Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Making 200K with a Membership and Delayed Gratification with Maisie Hill
Y’all, get ready for an interview filled with truth bombs and amazing nuggets of wisdom about business and entrepreneurship. My guest on the podcast this week is my student Maisie Hill. She’s a menstrual and reproductive health expert, host of the Period Power podcast, and author of two best-selling books.

We covered a lot of ground in this conversation, and no matter where you are on your business-building journey, I guarantee there’s something here for each and every one of you. Maisie has such amazing stories to share about the reality of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and coach, and I know you’re going to be so inspired by her level of determination and commitment to making her impossible goals a done deal.

Join us this week to discover the mindset required to keep you on the path to your dream results. There are so many factors that can derail us, and Maisie is sharing gems of insight into what has kept her on track, why a membership was the perfect offer for her, and the power of being willing to commit to delayed gratification.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The type of mindset Maisie harnessed to come up with the money to join 2K and 200K.
  • Why Maisie was so willing to go down the path of delayed gratification.
  • The biggest thing Maisie has learned from being in the 200K group.
  • How Maisie kept redirecting her brain towards the results she wanted.
  • The power of practicing constraint.
  • What to do if you find yourself wanting to jump from offer to offer.
  • The reality of offering a membership.
  • One key determining factor to success that doesn’t get talked about enough.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and life coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Maisie: I sent you a voice note before I even signed up for 2K, accepting a future invitation to appear on your podcast.

Stacey: Oh my god, that’s amazing. That is fantastic. I don’t get any of those messages so people I guess send them to me and then I think our people read it, our social media people. I guess – I don’t know what happens. I never hear about it.

Maisie: That’s the thing because I have the same. But that’s the thing is I just sent it for me. I was like, this is brilliant.

Stacey: I love it. That’s fantastic. That’ll be our intro. I love it because Dara was the same way. She was like, I’m going to be on Stacey’s podcast, which I just love us manifesting that intention to the world.

Maisie: Yeah, because I see that all the way through my journey. 2K, 200K, all the way through. Even when it came to paying for 200K, I had that in my diary on that date like…

Stacey: I do remember that. I saw your comment. I was on Instagram, you had said like, I’ve had this in my calendar, and I remember thinking like, damn, that’s good.

Maisie: I was just like, I’m there, and I’m like, I’m just so thrilled about handing over this amount of money. This is going to be amazing.

Stacey: I love it. So good. Okay, so let’s start with – let’s just introduce you. Who are you? What do you do? How much money have you made? All the things.

Maisie: Oh, this is so exciting to say but I have to – before I even introduce myself, I’m so excited that I get to talk about my business because I go on a lot of podcasts…

Stacey: But you talk about your specialty.

Maisie: I never get to talk about business. I talk about business all fucking day long, so this is going to be…

Stacey: So fun. I love it. I can’t wait. Alright, tell everybody who you are.

Maisie: Okay, so I am Maisie Hill, and I am a menstrual health and reproductive health expert. That’s my niche. I coach people on improving their cycle, but not just improving their cycle like, really working with their cycle, and harnessing their hormones and just covering all the bases because life shows up in your cycle and your cycle shows up in life, so we have to approach things from both ends. And I’m also the author of two best-selling books, Period Power and Perimenopause Power, and I have the best job ever.

Stacey: I love it. So great. So you have a membership, so tell people about that because I think that when people think about joining 200K, when they think about working with me, sometimes they think it has to be very limited to the foundational way that I teach things, like the simple offer, and it has to be one-on-one coaching.

And if people come to me and they don’t have a foundation, they don’t have an audience that they’ve already built, and something they’ve already built up, I teach them one on one. We have that in the Advanced Selling book, like coaching business models, exactly how to choose, and it’s based on what’s available to you, what’s your expertise, what’s your audience size.

It’s not just like, oh, you have to do it this way. It’s like, this is the way that I recommend if you’re starting from scratch. But you came to me and you have a membership, so let’s just talk about that for a minute. Tell them about your membership, how much it costs if you don’t mind, how many people you have in it, all of the things, and then let’s just go from there.

Maisie: Okay, so my membership is called The Flow Collective and it’s been running for just over a year and a half. And I first started it and it wasn’t going to have any coaching in it interestingly. I was going to be giving content and asking questions and there was these other components.

So it was initially £15 a month. And then because I was working as a health coach, my background is as a practitioner, so I have 15 years’ experience treating people and working within this niche. And then I started my training at The Life Coach School. This is after I’d done health coach training as well, but I started at LCS and straight away I was like, this is going to be a coaching membership, I’m adding coaching in.

Stacey: Oh, I love that. I didn’t know – so first of all, I didn’t know you were a LCS coach. So funny. And I didn’t know that you had added coaching in as a thing, so I love it, I’m learning with all the audience at the same time.

Maisie: So I just – it started off being one thing and then I’d never planned on it being coaching. And then I had my first group call at LCS. So we’d done module one, group call, and I was like, I’m all in, I’m going to volunteer to coach on that first call. And that was on the Friday and then my first-time coaching anyone using LCS stuff, and the model was on the Monday on a call with 60 people watching.

Stacey: I love that. What was your thought that allowed you to just dive in? Because you know so many people, especially even in 2K tell themselves I’m a new coach, I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to guide someone. They have all these thoughts, whether they’re certified or not certified that terrify them to just get it out of their mouth. What was your thought that allowed you to just dive in?

Maisie: I was thinking like, this is going to be so much fun, this is going to be the quickest way to learn. Because that was a month where I even added in extra calls, and we usually do four calls across the course of the month and I did 13 so I could just get that coaching straight…

Stacey: In your membership?

Maisie: Yeah.

Stacey: Oh my god, that’s so fun.

Maisie: And it was so funny because that was when I was trying to come up with the money to join 200K. And I didn’t have it, so I had – oh my gosh, there’s so many layers and stories to this.

Stacey: I love it. We want to hear them all.

Maisie: Do you know about my toilet story?

Stacey: No. I have heard it’s similar though to Dara’s refrigerator story. Maybe I saw some conversation on the 200K page.

Maisie: So basically, I was running this membership and it was going well but it was £15 a month and when I had launched it, I had experimented with some ads and some people had signed up through ads, but it was £40 to get them to sign up through the ads. And it’s a £15 a month thing, so it’s like, there’s even no revenue for the first three months, let alone profit. Just no revenue.

So I was like, I was supporting the membership through one-on-one stuff and through money from my books and things. Just kind of holding it up, realizing okay, this business model doesn’t make sense with this cost and with how things are going.

So I was coming up with all these other crazy ways to make money so that I could join 200K. I was going to run a mastermind for other health practitioners and things like that, and I’d come up with the sales page and everything, and then I was like, hold on, what are you doing? This doesn’t make sense, you’re trying to write a book, you’re publicizing a book, you’re doing this, don’t add in anything new, you got to work with what you already have. So I caught myself, pulled down the sales page, I refunded people who had already paid.

Stacey: Okay, first of all, can we just stop and say how amazing that is?

Maisie: Yeah, we can.

Stacey: Let’s just say it. So many times coaches sell something and then realize it wasn’t the right thing and then they go through with it. Because they’re like, oh, people already paid, instead of being willing to refund people. And you’ve seen this happen, when you come into 200K, we really coach on having the best clients.

You really do have to – if you want to have the best clients, you have to raise your standard. And what happens when you do that is you realize how many people you’re coaching that aren’t – they’re either not getting results and you just keep letting it slide, they’re difficult and you’re constantly combatting with them, they’re not the right people.

You know that it’s not right for them, they probably know it’s not right for them. It’s like being in a codependent, unhealthy romantic relationship except with your coach. And what happens is then I’m like, yeah, you should probably go refund all of those people.

And not always, but in some situations, and people are so freaked out about that. So it’s so fascinating to just watch your thoughts be so natural, like oh yeah, I just jumped in and started coaching. And of course I just did this, and oh yeah, so I just saw that I did that for the wrong reasons and stopped and refunded people.

I just – really pause and point those things out because you say them so naturally, but I know so many people have so much drama around doing those things. And I think it’s really powerful for people to hear because that type of mindset is the reason you’re doing so well and making so much money.

Maisie: Yes, I agree. But at that time I was not making money. So having listened to your podcast and I signed up for 2K on April 1st, 2020. And I knew that the mastermind applications were coming round, and I was like, well…

Stacey: Like a month later, literally, because we always do it in May.

Maisie: Because I had originally thought – I thought I was going to be applying now originally. And then I was like, that’s a thought error. I know it seems logical in my brain, why would I wait? I should just do this now. Thank god I did.

So I was like, I’ve got to come up with the money from somewhere and I just thought, I’m just going to – because you speak so much about just showing up and giving value and that being the focus. So I was like, I’m not even going to think about the money. I’m just going to show up.

So I added all these extra calls in my membership, I gave everyone this incredible experience where people got so much transformation. And they’re all paying still £15 a month, but I received unexpected money that I had no idea was going to come my way. And I was working the 2K process, so I sold some one-on-one spots, and I just did a ton of consults. I just went wild that month with I’m just going to show up and the money’s going to come from somewhere.

And the money did come from somewhere and I was still pulling money – this bit from this account, and it was tight but when I look back then, I was definitely making decisions for now. So the toilet story is that our toilet had been broken, it was hard to flush. We were having to fill up buckets with water to flush the toilet. And it had been broken…

Stacey: That’s fantastic.

Maisie: And we just didn’t have the extra cash even just to get a new toilet installed. It’s not much money but we just didn’t have it. And meanwhile I’m like, supporting up the membership with other money and things, thinking I just want a new toilet. And then I had the money to get a new toilet at the end of March and instead of getting a new toilet I joined 2K.

Stacey: And then you joined 200K. Did you get the new toilet before 200K? Or did you join 200K?

Maisie: No because we went into lockdown and I couldn’t even get a builder round to do anything. So we were stuck with a broken toilet for months.

Stacey: Okay listen, everyone listening right now officially can never, never bring me any sad story ever again. If you’re not filling up buckets of water to flush your toilet, go sit down somewhere. That’s fantastic.

Maisie: Every time Stacey, I filled up that bucket of water, I just thought I made the right decision.

Stacey: Oh my god, I literally almost started crying. My eyes just welled up with tears. That is so incredible. You have that story for the rest of your life. How amazing is that? That’s what I would be thinking is like – and you have kids, right? Do you have kids?

Maisie: Yeah, I have a kid.

Stacey: So you get to tell your child that story of like – it’s going to be like when grandpa was like, I walked uphill both ways in the snow. You’re going to be like, I was filling buckets of water to flush my toilet to build my business. There is never a greater story than that story.

Maisie: And that’s the thing that I wanted to really speak about today is that delayed gratification. When you’re building a business and you’re giving your business everything that it needs, I haven’t had a holiday in five and a half years. We still have a temporary kitchen, I still – I remember going out with a friend of mine and sitting down and talking to her about our businesses and saying to her, “I can see my path to a million.”

Stacey: Yeah, 100%.

Maisie: I always feel self-conscious saying million because my parents are Scottish, so we say million, and my partner’s like, listen, if you’re going to make that kind of money, you’ve got to learn how to say it properly.

Stacey: Wait, how do they say it?

Maisie: They say million. But my partner’s like, it’s million. Like there’s extra things in there.

Stacey: So small, I didn’t even notice. When I make a million, I can say it however I want.

Maisie: So I remember saying to her I can see the path and I just signed up for 2K. And I was like, listen, you’ve got to get in there as well because this is where it’s at and I can see this path to a million. And then we got out and I drove her home and my car – there was a leak and there was so much water coming in through the roof that there’s actually a puddle sloshing around.

And this is so – there’s something wrong with the electrics because of the leak that meant I was driving home with the car alarm going off and I couldn’t turn the car alarm off. And she was looking at me going, “Maisie, you just told me,” and I was like, I know, and it doesn’t matter. I know this car is awful and I’m not in a great financial situation right now, but I just didn’t even care. I was so sold on the vision and…

Stacey: Why did I not know the fantasticness of all your stories?

Maisie: I’ve been saving it up for the podcast.

Stacey: This is gold. Seriously, so good. I love. I feel like you’re going to write a book one day about building your business when you’ve made your million and you’re going to include – this is seriously stuff that – it’s just the best. The best stories. These are the stories everyone wants to hear because I think they’re so real.

I often talk about how I – this was way before I was building a business, but I drove a very old 25-year-old car with a bungee cord holding my hood on because I had hit a deer in Kentucky or in Indiana and couldn’t pay to fix my hood. And actually when I started coaching, I had another 20-year-old car, a different one, a Camry.

And so many crazy things happened with that car. And I tell the stories and people just can’t even – my brakes went out when I was working selling, pitching. My brakes went out in Manhattan. I was living in Newport, New Jersey and driving to all the boroughs, through Manhattan, and having to use the pump e-brake.

People just walk out in the street in Manhattan all the time and so I would be willing people to not jaywalk while I’m using my e-brake, because it’s not reliable as I’m going through Manhattan. The craziest stories. And so I don’t feel like I know a lot of people who have the crazy stories like I do of just having no money and putting it all into your business. I love it.

Maisie: So many. And that’s the thing; in terms of numbers, I looked this up earlier. So in 2019, let’s do – I’ll give you both. So 2019 I made £26,000, which was $36,000. And that was a hard year because my book had come out and I was doing all the press for that, and people make lots of assumptions about authors having lots of money, and generally it’s quite hard to make money. Most – apparently most authors never earn out their advance. They never make any money from the book. They just get…

Stacey: Do you have to give it back if you don’t make it?

Maisie: No, you don’t. But it’s like, it’s quite rare for you to earn out your advance and actually make any royalties from it.

Stacey: Okay, so hold on, let’s stop there for two seconds because I think there’s a really good lesson in that in that I love how you have used your book to sell your membership and I think it’s important to say that a lot of your clients have come from your books. But – and if I’m incorrect tell me. I think I’m remembering that from conversations.

Maisie: When my book came out, I had no offer because that’s the thing, I was so burned out from writing the book and editing and everything you go through when you’re publishing a book that I knew in my business head it would be good to have an offer to sell, but I just needed to hide under a duvet and be left alone. But I’m there promoting the book and at the same time I found out that my mom was terminally ill. So 2019, I was just…

Stacey: It was a rough year.

Maisie: It was a rough year. But I knew I wanted to launch the membership. So that’s the interesting thing is I had very few clients. I didn’t have much money coming in, but I was just like, I’m just going to go for the membership, I know I can impact thousands of people, and so I’m just going to go for that. And that’s been really interesting, then being in 200K and looking at the process.

Stacey: You’ve done it.

Maisie: I have. But there’s definitely been a couple of times where I had to quickly coach myself out of thinking that just because I’m not following what’s in a workbook that I’m doing it wrong. A quick like, why am I even thinking that?

And I think that’s the thing about being in the room, being in 200K is that you have to – I feel like it’s required of you to get good at making decisions. And I think you go in thinking well, I’m going to decide about my offer and I’m going to decide about this, and I’m going to decide on that, but what I mean by decisions is deciding you’re not going to entertain those thoughts and just noticing very quickly, the sooner you can notice that your thoughts are going off on a little tangent and you’re like, hold on, got to get back to the main road. That’s not the route that I picked. And just deciding that continually, continually get back to the road, get back to the road, stay on the path that you’re on. And that has served me incredibly well.

Stacey: So good. I love that. Okay, so what I wanted to say is that that’s such a good example of – I see a lot of, I don’t know if they’re coaches or editors or who they are, I don’t know exactly what they would call themselves, but I see a lot of offers out there for people who will – you can pay them loads of money and they’ll help you write a book.

And then they pitch that as that’s where all of your money is going to come from, and all of your success is going to come from. And I just want to – you’re the best person to have on and talk about this is like, be really careful if you think that your marketing plan and all of your money is going to come – you’re going to write a book and then you’re going to make all this money.

It’s a lot more work for a lot less money than you might be being pitched and it’s just really important to know that ahead of time. It’s not that it’s a wrong decision, but it’s just you want to know that ahead of time. Okay, so £26,000 was for 2019. That was after you wrote your first book.

Maisie: Yes. So that was the year that my book came out. So I didn’t have an offer at the time and that was interesting seeing people love my book and then go and spend money with people who are peers of mine. Amazing people, but go and do their course or something because I just…

Stacey: Didn’t have one yet.

Maisie: Yeah. So anyway, so 2020, so that was last year, I made – this is not to do with the book or anything. This is all just coaching and membership numbers. So £98,000, which is $136,000. And then in the last 12 months, $205,000. And then so far this year, $97,000.

Stacey: Oh my god, that’s so good. We’re only four months in.

Maisie: I know. A year ago I was sweating over 2K or a toilet.

Stacey: 2K or toilet. Which one? That’s so great. And you wrote a second book since then.

Maisie: Yeah. So this is the thing; I started 2K, I was training at LCS and I wrote a second book during lockdown with a four-year-old at home in four months.

Stacey: That’s insanity. And also so amazing.

Maisie: Yes. It was amazing.

Stacey: You know, this is so interesting because I have a lot of people who ask me all the time whether it’s 200K or mostly we get this for 2K I feel like, where people will ask, especially with LCS just because I was an alumni. People always message us and email our company and ask us all of the things.

Should I get certified with LCS, all of the things, like we’re the LCS spokespeople. And we handle that very kindly and diplomatically, but we’re like, we’re not actually affiliated and all the things. But people always ask like, should I wait?

And actually I just got one today from – I think they were doing iPEC and they were like, should I – it’s a six-month course and should I do that certification and then do 2K? And so people will ask me a variety of should I do one thing at a time.

And I always tell them and now my people just respond for me, but we always say it really does depend. There are times where it’s really important for where you are in your mind that you need to just focus on one and be the best at it if your thought driving it is I need another course and that’s what’s going to create my results.

And then there have been times where I remember when I went through master coach training, I was in Brooke’s 100K group at $800,000 because I had so many things I needed to go back and redo that now I teach in 200K, so no one repeats my mistakes.

And I was also in Million Dollar Mentoring, and all three just required so much work, especially master coach training. I mean, it was absolutely the hardest work I’ve ever done. I did all three of those at the same time in a six-month period, but my thought wasn’t these programs, I’m going to spend money to create my results and these things will be the reason I’m able to make a million dollars.

My thought was very much I want these results, I want to become this person, these things will help me to do that and I’m going to go all in 100% with all of them, I have this capacity and I want to get it done, which is very different. And so I think that’s such a beautiful testament to the work that you did. It really depends on how much load you can handle; it has to do with the way that you’re thinking about what you’re doing.

Maisie: 100%. And I think for me, they just all integrated. I didn’t even see them as separate because writing my first book, I mean, I also wrote that – I mean, it’s crazy. The contract was for 60,000 words and I actually wrote 136,000 and we cut a 10K chapter out and it was 126,000 words, all medically referenced with a two-year-old and did it in four months so that we could publish at the time that we knew was important for the market.

But that took its toll on me. I really went through it and my mental health in the process was not great. And so for the second one, I was like, my impossible goal is to write this book and my mental health be intact. And so I was like, I’m going to write the book and I’m in LCS training.

I’m in the best place to be dealing with a massive goal and having those challenges and like, even all the stuff in 2K, it just all came together for me. I just didn’t see them as separate. They all made sense and I knew that as I was writing the book, that would be informing my work with my clients and my work with my clients would be informing this. It all came together in a melting pot that just made sense.

Stacey: So that’s – yes, 100% I think that that’s how I thought about it when I was going through master coach training and 100K and Million Dollar group. It was like I had to do 100K group to catch up with everyone in Million Dollar group because not only was I at the bottom of the result board, but my business was also a chaotic mess.

I had 500 offers and I didn’t know how to make any changes to my website, and I didn’t know how to schedule my time or manage my calendar, and I didn’t know how to manage my assistant. There was so many things, and so I was working on all those things in master coach training.

And then having to – I remember being at 100K group and Brooke was like, no, you can’t. We had to build websites from scratch and learn how to do it and she wouldn’t let me pass it off to my assistant. I had to physically do it. Then I was working those days, 12, 13 hours a day in the hotel room, meeting with the web developers, having them show me how to do it, learning how to do that, then going into a separate room and recording homework for master coach training.

That was my thought too is this is all the same thing anyway and I do think that that’s the way I think about when people are like, should I hire a one-on-one coach, or do 2K, or do The Life Coach School or iPEC or ICF or whatever. And whatever coaching school they’re looking at.

And my answer is whatever you can financially do, create the thoughts that allow you to do it because you need all three and the faster you get all three, the better, and they all – learning to sell and learning to coach, they’re the same thing. And you need to be doing them both at the same time.

So it’s like, if you can’t, start with whichever one you can, but if you can, you can handle it, you have the capacity, you just have to choose thoughts that support it. And one of them is that these all go together. I need all of this and they all fuel each other.

Maisie: And that’s the thing, even with the investment, so last year was making that money, most of it was reinvested straight back into the business one way or another. And that was like, significant investment either in my brain, in joining 200K, in having my assistant, the various pieces of technology we use to keep the membership running.

And even there were times where I was like, I’m getting a late payment notice for the membership platform because I just didn’t have the money, this is around the toilet time. But you make it work. And when I did start having that money coming in, then I was like, the best thing I can do is reinvest in the business and be thinking strategically about the long-term growth and about scaling.

And even going into the mastermind, I remember before the mastermind saying to my assistant Beck, “I want you to start thinking about what if 1000 people sign up. What do we need to have in place in order to support that?” And the look on her face told me everything. I was like, exactly, this is why we have to start thinking differently.

And so I knew going into 200K that I had a business that would make a lot of money, but I knew it also wasn’t ready to make that money. And then when you took us through that exercise in the live event, I was like, yes, I’m right on point, we’re not going to be focusing on selling for this round. And that was really great just in that moment to just accept that and decide that and just focus on the client experience, the backend of the business, on overdelivering, on all of those other things. And then you know how this goes, you still end up making a fuck ton of money even when you haven’t focused on the selling.

Stacey: Yes. I do think that that’s what people are always – they have a misconception about 200K and about me is that I’m just going to teach them how to sell, sell, sell, and I do think that a lot of – I’ve even been in business courses where that really is the thing. It’s all about making more money and there isn’t a lot of emphasis and I learned that so much from Brooke is like, I remember her sitting me down and being like, every single person that’s in your program should ask for a refund. It’s a mess, get it together.

This is what you need to do, this is how long you have to do it. I remember her getting really tough with me. But I learned so much from her example of it all has to be organized and clean. Otherwise you really can’t scale without what you said, your emotional health suffering.

That’s the only way when your business isn’t clean and organized and put together and you don’t spend time on your clients’ experience and on your backend business and how it’s running, when you don’t spend that time, you are constantly having to spend your energy in hustle and hustle, and that’s where you can’t have both. You can’t make a lot of money and have your mental health intact.

Maisie: Exactly. And I think that’s kind of where I’m at now again is a similar position and thinking, okay, so now there is this revenue coming in but how can I use…

Stacey: Grow again.

Maisie: Use that strategically to grow again. So it’s been hiring someone to come in and do all the systems and processes and figure out the workflows and all of that and then hiring other contractors to come in. And I can even remember back in January sweating overpaying the podcast team that I work with.

And I love paying them, they are incredible, but I was definitely thinking, “What am I doing committing to another expense?” But I was just like, again, stop. This isn’t helpful. In six months’ time, you’re not even going to be thinking about this. It’s not going to be a problem so get on with it and get it out there.

Stacey: I just think, wow, this is such a powerful example. I’m so excited for everyone listening. It’s rare to see that mindset play out. That really is such a difficult thing to do. I can’t acknowledge you enough for constantly redirecting your mind and being committed to the result you were creating no matter the challenges and obstacles that came before you.

It’s so easy for our brains to latch on to the obstacle and the challenge and the fear that we’re going to put ourselves in harm’s way and not get the result. So to be able to say, believe in yourself so deeply, believe in the result you’re creating so deeply, and keep going through all of that, I mean, 100% I know you’re going to make millions of dollars because that’s the mindset that’s required to get there.

Maisie: Yeah, I know it too. And it feels straightforward.

Stacey: Yeah, 100% because you’ve done the work. I believe that about 20 million. I’m like, for sure. It’s done. We’re getting there. I’m not there yet but it does feel like exactly the way you just said that. It’s straightforward, this is what’s happening, and I do think that’s such a big piece of – it’s harder to believe that I think when you’re hustling, hustling, hustling, and burning yourself out and there isn’t extra energy. It’s hard to believe there could ever be more.

And I really love that we do that in the group is slow everybody down and I was also thinking about this, that I haven’t gotten to talk about a lot because it’s kind of on that precipice of 200K versus two million. But I set everybody up really nicely in 2K. You’re the perfect example of this where we talk about it in 200K as – I think we talk about it in quarters, where we break it down in the three essentials.

You’re going to choose three things that you’re going to focus on in each mastermind. Sorry, six months. That’s what I was thinking. A quarter kept coming out and I was like, wait, that’s not right.

Maisie: I know because I do that – I do it for the year, six months, quarter, and then month by month.

Stacey: Me too. So you can choose it per quarter, or you can do it for the entire mastermind, but it’s like you choose three things that you’re going to focus on and then you have to do the work. It’s work to sit on the rest and not hustle to that and be like, I know that this needs to be done but it’s not what we’re working on this quarter, or this six months.

And to be – sometimes that’s selling, which I know people listening are like, what do you mean though that you just don’t sell? And when we say we don’t sell, we’re not saying you don’t make money for six months. That’s not your main focus. Your focus isn’t let me do a bunch of webinars and do a bunch of launches. It’s let me work with my team to get systems and processes in place, let me make sure that the membership is ready, the technology is ready to support more people coming through, let’s make it evergreen.

There are other things you work on and it’s just not your main focus. And for me, selling, launching wasn’t my main focus for almost two years because I had so many other things to work on. We did basically the bare minimum launches to keep money coming into the business, but that’s what I mean by it’s not your predominant focus.

It becomes the least thing you spend your time on. And then ultimately you end up making more money, which is so hard to rationalize but that is what happens. What was that like for you? Because I saw your face when I said something in there and your face kind of lit up. Oh, it was like, being willing to sit on the things that aren’t in your three essentials. So what came up for you when I said that?

Maisie: I think I’m quite similar to you in that I have ideas for days. Constant stream of ideas, content, workshops, live events, it’s all there.

Stacey: It’s endless.

Maisie: It’s always there. And you have to do that. I used to feel like this rush, like I’ve had the idea, now I’ve got to do something with it. And seeing like, well, do I? And that can be hard, especially when you have your clients saying it would be…

Stacey: I want this.

Maisie: Yeah. And I’m like, yeah, let’s do it. And I’m like, no, we’re not going to do that right now because – and I think this has been a huge lesson for me as well is like, I am a recovering people pleaser and it’s interesting to see how that has been showing up in my business because I never thought about it in terms of how it shows up in my business. It’s always been like, in personal relationships and things like that.

And then I felt like this urge to get it out there because it was like, this graspiness with it. I’ve got to do something with it now or it’s going to be gone. And actually like no, I can put that to one side, but I was thinking about how my partner is really into music and he DJs sometimes and when he’s DJ-ing, he’s not coming out to the crowd and going what song do you want to hear next? Or what did you think of that last one?

He’s just like, reading the room and being like, okay, everyone’s – I need to bring it down a bit because I need to sustain this for the set, and he’s taking it all in and he’s not in that moment asking people what they think. But I was spending a lot of time being concerned about what people thought about me and that switch from stopping doing that to just being like nope, I’m reading the room, I’m reading the membership, I’m seeing the issues that are being discussed and I know you’re all asking for this, but this is what we’re going to do because I trust that I know what’s of benefit to everyone here. And so that was really significant for me, that switch.

Stacey: That is significant for everybody to hear. Being able to just read the room and trust yourself that you know what’s the best, even if everyone agrees and everyone wants this very specific thing that you’re either never going to deliver or you’re not delivering right then. And some people will get – especially when you have big group programs, people will get really angry sometimes if you don’t fulfill that.

And you still have to stay the course of I’m either not fulfilling it now for these reasons that I’m going to fulfill in the future, or I’m never going to and I’m trusting myself as the leader that this is the reason why and it is actually the best thing.

As the client, it doesn’t matter how much money you’ve made or how much success you’ve had with your own coaching. As the client, you never know what you actually need. That’s why you hired the coach. What you think you need and what you actually need are probably worlds apart. That’s the whole point.

So we think we’re going to go into a program and be like, I’m going to be given exactly what I think I need. And it’s always the opposite. Makes you – we see this in 200K, right? It makes people freak out. They’re like, this isn’t what – and not always in a bad way. It’s just so – even when you trust the person, it can just be so scary to have that. But that’s what you need. You need to have that experience of seeing what you actually need. It’s like getting on that right track. People think it’s going to be rainbows and daisies and butterflies and it is often not.

Maisie: That’s the thing. It is very 50/50. People come in, they’re like, what the hell is this? And for half the people that’s amazing and for half, they’re like, I’m out of here. And that’s the interesting thing about memberships. I find this really interesting, how – because memberships tend to be a lower price point.

So a lot of people who are struggling to sell a program or one-on-one coaching will think, well, I’ll just sell a membership because that’s a lower price point and that’s going to be easier to sell. And if you’re thinking that, whoever’s listening, don’t tell yourself that because it’s not true at all. Just stick with whatever you’re selling.

I have colleagues coming to me and they’re like, I think – should I do a membership? Because my course isn’t selling. And I’m like, no, figure out how to sell the course and then decide if you want to do a membership.

Stacey: That’s so good. That’s so good. I think a lot of people want to go to group for that reason and sometimes it’s a subtle different reason, so they’ll be doing one-on-one and then they’ll be feeling really tired of being on – say they’ll have 20 clients. That’s 20 hours of coaching. In the beginning, that is very tiring.

And in order to make more money, they’ll be like, okay, so now I want to go to group. And they’ll want to jump and do that jump very quickly. And it’s the same thing of whatever makes you want to jump offers, you should solve that first and then decide if you still want to do it.

So for example, for one-on-one, I always tell people no, keep selling one-on-one and figure out how to do it better and faster and make more money with it. And then when you’ve done that and you’ve cleaned up the I’m really tired and I’m on the phone all the time and all of your thoughts about the one-on-one coaching, when you’ve cleaned those up and you’re loving one-on-one coaching and you have more energy and you have more money, then decide if you want to move into group.

Otherwise, you end up spending that energy that you’re on coaching calls selling something you weren’t ready to sell or selling it like – just learning how to sell a new offer takes so much effort and energy that people don’t expect. So what happens is when you change your action to try to create a different result, you end up with the exact same result, the exact same experience, with just a different circumstance.

And I’m always trying to pull people out of that. Like, let’s get the result you want first and then decide if you still want to change the circumstance. You may or may not. But otherwise, the result and the experience is just going to follow you wherever you go.

Maisie: It’s so true. And I think that’s the thing. Memberships, you’re continually selling. Even if you’re not selling, so my membership is closed for enrollment at the moment but I’m still selling, not just…

Stacey: You have to keep the people in there.

Maisie: That’s what I mean. It’s not like say 2K where people make a decision once and that’s it. People look at always making that decision and things, and I think that’s…

Stacey: They have to re-decide every month, right? They have to re-decide, am I going to – Corinne Crabtree said this once at an LCS event. She had taught on memberships and she asked everyone to raise their hand in the room if they loved marketing. And there were a very few people that raised their hand to say I love marketing.

And she was like, if you are not obsessed with marketing, do not do a membership. She was like, it’s all you’re doing. You’re marketing and selling all of the time. You’re marketing and selling to new people; you’re marketing and selling to the current people. That will be what you do all of the time. And if you’re not ready to do that all the time, if you don’t love it, a membership is probably not your best thing.

And what’s so interesting is I love selling, I would not say I love marketing by any means, and we don’t do as much of it. We put a lot more emphasis on our actual content and our deliverables and our selling experience. We don’t spend as much time on the marketing. And we don’t go as big as other coaches do.

And for that reason, that’s why I have 2K as a program. So it’s like, you have to really know the level of work that’s involved with a membership. It’s not that it can’t be done obviously. You’re the perfect example of that. But you have to love your reasons for it. So let’s talk about that. For the people who maybe a membership is right for, why do you love it versus doing something else? A course or a program or group coaching?

Maisie: So actually I’d forgotten about this, but my membership had evolved. So I had a three-month program in 2018 I think I ran it. And it was three months, it was £150 for three months and it was amazing, but the feedback I got from people was like, this is a lot in three months and it’s like, they needed time to be working through stuff and letting it percolate and sink in and apply before introducing the new thing.

So it was just like, too much crammed in. And that’s when I started thinking, oh, how do I spread this out? What if it’s a membership? And I’m – especially when it comes to the menstrual cycle and the stuff that I coach on, a fan of really working on something for months, applying it, getting results, and then bringing in the next thing.

Just going through the layers of the onion, bit by bit, month by month. And I see that working really well for my clients because they are better able to get the results, and that’s what it’s all about. So what’s going to support my clients most with the things that I’m teaching them and the things that I’m coaching on? Let’s do it month by month.

So we have a theme every month that we work on that really varies from something to do with symptom management and looking at inflammation in the body, or it’s like we’re looking at boundaries or perfectionism and all different areas. And so that’s what I love. There’s so many aspects to this and we can go so deep and so broad with it. So it just suited the membership.

Stacey: Okay, so can I just tell you, don’t forget what you’re about to say but can I just say I love, love x1000 the fact that your first answer for why you chose a membership was because of your client and what would be best for them.

Maisie: Oh yeah. I never thought about it.

Stacey: Because we think about – I teach this in like, it’s not about finding the right offer. It’s about making your offer the right offer for your people. And you have to sell yourself on your offer. You could love any offer. You could do group coaching or one on one or programs or courses or memberships, and you have the ability to fall in love and sell yourself on anything.

And if you believe that that’s true, that you could teach yourself, that you could sell yourself and be in love with any offer you make, then why wouldn’t the number one reason for your having your program or your course or whatever it is, your offer, why wouldn’t you factor in the client experience first? Because you could love anything, so it’s not about you. it’s about what serves them the most for where you’re at and where they’re at, what’s the container. And I just love that that was your first response. So I had to point that out.

Maisie: Okay, great. Number two, I wrote it down, so I don’t forget, was like, the importance of sharing stories and hearing other people’s experiences. Because so often with subjects that are more taboo than others like the cycle, and we have members across the reproductive life cycle. So people in their 20s, people trying to conceive, people who are pregnant, postpartum, perimenopausal, all the way through.

And what I have just seen time and time again is often someone’s going through an experience and they think it’s just them that has this weird thing going on. And it can be so unique and so specific, and they come on a coaching call and they talk about it, and in the community afterwards there’s three people going like, that’s me too. Here’s what helped me.

So it’s like, I know the power of sharing stories and I know the power of coaching. It just benefits everyone that those stories – I say brought out into the open, it’s private. We’re not airing it everywhere, but within the safety and the confidentiality of the membership, I just see how powerful that is for the person who’s talking about it, but also for everyone else who gets to witness it. Even if they’re like, I’m not trying to conceive yet but now I know that when I am, this is something that’s important.

Stacey: Yeah, that’s so good. I love that. But it’s still, again, it’s all about what’s best for the client, which is so good.

Maisie: So that’s why I love it.

Stacey: So good. Okay, so when you were thinking about coming on this podcast and you were thinking about – I love that you – I think we said we were going to put this at the beginning before we did your intro, but did we? I don’t remember now. I feel like we’ve covered so much ground where you send me a voice message. Just tell me about that for a second. Tell everyone about that in case we didn’t do it at the beginning. I can’t remember now.

Maisie: I don’t think we did. So I had just decided that one day I was going to be on the podcast. And so I thought wouldn’t it be cool if I record a voice note now about what we’re going to talk about on the podcast. And saying I’m ready when you are, just let me know.

Stacey: I love that so much. Okay. So having sent that and having had lots of time to think about what we were going to talk about on this podcast, what haven’t we talked about yet that you really wanted to talk about?

Maisie: So we’ve covered the future self kind of things and the delayed gratification. That was important. And I think I was working this model of like, what’s the thing that’s holding me back from getting what I want. And I realized that I was doing all the things and I just realized that I just needed to ask my partner for help with things.

And that was the thing. Because I could feel like I knew this was going to be big, I still know this is going to be big. And I can remember our first holiday together in Paris, walking around Paris and saying to him, “I have no idea what I’m going to do in the future, but I just know I’m going to be speaking to thousands of women. That’s what I see for myself. I don’t know what I’m going to be doing but I know I’m going to be doing that.”

And I just thought I just need to bring him into that vision and say like, I’m creating this stuff and right now it’s not bringing in a lot of money, but it’s going to. So here’s what would be really helpful.

Stacey: And what was the here’s what would be really helpful?

Maisie: Can you do a bit of grocery shopping? Or can I take this time to work a bit late on these days? Let’s look at the parenting side of things and really – you can tell I work with Maggie Reyes. Working as a team. Working as a team. And bringing him into that, and now that’s what I’m doing more and more now because he’s a really incredible graphic designer and creative director and really amazing at looking at brand positioning and what’s on brand, what isn’t. All those nuances.

And I just really see how it benefits my business when I bring him into the conversation more and more because my tendency is to just do everything myself. I can build a website, I can figure out any piece of software. I love doing all of those things.

And more and more I’m thinking, just because I can do them doesn’t mean that I should be doing them. And that now, bringing – we talked about constraint and managing our minds and things, but it’s also constraint in terms of tasks within the business as well and thinking about well, who can I work with? Who can I bring into the business? Which is now what I’m doing, to be doing the things that I can do but I shouldn’t be doing.

Stacey: I love that so much. I will say this could be what you touched on about bringing your partner into your vision. I do think that this could be a really huge piece of success that doesn’t get talked about enough. Because I did that a lot too.

I remember Neil and I always laugh about – we were making my bed in my little 600 square foot apartment. He didn’t even know what life coaching was and I was telling him, I’m going to do a $100,000 launch. And then I was telling him – another time I told him I’m going to make a million dollars. And he was like, “Stacey, that’s what pro athletes make. That’s just hard to even reconcile.”

And I never made it mean that he didn’t believe in me. I didn’t make it a negative thing. I didn’t make it something to add on to my lack of belief. Some people – I was just coaching someone in 2K and she referred to someone, I don’t remember what the term they used, but basically her dream of being an entrepreneur was outlandish.

I don’t remember the terminology, but she had used that, she had said I let them beat me down. And I remember thinking, I don’t think I ended up saying it to her, but really, she was beating herself down, letting her own thoughts and agreeing with them.

And so I didn’t do that with him. Even his confusion about the possibility of my results, I didn’t do anything, but I was constantly selling him on what I was going to do. And what happened is I enrolled him so much – first of all, I sold myself by selling him so deeply, the more I talked about it with him and with my friends and with my family, the more I brought other people in with my clients, the more I sold them, the more I sold myself, but then also I have sold him on the vision so deeply that I also do have so much help from him and he’s so on board and so understanding that – for example, people who know me know me very well that I don’t cook or clean.

Basically I don’t contribute to the house at all. And that’s not to say that you need to live that way, but I just don’t. And oftentimes it’s like, which I also think this is smashing through the patriarchy a little bit with what you mostly find in the world is men sitting on the couch while women are cooking and cleaning and they’re not helping.

But in our house, it’s me sitting on the couch at the end of the day and him cooking and cleaning and me not helping. But he’s most of the time just so understanding about like, how much I’ve used my brain and how tired I am at the end of the day and that I might be journaling, and I might be coming up with ideas or coaching myself on some big thing that I’m working on, or just organizing my thoughts.

He understands that I need that down time or I’m going to be reading books, and when I’m reading books, it’s not just for fun but it’s also to enhance my brain. He just understands so we work together as a team now, and I find so much value in what he contributes because I understand those are my limits. So I feel like we work together so beautifully now together towards that vision that we want to create.

And this is probably why Maggie has so many 200K people working with her is because a lot of people, when they’re in relationships as entrepreneurs are – they struggle with that. That’s not their thing that they’ve spent a lot of time with is selling their partner, bringing their partner in on that vision, communicating to them, talking about what they need help with.

That’s not happening. Or if it is happening, it happens in a much more combative, explosive way. And I think that that’s really such an important piece to touch on is you are in control of that result. You bringing that person in, you making them part of it, you including them in the vision, you sharing your belief and your dreams with them. That is so important.

Maisie: Yeah. I remember telling him, because I had told him way in advance about applying for 200K and what it was going to cost. And then when it was like, well, I’m going to be applying next week, and he was like, what was that again? And I was like, oh boy.

Stacey: Oh, just this $25,000 I’m about to spend. No biggie.

Maisie: But I think that I was expecting his reaction to be so much bigger than it actually was, and I think it’s because the level of trust I had in myself with deciding to do that and even now, when we talk about things like, such a comparison to the toilet story but we are about to this year renovate our whole house.

Such a big deal. And we had this builder come over and go through the whole house and he’s going to give us a quote. And I remember you talking about your wedding dress. Or maybe it was a wedding planner or something, but you met with one person, you were like, they’re the person, or that’s the dress, or something like that. And I remember mentally logging that level of decisiveness of like, when you know, you know.

Stacey: Yes, I do that often.

Maisie: And then this builder came round, and I was, the whole time he was there, thinking, you’re the builder that’s going to do this. I haven’t seen the quote, and I remember I called Paul up afterwards and I said, “I don’t think we need to get anyone else round to look.” And he was like, “What was the price?” I’m like, “I haven’t seen it yet, I don’t know what it’s going to be, it’s probably going to be twice as much as what we thought we were going to be spending, but we will figure it out somehow. He’s the builder that we’re going to work with.” And he’s like, “Okay.” And that was it. And just feel like, the strength of that vision, continually thinking about the impact that my work has and how far-reaching it is.

Stacey: That’s another subtle thought that I want everyone to latch on to. You said it in the beginning too. When you’re like, I just knew that I could help thousands of people, and you just said it here in a different way. I think that has also fueled so much of your ability to get through so many obstacles and so many hardships in your way is being so tapped into the amount of people that are available for you to help.

And the magnitude that you’re going to help them at and staying really connected to that. It’s not just about your life goals and your money goals. I think that’s really important. I think you have to have both to be really compelled forward with action is you have to be really sold on who you’re going to be and the life you’re creating.

And also your clients and the people that you’re going to help, those are so compelling when you have both of them. I just think when you’re really there, you can get through literally any hardship, any obstacles, any discomfort.

You can do all the things, find all the money, scrape by if you have to, and this is how you know when you’re really there is you’re so willing, like you said maybe in the middle of the podcast about putting all the money back into your business. I always say your business is your baby. And when you are that – at that level of commitment towards your people and the result you’re helping them with and yourself and the life you’re creating, you will put all of the things back.

You’ll give your baby everything it could possibly have because you really are choosing that future result over the current one you have. You’re going to be so willing to delay the gratification of money. I see so many 100K earners, they make 100K and then they don’t want to put money into their business. They just want to start relishing in that success and living off of it, and they think a certain amount should be theirs.

Whereas I was the same way. I put all of that money – I probably lived off of less than $3000 a month my first 100K year. I put all the money back into the business.

Maisie: Well, that’s what I was actually thinking. I was thinking about what money I have taken out because – I’ve lent the business as well for things as well. And I have just taken out enough to pay bills. That’s it.

And I think in a couple of months’ time I’m going to be able to start paying myself back. But I’ve chosen to keep the revenue within the business because I obviously want to be in the Two Million group and have that money there. But also for other things that are to do with that growth and with overdelivering and really creating an amazing experience for not just the people in the membership, but also the people who I’m working with as well and as a business as well, just really putting everything in and putting it all back in and it’s just – I wouldn’t say it’s never a problem.

There’s been a couple of times where I’d be like, am I going to do this? And I’m like, yes, I am going to do this. Why would I not do this? There’s no reason not to do this.

Stacey: Yeah. And I would say even when you said I want to be in Two Million Dollar group but the reason for that is because your ultimate goal is to have a million-dollar business. And I think some people are also afraid like, where does it end when you constantly put your money back in your business?

And I just want to say to everyone, trust me, I’m definitely living it now. There will be a time where you literally cannot put all of the money back in the business and you can just take buckets and buckets of profit out. We will just take out $60,000 at a time. We’re like, oh, we’re going to go spend this money.

Literally we just rented a house for our wedding, $60,000. No, I think it was $70,000. Might have been like $69,000. I don’t remember. It was $10,000 a day for six or seven days. I don’t remember how many we’re staying. But I just remember being like, yup, that’s what’s happening, we’re just taking a $60,000 distribution and renting this house for a week for our wedding, no big deal. There’s a time where you feed your baby enough, it will get fat in a good way.

Maisie: Yeah. And I think that is it of thinking – I think Catherine had shared something on Facebook about how when you’re just giving something to your business, eventually you can start receiving something back from it. And she had used the baby analogy and I was thinking about how I feel like similar to my parenting journey of being a new mom and giving your kid everything but loving every moment of it.

Giving it, giving it, giving it, loving it, and then at some point you start to think, oh, maybe I can be caring for me whilst I’m caring for my baby. And I feel like that’s where I’m at now. I was cracking up. You were coaching Kirsten or Kristen. I always get them mixed up. There’s too many Kirsten and Kristens in my life. But you were coaching her I think in the recent group in Vegas about buying a purse and she was talking about it on Instagram.

Stacey: Kristen, yes.

Maisie: I was cracking up because I had just got coached on buying myself some new underwear.

Stacey: Fantastic. Actually, there’s a LCS coach that talks about that. Oh my god, what’s her name? She talks about not having poor underwear. What is she called? Maybe it’s not poor underwear but it’s like, oh my god, her name is on the tip of my tongue. I actually know her name, but have you ever had that happen where it just like, it’s going to drive me crazy because I want to say her name.

Maisie: It’s so funny.

Stacey: The pressure. It’s escaping me. But that is so true. We have a hard time – what is it about underwear? Just the worst to spend money on.

Maisie: The person who was coaching me was saying like – because I was selling myself on buying new underwear thinking well, it’s one less thing I have to think about in the morning if I’ve got new underwear that I like ready to go.

And that means I can put more into my business. She was like, isn’t it interesting how you’re justifying everything according – still back to your business? So I’m like, I’m seeing that in myself of like, I feel like noticing where my growth is at the moment.

Stacey: And slowly starting to be like, and now I can give myself a little too. Some people have to. For me, I didn’t have an additional income and once I quit my job because I had too many clients where I couldn’t do both anymore, once I did that, I did have to pay myself. I had to take some money for me to survive on.

But there’s this difference of – and I think this is the message we can end with is there’s the difference between delaying gratification for the things that truly are unnecessary, like I lived in my apartment until $300,000. I was making $300,000 living in that apartment.

And it wasn’t even just the money. It was the time. I didn’t want to take the time away and have to make all those decisions about moving and all of that. So I wanted to have all of my brain clear to focus on my business because of my ultimate million-dollar goal.

And so there’s that, and then there’s not allowing yourself anything ever. That would be the other side of it where it’s like, you can do that too. I still went and upgraded my wardrobe. I remember my first wardrobe update was at Express and I spent like, $300 and it felt like the most luxurious thing ever.

And I remember I would still do those things, I would still get a photoshoot that I maybe didn’t necessarily have to have but would make me feel a little upgraded. I still did those things, treat myself to a really nice dinner, but it’s like, you just want to make sure you’re not on that extreme of one or the other. There’s a fine middle where you’re committed to that ultimate – 100K is not – 200K, 300K, that’s not the end game.

We’re all going to millions of dollars and you want to make sure that that first million is your non-negotiable result that you’re going to keep, especially at 100K and 200K, where you’re like, I’m going to still prioritize feeding the baby above everything else. And then make sure that I stay committed to that goal. I just think that’s so important. I love it.

I just love how much you’ve omitted that in all of your energy. You’re getting to a million, I believe you so deeply and I love that you have that level of self-belief.

Maisie: Yeah, I do too. Because I grew up on benefits, my mom was a cleaner, government support, struggle, struggle, struggle, struggle. So this is wild. The money, the revenue that’s coming in, I really though the only way that would happen for me is if I made friends with a rich person and they died and left me all their money.

Stacey: That’s amazing. The alternate version of winning the lottery.

Maisie: Or the lottery, yeah. I just thought this isn’t possible for me and I think that’s what I’m wrapping my head round now is…

Stacey: It’s inevitable.

Maisie: This was so fascinating. On the 25K challenge, halfway through – I mean, we haven’t even got into that. I don’t really have time for it, but I realized halfway through that my belief had dropped. Because I’d remembered your episode, podcast episode with Samantha talking about finding the moment where belief dropped.

So I had always logged that, and I was like, I’m going to be onto myself, I’m going to find, I’m going to be watching for that. And when it did, I just thought, right, I’ve got to start thinking about on the other side of this challenge, if I don’t make it, and it was so funny because at this moment in time I was $200 away from doing it, but my brain was still going like, far away from it.

But then when I thought I’m going to take myself to the other end of this challenge, and what would the reasons be that I don’t do it, what would my thoughts, what would be the things that would get in the way. And thinking one of them will be my thoughts about rich people because of my upbringing as an us and them thing.

And I was thinking I bet if anything, the reason that I wouldn’t oversell, the reason that I wouldn’t show up for my people would be my thoughts about rich people, what I think their thoughts about me would be in selling. So I started listening to your podcast episode about rich people and poor people and I was suddenly like, I’m a rich person. It just hit me. I’m a rich person. And then I just freaked out around the kitchen and texting people like Vicki Louise like, “I’m a rich person.”

Because that’s just a thought. It has nothing to do with numbers. But I just realized that I’d started to shift into that identity. And like, now just working on that some more.

Stacey: I love that. That’s so good.

Maisie: It’s been great. So thank you for all of it. It’s been a blast. I can’t wait for the rest of this year.

Stacey: Yeah. Well thank you for coming on and sharing literally so many truth bombs, wisdom. You gave so much value on this episode. I can’t wait for it to come out. Do you have any last things you want to share with anyone who wants to be where you are?

Maisie: Don’t think – because people are probably going to look at my Instagram and they’ll see my following and they’ll go, well, you have two books, and you’re going to have some thoughts. Be onto yourself and see what is it you’re thinking about me that positions me as different from where you are right now.

Stacey: So good. Oh my god, I love it.

Maisie: That’s what I said in my thing, that was one of the other things that was in my voice note to you. But that’s the thing, you will think because I’ve done it as well. Someone comes on the podcast and you think well, that’s nice for them because whatever. Don’t do that. Do not do that.

Stacey: That’s so good. Okay, so with that, so good, how can they follow you and see all of your amazingness?

Maisie: So I’m on Instagram @_maisiehill_ and you can catch me on the Period Power podcast and my books are out in all good places to buy books. And The Flow Collective will be open for enrollment in probably a couple of months’ time.

Stacey: So fun. Maisie Hill on Instagram. Perfect. And we’re going to put all of that in the show notes as well. Thank you so much again for coming on. Such a great episode.

Maisie: I knew it would be great.

Stacey: Of course. Alright, we’ll have you back on at a million.

Maisie: Love it. I’m ready.

Stacey: Alright. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.

Maisie: Bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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