k Mastermind sooner. To help you get results and to go further in your career—faster.

To learn more about the decision to unbundle the 200k Mastermind, listen to Podcast Episode #277: Unbundling (click here).

When is enrollment?

Applications are open May 13th, 14th, and 15th, 2024. (Mark your calendar now.)

What are the requirements to join the Mastermind?

The revenue requirement to join the 200k Mastermind is $25k. That means you need to have made a minimum of $25k in revenue in the last 12 months. This revenue will need to have come from sales directly to individual clients (rather than contract coaching for another coach or corporate clients).

What do I need to apply?

First, you need to know your numbers: Your total revenue in the last 12 months (May to May), your total revenue in 2023, and your total revenue (year to date) in 2024.

You’ll also give us a Google Drive link to your 3-minute (or less) video telling us why you’re a good fit for the mastermind.

The application also asks questions about your current offers (and how much revenue each offer has made), goals for the next three years, top three things you think you need to work on in your business, and why you want to join the Mastermind now.

When is Mastermind Week?

Mastermind Week is July 29th to August 2nd. This is when we kick off the LIVE portion of the 200k Mastermind. We’ll meet virtually for 90 minutes each day (Monday to Friday) from 11 am-12:30 pm ET to workshop each step of the 200k process.

When does the live coaching start?

The live coaching begins during Mastermind Week and continues with weekly calls beginning August 7th.

When do I get to start working with my one-to-one coach?

When you choose to add one-to-one coaching to your 200k Mastermind experience, you get 26 weeks of one-to-one coaching calls which you can book beginning July 1st. That’s four weeks to prep for Mastermind Week!

When are the weekly mastermind calls?

Calls are on Wednesdays at 3pm ET. This time was chosen using a world time calculator for all of the countries historically represented in the mastermind because it’s the time where most people can reasonably attend.

If you miss a call, or want to watch again, the weekly calls are always recorded and uploaded to the member portal.

Still have questions? Simply email us at and we’ll take care of you.

Still have questions? Simply email us at and we’ll take care of you.

Click below to access our 200k Mastermind Data Study