Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Million Dollar Strategies with Becca PikeI’ve been interviewing the highest earners from my 200K mastermind, and the third installment is going to blow your mind. My guest this week is Becca Pike, and what she has built over the course of the past year is truly amazing. She’s now in my $2 Million Group, and she’s sharing all the thoughts and strategies that helped her get there.

Becca Pike is a straight-shooting business coach who works with both brick-and-mortar and online entrepreneurs. Most people hear the term ‘business coach’ and their mind immediately jumps to coaching other coaches. But Becca goes way out there. Just a few of the people she has coached includes an organic meat farmer, a paint company, and several aesthetics companies, proving that you can make money coaching anybody.

Tune in this week to discover the million-dollar strategies that have helped Becca’s business take off. Becca also has a million-dollar brick-and-mortar business of her own that she built from the ground up with no start-up money, all with four kids to take care of, so I know you’re going to want to listen in and absorb some of this serious inspiration.

If you haven’t joined the waitlist for the next round of 200K, make sure you click here for priority access to the enrollment dates the moment they’re announced, live event information, and I’ll even be sending wisdom and coaching from directly inside the current 200K Mastermind class. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why you don’t have to only coach other coaches if you want to make money.
  • How to see where there are business opportunities for your coaching services that you might never have considered.
  • What Becca has learned from her brick-and-mortar business about building her coaching business.
  • The thoughts that helped Becca Pike break out of her old way of working and start her own successful business.
  • Why you can have so much more impact through your business when you take yourself out of the day-to-day.
  • How much Becca has made since originally joining 2K and 200K, and the strategies that have helped her achieve these crazy results.
  • Why the strategies that Becca has used to make a ton of money will work for your business too.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches. Over the next three weeks I am interviewing the three highest earners from the January 2021 class of the 200K Mastermind. They blew my mind for what’s possible in such a short amount of time. I wanted to share their wisdom with you and their experience with you. These students earned $350,000 to $500,000 in just one round from enrollment to finishing their first or for some of them second rounds.

I often talk about slow and steady growth, but for just a few episodes I wanted to share the stories that get your blood pumping and create a little possibility that this could be you. These episodes are full of thoughts you’re going to want to borrow. I was riveted throughout these interviews, and I know you will be too.

Before we dive in, if you haven’t joined the waitlist for the next 200K Mastermind, make sure you do at So that’s no www. Just We will link that up in the show notes as well. You will get the next enrollment dates that are coming up soon for our January class, live event information and dates, and every week I’m sending wisdom and coaching from directly inside this current 200K Mastermind class. Okay. So let’s dive in.

Stacey:  Hey coaches. So today we have Becca Pike. Becca, I feel like you live right down the road from me in Lexington, right.

Becca:  Yeah. About 50 minutes, I think.

Stacey:  I know. I can’t believe we’ve never gotten together for drinks or food or anything. So we’ll have to do that in the future. Why don’t you introduce yourself to everyone? Tell everyone who you are and what you do. For those of you who are not maybe caught up with the podcast yet, this is part of a series where I’m having my top three earners from the past 200K Mastermind come on and talk about their experience. So Becca has a lot of experience making a lot of money. So introduce yourself and tell them a little bit about you.

Becca:  Yeah, thank you. Thanks for having me on. I’m excited to be here. So my name is Becca Pike. I am a mom of four. I was in Stacey’s 200K last round. That was my first round coming in. Now I’m in her $2 Million group.

Stacey:  That’s so crazy.

Becca:  I know. It is. I’m the owner of Hell Yes Coaching, and yeah, I’m a business coach.

Stacey:  I love it. Who do you help? People, if you say a business coach, will automatically think you coach coaches only. So who do you coach?

Becca:  Yeah. I actually don’t coach that many coaches. I coach entrepreneurs. So I have a lot of experience in the brick-and-mortar world and the online world. So I kind of help all entrepreneurs. The ones that are attracted to me the most are usually solo entrepreneurs.

Stacey:  Can give me an example of a couple of types of entrepreneurs that maybe other people wouldn’t expect would pay for coaching? I’ve heard you talk about a couple that I’m like oh my gosh. Like that blows my mind.

Becca:  Yeah. So in my little crowd that I run with, I’m famously known as coaching and organic meat farmer. His business is rocking. I coach several Botox and esthetics bars. You know, like esthetics companies.

Stacey:  I remember you talking about a contractor or some kind of like contract business or something that was very construction like. Do you remember who I’m talking about?

Becca:  I have worked with a paint company that had lots of contractors. I wonder who you are talking about. No, I’m not sure.

Stacey:  I don’t know. You’ve had a lot of interesting people. Then we have to talk about, like I think this one’s the most interesting person that I’ve heard you talk about is your nurse that started helping other nurses take exams or something. She’s made a million dollars or more.

Becca:  Yes. So this girl calls me. She’s like, “Hey, I’m a nurse practitioner. I just passed my boards.” She said, “When I was passing my boards, I wanted to help my classmates. So I made them kind of like this little pop quiz to pass their boards as well. I started selling it for like $20 a pop. Then they started telling people, and I created a Facebook group. I opened it like last month, and I’ve made $250,000 and I don’t know what to do.”

She said, “I don’t know how to run a business. I don’t know anything. Can you help me?” Yeah, in the last year, just her first year I think she made like $3.1 million or something like that.

Stacey:  That just blows my mind. I wanted to take time to talk about it because it blows my mind. I think that sometimes people when they think of business coaches, they think the only thing you could be coaching people on is coaches on their business. There’s so many types of businesses in the world. I’m also thinking of Charlotte Smith in our current group who coaches farmers, and she’s killing it.

Becca:  Yeah.

Stacey:  Like making so much money. So I just want people listening. If you’re a coach and you think you have a knack for business, think about how many different people out in the world have businesses, what types of businesses. There are so many ways to make a lot of money. The nurse story really blew my mind. I saw that on your Facebook, and I thought good for her. Like that is so innovative.

Becca:  Well and I told her. She was like, “I don’t really know what I am. I’m just selling quiz material and I’m teaching them how to…”

Stacey:  Information services.

Becca:  Yeah. I said you’re kind of a coach. Because she has this whole like anxiety course that she takes them through to get rid of test anxiety. I’m like you’re a coach. One of my favorite types of coaches, and maybe this is because I have experience in this, is the coach that gets into it not really knowing that they’re going to be a coach or not knowing that they are a coach. They just know that they’re really passionate.

Stacey:  Or that they’re coaching, right.

Becca:  Yeah.

Stacey:  Like they just don’t realize that’s what they’re doing.

Becca:  Yeah. That was me, big time. I remember coming home one day and I had told my husband. So I had started a brick-and-mortar company when I was about 25 years old. By the time I was 28/29, we had about 30 contractors. We had two locations. It was a seven-figure company. I had learned a lot along the way.

Stacey:  It was a massage company, right?

Becca:  Yes. Yes. It’s called Massage Strong. It’s based out of Lexington, Kentucky here. We’re actually coming to Louisville next year. So you’ll see us there.

Stacey:  Oh my gosh. So fun.

Becca:  Yeah.

Stacey:  Do you just have two, like you have a multimillion-dollar business in massage, and now you’re building a million-dollar coaching business.

Becca:  Yeah, I know right. I can’t believe it either.

Stacey:  And four kids. That’s so crazy. I love it so much though.

Becca:  You know what’s funny is people are like, “You must be so busy.” I’m like you know, I’m really not. We’ve done enough business coaching with you and through your programs and through the people I follow that like I wanted to grow companies and have lifestyle careers where I can still have my hobbies and have my life. For anyone that’s listening, that is completely doable. Now there were years where I definitely leaned into the hustle and didn’t understand how to balance those two at all. It was a huge learning curve.

Stacey: I do think that that’s something that I see in you and Lindsey Mango specifically where you both have a very…I would say I do too. It’s just interesting to see. It doesn’t feel like it’s the top of my model, even though it probably is, but I just see in you guys so strongly that your commitment…I think that’s what it is. Going into the business both of you were like, “I want a lifestyle business. I want to be able to have my lifestyle and make a lot of money.” I don’t find that as often.

I think I came into it with just I want to have a business. I want to make a lot of money. It never occurred to me. I was pitching at the time. I didn’t have a life. I got to travel a bunch and see cool places when I was traveling and see the world, but other than that there wasn’t much of a life outside of it. It was very all consuming.

So I don’t think in my mind I ever had the belief that I could have a lifestyle, right, or a life outside of business. I think it’s so fascinating to me to see entrepreneurs come in and they’re like, “Oh I want to be an entrepreneur because that’s my main intention.” I think you and Lindsey both have just done that so well of having that intention, and then still making a lot of money doing it.

Becca:  Yeah. It’s something that I’ve always really protected. Yes, I love business. I eat, sleep, and drink business. I love it. I really do. When I think about living my very best life, I’m at home. I’m hosting a lot with family and friends. I’m cooking a lot. I have a lot of hobbies. I go hiking almost every day. I weight lift. I do CrossFit. I just want to protect that side of it so much. I will never lose that at the expense of the business. It wasn’t until recently that I learned that you never have to lose that at the expense of any business. There is room to do both. It just took me a while to figure that out.

Stacey:  Yeah. I mean I think you have to have the…Actually, I’ll just ask you. What do you think, for someone who is like I feel the opposite, right? The complete opposite. I can’t even say it without saying this first. We both know that it’s totally their thoughts, right.

When you say that you don’t have time, when you say that you’re working all the time. It’s what’s happening in your mind. You’re like, “I don’t have time in my mind. I’m working all the time in my mind.” They often are not actually working, say, 100 hours a week.

I’m just curious. What were some of the things? You said I had to work some of the thoughts out in my head. Like what were some of those things that you had to believe or behaviors you had to do? Things that lead you to be able to prioritize that.

Becca:  Well, I think that you used the word believe really well. Because for me it was…This didn’t start in the coaching world. It started back in the massage world when it took me a really long time to believe that I could make as much money not being the massage therapist, right.

So in my world, I was making $80 an hour. I remember my husband telling me. He was like, “Becca, when you’re massaging someone, you’re making $80 an hour. When you’re outside of that massage room, when you take your hands off of people’s backs, you’re making thousands of dollars an hour.” He was like, “You’re pigeonholing yourself by being in this massage room.” He was like, “You’ve got to think way bigger than this, right?”

It took me a really long time to understand what he meant by that really wholeheartedly. Because when I was outside of the massage room, I was able to hire way more people. I was able to train way more people. I was able to duplicate myself and duplicate others and just duplicate the whole process.

When I finally hired my first massage therapist, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head that I had never imagined. It was like oh shit. I can be at home drinking a glass of wine with my husband making money. It all clicked.

Then in that first year, I think I hired 15 people or something like that. We just focused on…When I was outside of the massage room, I was able to focus on the branding. The feeling that I wanted people to have when they thought about Massage Strong, what we stood for. That was the type of work that made tens of thousands of dollars a day, not standing in the room actually massaging people.

It was interesting. It was an interesting evolution because you and I both have this in common, but I came from no money at all. So to leave $80 an hour was absolutely insane. It took a lot of risk. Like I couldn’t have ever imagined making $80 an hour to begin with. So to be able to leave something that is working in hopes of something bigger, it’s like I just keep doing this. Now you’ve got me doing this again.

Stacey:  I was just thinking about that right now.

Becca:  Like I’ve already done it. Then leaving the massage world to start the coaching business and so on and so on.

Stacey:  That’s so great. You know what I was thinking when you were giving the massage analogy is…This is a little bit high level. So everyone listening, we might have a fourth of my audience that is really prepared for this message. But I do think it’s helpful if you hear ahead of time, the more times you hear things like this ahead of time, the easier it gets when you get there.

I do see a lot of coaches really struggle. They are so confident in their ability to sell people or get results when their hands are “on” the client. When they’re in the room and they’re doing that work, that’s where they feel confident and they’re able to make tens of thousands of dollars. If they can do a one-on-one sales call for a one-on-one client, they may be able to sign a $30,000 contract, right, if their hands are right there in it.  And it is that ability to step back and not be the one delivering it.

For me, I’m not even the one delivering most of the coaching that I do at this point. I’m creating content. I’m creating teaching. I spend a large portion of my day thinking about who are the people that are struggling and how can I make this easier for them? How can I explain it to them in a way that will resonate for them, especially with how their particular type of struggle is happening, right?

I spend a lot of time with the branding. I spend a lot of time thinking about literally every…We have meetings for days talking about every step the client goes through the experience of joining say 200K. From the moment they get marketed to all the way through the completion of the program, is that a great experience for them? Making sure our advertising matches our delivery.

It’s so hard to let that go because your thought, I think, is—I’m going to tie this back around to your massage example. I think the thinking is, “If I’m not the one personally delivering the coaching, if I’m not the one personally delivering the selling, if my hands aren’t in it, then I won’t be able to help the people who come to me as deeply as I could if I were.”

What’s so fascinating is think about with how many locations you opened up, once you brought therapists in to massage people. They didn’t need the massage from you. They just needed a massage that was at the standard and with the experience that you are promising. Then you were able to give value and help so many more people than you individually could have if your hands were the one doing it.

You can teach someone to do the exact massages you do. You can teach them the principles, the experience. You can teach them the philosophy. You can teach them everything. But you could help so many more people.

That’s been my experience is in 200K, the more that I step back, and I do what you did, the more people we’re able to help. It’s not that they get less results. It’s that they’re getting better results faster. So I think it’s sometimes hard to understand it from a coaching perspective, but it might be really helpful for people to have heard you say that with that physical experience. It’s such a good representation.

Becca:  Yeah. Yeah thanks. When I think about it, I think about. If you think about the brain, right. Whoever is running your company, guys, everyone that’s listening, spoiler alert, it’s you. When you think about who’s brain is the highest asset or just the biggest asset in the company in general, it is the person that understands the company and understands it’s future the most.

So like for you, for instance, yes you could help people if you did one on one, but by stepping away from one on one. Something that you do really well is getting your ideas and your processes out on paper, which by the way is so hard. Like it is a very difficult thing to do. You can be a genius in business owning. But then like when I sit down to turn it into a process to give in my program, it takes me days to get it out of my brain and on paper, right.

Stacey:  Oh yeah.

Becca:  To be able to explain it the way my brain just processes it.

Stacey:  Yes.

Becca:  So by you doing that, you are capable of moving your company so much further and helping so many more people because your brain isn’t focusing on one person. It’s not stuck in the massage room massaging one person, right.

Stacey:  100%.

Becca:  When I was stuck in the massage room massaging one person, I wasn’t able to train 20 massage therapists on how to release the psoas muscle so that 20 years of back pain can be released through proper hip alignment. When I was able to step out and do that, then I was really making an impact, right.

Stacey:  Yeah. 100%. I’m thinking specifically for this current round of 200K. You were at the live event, but you were in 2 Million Dollar Group. So I don’t know that you were actually at this part of the teaching, but I did like a three-hour segment on peer coaching. Because we allow people to do peer coaching in the room.

I was thinking about teaching the students that were in the room how to coach on business in the way that I do. Like if I were going to coach someone, if I were going to hear their problem and they were going to come to me with their offer and tell me what’s going on, how would I coach them?

I literally spent weeks breaking that down into how can I prepare them in their minds and in their sessions to do that at that level? To follow the way that I think. To make their brains go to the demand formula. To make their brains go to all of the things that we teach them in the 200K process to be answering questions instead of just like, “Well, how do you feel about it? Well, what do you think? Where’s your biggest growth right now? What would be the best for your business? What do you think is the best for your clients, right?” Like these kind of open-ended questions.

That took so much time. I spent so much time teaching it, but now in the room it’s insane to see how many more people are getting better results. The conversation in the group has changed dramatically. Like just the way that they post, the way that they coach each other in the threads. It’s really fun to see. I was like I’m going to do an entire segment on basically I’m peer coaching. This will be really interesting. It has nothing to do with selling. What I really did was teach every single person in that room how to coach like me in their own way, right?

Becca:  Yeah. To add on to that, I think a lot of people underestimate the amount of influence that they can have on their entire company without being the person massaging. I’m going to keep using that analogy. You know what I mean?

Stacey:  Yeah. It’s so great.

Becca:  You don’t have to be right in the thick of it. You can be hovering over the top. By giving people tools, teaching them how to train, infusing Stacey Boehman into the whole group without having to be there. A lot of people underestimate the ability to do that.

Stacey:  Yeah. 100%. It was even crazy the conversation that people were saying in passing that they were having like at the pool, at lunch, or at dinner. They were just saying that every conversation they had, even at that event, was so elevated. It really is just taking the time to. It’s getting your brain and the way you do things on paper, and to get it simple and clear and doable for other people for it to make sense.

I mean it took me, I think we moved everything off my calendar, everything, for six whole months. My calendar was completely blank other than recording, doing the new iteration of the 2K Process. It took me all of that six months. Then I think right after that, I did the launching, the webinars course, in creating big things. I remember in that time I had to coach myself so hard because it was eight long months of nothing but content creation. Not selling, which I love to do.

My brain was so tired. It didn’t want to do it. I had to coach it through the resistance all of the time. Like no, not today. Today I don’t feel like thinking. Because you really do have to think that hard. I think at the multiple six figure level, when you’re going into scaling to a million and to millions, I don’t think people…It’s like you can’t understand what you would be doing in your time if you weren’t personally delivering it. I think that’s just hard to understand.

I was talking to Lindsey Mango the other day. She was like, “I’m so glad you made me get rid of one-on-one coaching. There is no way I would have time for it right now.” She’s like, “I’m doing all these other things.” I’m like it’s like you can’t figure out what those things are until you get rid of it. It’s the only way.

Becca:  Absolutely. I used to be a workhorse, right. I remember I was a bartender before I was a massage therapist. I’ve worked my whole life. I started working when I was 14. I was cleaning my mom’s friends’ houses. I was listening to an episode you did recently with a girl that started a company where she helped tutor people.

Stacey:  Yeah. Yeah. Janae.

Becca:  Janae. It reminded me so much of my teenage years. I have always been a little bit entrepreneurial in a sense that I remember cleaning their houses and thinking, “You know what would be better than me cleaning their houses is if my friends cleaned their houses and I just paid for that.” Then I had this little cleaning business called Sweeping Beauty. I was pulling in hella money for a 15-year-old. It was ridiculous.

I always worked really hard. When I went into bartending, I would work 13/14/15 hour shifts and come home with $300. Right. I felt good about that. Like to me, that was good money. I loved it. Then I went into massage, and I started working 8/9/10 hour shifts, which is really physically demanding in the massage world. Then I came into coaching, and I was always maxed out with a long waitlist. I was always pushing my limits on how many people I could see.

In my mind, it took a long time to understand that less if more, right. Like wrapping back around to getting yourself out of that room, right. Out of that massage room. When I came in to 200K, I was working a lot. I was seeing a lot of one-on-one clients.

Stacey:  Well, you had just started your business, right?

Becca:  Yeah. I still feel like I’m pretty new in some ways. Yeah. I had just started my business. I was doing all these back-to-back one on one calls. So to remove one on one and move into the program, it was like I can’t imagine what I’m going to be doing with all that time. How luxurious. I’ve never thought harder. I’ve never worked my brain harder. Like yes, I’m not on phone calls anymore, but there’s no better way to describe it besides just like really deep thinking that like hurts your brain.

Stacey:  Yeah. 100%. 100%. Okay. So I’m going to switch gears a little bit because we haven’t talked about this yet. Your story is just so incredible that I think we have to tell it. So how long had you been in business, if you remember, when you joined 200K. Do you remember how much more you applied with? Like how much money you had made when you came into the room?

Becca:  Yeah. So I looked up some numbers. So this is how it went down. In 2019, I was only coaching for nine months because I didn’t start until Q2. So in 2019, I made $100,000 almost to the dollars. Okay. By the way, that was when I was just listening to your podcast. I remember…so I started telling this story, and I kind of left it for a minute.

I came home one day to my husband. I said, “I wish I could monetize telling people advice about business. I know so much. I have so much in my head, and I don’t know how to get it out. I wish I could just charge for it.” He was like, “Yeah, it’s called business coaching.” I was like no, that’s not real. He was like, “Yeah, it is. People will pay you for your advice.” I was like well I’ve been giving free advice for years. I’ve helped people build their company and haven’t ever asked for money.

So in 2019, I started asking around basically to people I was already helping people build their company. I was like hey, I think I’m going to do this for money. I remember leaving my pride at the door completely. I was like, “So I’m going to do this thing. It’s called business coaching where you can have access to my brain. If you don’t like it, I’ll give you all your money back. How does that sound?” They were just like okay.

I started one-on-one coaching because I was listening to your podcast. Someone had told me to listen to your podcast. I took my dog on a walk every day, and I listened to old episodes, new episodes. I was just so fascinated with this industry. I didn’t understand that this was a thing. Then when I figured out what it was, my brain exploded with the possibilities.

I remember telling my friends like I can see how you can become a multiple millionaire very quickly in this industry. I can see it. It’s all laid out in front of me. All I’ve got to do is go do the work. Like now it was the most revolutionary realization that the coaching industry was an industry, right. Does that make sense?

Stacey:  Yeah. Yeah, I get it.

Becca:  I just fell in love with it hard and fast. So 2019, I made right about $100,000. Then in 2020, I made $250,000, and I had applied to be in 200K in 2020. By the way, most of that $250,000, I would probably 70% of it was after I applied.

Stacey:  That’s so crazy.

Becca:  Like the last quarter. My numbers just skyrocketed.

Stacey:  What do you think that was?

Becca:  You know, if I’m being real honest, it was just like I really want to do well in 200K. I want to feel like I fit in. I don’t know what to expect. I didn’t go through 2K for 2K. I didn’t know any of that. I’m now a part of 2K for 2K because Michelle emailed me, and she was like, “To be in 200K, you’ve got to go through 2K for 2K.” I was like okay. Sign me up anywhere.

Stacey:  That’s so great. We don’t do that anymore, but we did it for a long time because we were really filtering who we wanted in that room. Like right now in 2 Million Dollar Group, you have to go through 200K to get into 2 Million Dollar Group. It will always be that way, but it helps maintain. I didn’t want to spend any time teaching those concepts, right.

I can only imagine if someone hadn’t done 200K. Well, now that you’ve been in 2 Million Dollar Group, you can probably speak to this as well. It’s like if they hadn’t been in 200K and they came into 2 Million Dollar Group, how uncomfortable of an experience it would be for them and how annoying of an experience it would probably be for the students in the room. Because everybody is just moving so fast, and laser focused. Everyone understands the process. If you don’t, it’s just like you stick out so much.

Becca:  Yeah. That’s the way I felt in the 200K group. So I had listened to your podcasts, but I hadn’t done 2K for 2K. So when I stepped in the 200K room, I felt very far behind. Like even though my numbers were doing really well, I really felt graspy. I didn’t understand the lingo that people were using. I ended up going back and just like binging a bunch of the 2K that I could. If I could go back…

Stacey:  I love that you had made $250,000 and Michelle told you you had to pay for 2K, and you were like, “Okay.”

Becca:  Yeah, I was.

Stacey:  That’s so great. It just shows how committed you were.

Becca:  Yeah. I was like just whatever. Tell me where to put the money. I don’t know. So I did $250,000 that year. So that was 2020, last year. I did one round of 200K. Then in the last 12 months, I’ve done right at almost $500,000.

Stacey:  That’s so insane. So how much money did you make in 200K? I don’t know if you counted from the time that you applied or the time that the mastermind already started, but do you remember that number? It was over $300,000. I don’t know if it was more or.

Becca:  Is that the number that you wrote on the board for 2 Million?

Stacey:   Maybe.

Becca:  I think it is. If that’s the case then it was like $450,000 or something.

Stacey:  My gosh. It’s so crazy. Like absolutely nuts. Oh yeah it would have been because you did the January class, and in Cabo it was August, and we did year to date. So that is how much it was.

Becca:  Yeah exactly.

Stacey:  Oh my gosh. That’s so crazy. You didn’t even want to join 2 Million Dollar Group right away. You wanted to do 200K again. I was like, “I think you need to be in 2 Million Dollar Group.” Which is not usually the advice I give. I’m usually the opposite. I’m like you need to do another round of 200K. Here’s why.

I really felt like you needed, for where your business was, the type of conversation you needed to be having. Once you had that first round of 200K, I’m like you might still feel a little like you haven’t mastered the lingo of 200K, but you have the foundation down. Then it’s like okay. Now it’s time to have the conversation that matches the level of business that you’re in.

Becca:  Yeah. I mean it’s been a whirlwind. Like even when I post in the 2 Million Dollar Group, I want to tell them what I’m thinking. How do I do the model? Okay. Okay. So I don’t know.

Stacey:  I feel like in 200K and 2 Million Dollar Group, you don’t really… I don’t know. It’s interesting to hear what your thoughts would be. I don’t think it’s imperative that you know the model. I think I do a really good job teaching business concepts that are obviously rooted in the model, but it’s like teaching it without actually teaching it and deconstructing it and breaking it down so that it could work with anyone. Because I never want people to be pigeonholed.

I think the model’s the most amazing thing ever. Why wouldn’t they want to learn it? But in case there was someone that’s like, “I love this other method that I use.” I want them to be able to do that. I do love that you’re like, “What’s the model? How do I put it in there?”

Becca:  I do. All the time. I’m like okay. Is this a circumstance? I remember calling Lindsay Dotzlaf and being like, “What the hell is the model? Will you just teach it to me real quick because I’m going into 200K, and they talk about this a lot.” She’s like okay.

Stacey:  So this is the other thing that everyone needs to hear. Number one, you don’t have to have the model to coach your clients, right. Becca doesn’t have the model. She coaches her clients on business. She knows a lot about business. You don’t have to have it to make a lot of money. I only say that.

Again, I believe that everybody should just want to learn it because it’s so amazing and why wouldn’t you want that tool? I think a lot of people when they approach it from have to, it makes them feel so resistant that they push against it in a weird way that just doesn’t serve them. Versus you’re like, “Okay. Tell me. Let me just jump in. Let me get started. Let me understand it.” I love that.

Becca:  I want to talk on that. So a lot of people, and I see the conversations happening in 2K a lot which is like I’m trying to learn the model better so I can coach better. Or should I get a certification so that I can coach better? Should I do all of this so I can coach better? I think that it’s easy to get caught up in those things if you don’t have the confidence of your coaching.

When I started coaching, I remember just being like if someone asked if I was certified or what my credentials were, I was like I built a big ass business in my 20s. Do you want to work with me or not? I was just so confident that I knew how to coach them at least from the sense of getting them from point A to point B, right? It doesn’t have to be this perfect recipe of thought work, perfect ingredients of motivation with a structure.

For most of my clients and I, we sat down, we got on the phone, and we just talked. I would dig in and try to figure out what was holding them back. I was always pretty mindset heavy because I lean into a lot of mindset work, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It took me a long time to realize that it doesn’t have to be any certain way.

I think that my curiosity when I started coaching was super helpful. I went in, again, with just no pride to protect. I remember contacting everyone that I knew that considered themselves a coach and just being like, “Hey, will you go get coffee with me? I’ll buy it. I’ll buy you some lunch. I just want to talk to you.”

Just being straight up with them. Like hey, I want to start coaching. I have a lot of knowledge to give. When did you start coaching? What does that look like? Do you have a structure? I don’t have a structure, and I don’t want a structure. Do you think I have to have one? Good because I’m not going to. I was just so curious.

From that curiosity stemmed a large network that helped me grow my business. I asked enough people in Lexington to have coffee with me that by two months into it, I started gathering 20 and 30 people at a time at a coffee shop. I called it The Coaches Circle. It wasn’t for any monetary reason. It wasn’t for any purpose that I could gain monetary value from. It was just hey I’m going to bring everyone in Lexington together that coaches so that we can discuss it.

Before you knew it, I was like—My personality is pretty dominating anyway. So I was like dominating the group. A bunch of them started working with me, like hiring me to coach them. So I never did it to gain clients. I did it because I was curious.

Stacey:  That’s so good. I love the idea of just putting your pride to the side. I don’t know how you said it, but it was like…I can’t remember exactly. Your words were very catchy. I love that thought. I think so many of us let our ego and our pride and what other people will think and what we will think about ourselves get in the way from being humble and willing to do that.

Becca:  Yeah. I think it’s hard to be a beginner for anyone that’s been an expert in anything.

Stacey:  Yes. Yes.

Becca:  I was an expert in building a brick-and-mortar company. I felt very expert in that. I had to put that expert hat down to become a coach. So anyone that was an expert in volleyball or an expert in, it doesn’t even matter.

Stacey:  Doctors, lawyers, we get a lot of those.

Becca:  Be able to put that expertise down to become a beginner. I felt like I became an expert in one-on-one coaching, but now I have a program. So I’m trying to be very curious of like okay. I’ve got this content that is very valuable. How the hell do I market a program? What does that look like? That’s a totally different business. I just am trying my best to stay very curious and to keep my pride at bay.

Stacey:  I love that so much. So good. It’s a very different beast to sell one on one versus to sell a group in a program. Now you’re kind of going through that with reorganizing your offers and to make them much more scalable in the future. What do you think is like the biggest discomfort in that? Because I do think a lot of people when they come into 200K especially.

Like now I’m creating a filter where it’s going to be less and less where people can come into 2 Million Dollar Group and have quite this flavor of drama. But there will always be a little bit of it when you come in and you have to just restructure all of your offers because maybe you’re offering five or six different offers. I think Kristen Boss had like 12 the year that she came into 2 Million Dollar Group. It’s really uncomfortable to do that. What do you think is the hardest part of that? What is the thing that makes it the hardest for people or for you?

Becca:  Knowing that it works and letting it go. Like when I came into 2 Million just last month, I had four offers. Those four offers generated me half a million dollars. I got rid of two of them, and two that I would argue have very strong potential. Two that my clients really liked and enjoyed, had great reviews. Two that had really high revenue numbers. I let them go completely for the sake of growth and to expand my ceiling.

It has been hellacious in a good way. I have had to do more mindset work than I’ve ever had to do in my life. I’ve made more money than I’ve ever made in my life. For me to be like okay, I’m going to doc this and trust that I can do something even better.

Being in that transition period where you’re letting something go to build something new is just falling off the cliff not knowing if the net is going to catch you. I’m there right now. I’m still falling just trusting that my net is there. I’m starting to see it. I’m starting now like oh, is that it? This is happening. Okay. This was good.

Stacey:  Yeah. Oh my gosh. I remember when I was selling. At the time, I had been doing masterminds for a long time. I started them fairly early on. I filled my practice. It was like an eight-week period where I sold 16 clients. Then I already had a handful of them. So I was completely booked. Then I started doing groups because I was coaching network marketers at the time. People just recommend everyone to you when you’re coaching network marketers if you’re good.

So I started doing groups. I had done groups forever, probably 10, 15 of them by the time I got into Million Dollar Mentoring with Brooke. So I was doing three different types of groups. Then I had my one-on-one. My one on one was selling for $36,000 a year. I don’t know where that number came from, but $36,000 to work with me for a year. I remember when Brooke was like no more one-on-one coaching. We’re going to sell this program that’s $2,000.

I remember Neil was like, “This is a bad idea. This is stupid. What are we doing? You’re making so much money. You sign one client, $36,000. How many clients do you have to sell of that 2K program to make that amount of money?” It was. When it’s working and it’s working really well, but I think the thing that everyone has to remember is when you’re at that stage, it’s working really well for how much money you make then.

Becca:  Yes.

Stacey:  So it’s working really well for me at $300,000 a year, but it wasn’t going to work really well…There was literally no way to sell enough $36,000 packages to equal a million dollars.

Becca:  Yep. That is exactly where I am. So like at the end of my one on one, my packages were selling for $25,000 for six months. So $50,000 a year. People loved spending it because the revenue they were seeing on the other end of it. People were coming in making $80,000 a year, and they’re leaving making $600,000 that year. So to them, it was a no brainer. To be able to reteach my audience, you can gain the same momentum through this $1,500 program, right?

So like I’ve let go of the $50,000 a year one on one packages for $1,500 lifetime packages. It took me a while. A lot of drama happened after Cabo in my brain.

Stacey:  I bet. I get it. I’ve been there.

Becca:  You’ve been there. That’s exactly where I was.

Stacey:  My face, I think it literally went white when Brooke was coaching me on this. Everyone was making—They were like, “Are you going to vomit?” They were actually asking, “Are you going to puke?”

Becca:  Yeah. Well, do you remember me at that conference table in Cabo? I was like I just can’t. I don’t know. I don’t think we can do this. Then if you ask any of the 2 Million Dollar girls after that meeting, it took me a full 24 hours to recoup. I remember Vicky just being so nice to me. She was like, “Are you okay?” She’s like, “Do you want me to get me like a cocktail maybe?” I was like I don’t drink when I’m sad.

Stacey:  That’s so great. It’s really scary. It really is. There’s no way around it when you shift your offers in such an extreme way. Also, I do think. I want to speak to this because I don’t think…I’ve been teaching this a lot in 200K to prepare people’s minds because I do think people—The number one mistake a lot of six figure coaches make is they go to do this transition, and they mistakenly have overconfidence in their ability to sell it. Mostly because they think a cheaper item will be so much easier to sell, which is not true. It’s almost the opposite in my opinion.

Really the way you described it, I think, is the best way to explain it. You have educated your audience on a $25,000 six month offer for X amount of time and really sold them on that being the best package and for one on one. Then you have to sell them on this $1,500. They’re like, “Wait a minute. How can I get the same value from $1,500 when I was paying $25,000?” Then you have to completely not only train yourself to sell it but also then train them to buy it. That takes time.

So I’m always telling people that you need to make sure you have extensive cash reserves when you go, and you switch your offer that dramatically. If you’re going to go from one on one to group and you’re going to keep some one on one, great. If you’re going to go straight cold turkey to group, you need to have a reserve. You need to expect that you’re not just going to fill your launches necessarily right away.

Same with a program. If you’re going to switch to a program, you have to have some money in the bank because it could take up to a year to learn how to sell it at the level if not greater than you were before. It takes time.

Becca:  Yeah. I took out a loan just for cushion. I have no debt resistance at all. I feed my business baby as much food as it needs knowing that it’s just going to grow up and be a boss.

Stacey:  I love that.

Becca:  Yeah. If anyone doesn’t know this, the government is really taking care of small business owners right now. You can get loans for ungodly low interest rates right now. You can get grants. You can get all kinds of stuff right now because of the pandemic. I took out a $50,000 loan. Put it in there as just a cushion so that I don’t get into graspiness. So that I can sell this properly in a way that doesn’t make me weird. I feel like people get weird when cash gets low, and I don’t want to get low.

Stacey:  Yeah. Oh my god. I love that you said that, that you shared that. I love that people got to hear it. Because I have heard entrepreneurs, CEOs that are making a lot of money that people follow on this podcast who have done the same things. It’s so fascinating just to feel the energy of the way that you say it. I believe you. I can feel your energy around it. You’re like, “Yeah, I know it’s going to grow up. I know it’s going to be healthy and wealthy and all the things. So why wouldn’t I just give myself that space?” Like of course.

Becca:  I think that this might rub people the wrong way. Debt resistance, I think, comes from lack of confidence and ultimately lack of commitment to your company. If you know you’re in this for the long haul, if I’ve got 80 more years left, then I have 80 years to pay that loan back. I have 80 years to figure it out. I have 80 years to become a content creator. I’ve got time. Nothing is in a rush at this point. If I need a little cash or if I think I might need a little cash in the future just to give myself that cushion and take advantage of what the banks are offering right now, there’s no thoughts about it. My commitment is there.

Stacey:  That’s so good. That’s so good. It shouldn’t rub anyone the wrong way because it is what needs to be said. That’s so great. Yeah. I talked about this on the 200K stage too. A lot of people will take out credit card debt for the $25K payment. They’re so resistant to that.

They do it. Then they’re so resistant that their brain becomes—or they’ll borrow the money. Their brain becomes engulfed. They cannot focus on anything else other than getting that payment paid off as fast as possible. As soon as the money comes in, they pay all of it to that card. Then their account is at zero again.

So then the option becomes, if you’re in this spiral, the option becomes put more things on the credit card, have the resistance, freak out, got to get money in to pay it off right away. And then you end up in the cycle unless you can quickly hustle to make enough money to get out of it where you make say $50K and you have that $25K cushion. I think that I see a lot of people, not a lot of people, but I would say a handful of people each round who do this. Then their entire six months gets wasted on stressing, freaking out, and trying to just get rid of that debt.

I actually was like you. I had no money coming in. I remember this was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I had like $12,000 worth of debt. At the time, I was 20 something. Server job maybe $15,000 a year. However much a part time server makes. That amount of debt was almost impossible to pay off. I remember the bills would come in and I would literally freak out. I can’t pay them.

So I called a debt management program, and it’s where they consolidate all your debt into one payment and then they make the payments. Then they arrange with the creditors to not charge you interest rate really high. It goes down to like 4.9% and then they can’t charge you late fees and stuff like that. Then you just can’t take out any additional debt for however many years.

So my plan ended up being like a three-year plan. It was $300 a month. At one point I started pitching and I was making a ton of money, and I had asked them if I can pay it off early. They were like, “Don’t do that because you’ve said that you can’t afford to pay it off early.” So they’ve given you this deal under the assumption you can’t pay. So if all of a sudden, you’re just paying it off, it’s going to look like you didn’t need the deal to begin with. So you’ve just got to keep paying the $300 a month for the full three years or four years, whatever it was.

That taught me so much about debt because they had it all. I just had to pay the $300 a month. That was all I ever had to think about. If I had more money, I couldn’t pay it off. I had to sit with the fact that I still have—Say like maybe I have $15,000 in my account and I still have this $9,000 of debt and I can’t do anything about it.

Becca:  Yeah. Well, I learned a lot of debt lessons opening Massage Strong. So like I was at a place at one point where it was like, “Okay do I want to open a studio that has two to three rooms in it that could hypothetically make me $10,000 to $20,000 a month, right. Or do I want to take out a loan and bring a much larger facility that could bring me in a lot more money?”

I was at this crossroads at this one point in my life where I was like do I pay cash, or do I just take the loan out? I took out $80,000. I now know it takes about $80 grand to take a white box unit and to create eight rooms in that unit. So I opened up an eight-room place that can house about 16 massage therapists a day in it. Now it pulls in about $80,000 to $90,000 a month. $80,000 was the debt that I had to take out. Was it scary? Yes. Was it awful? Yes. It was literally more than the house I was living in at the time. The house I was living in was like $85,000 or something like that.

I took out a loan for $80,000, didn’t sleep at night, cried myself to sleep just terrified. I also knew that if I had eight rooms, I could fit 16 people in it. It’s $80 an hour or $120 for 90 minutes. The math just made sense to me.  So now you pay that debt off and you’re pulling $80,000/$90,000 a month per location.

A lot of people have resistance whenever they’re coaches or when they’re online. They think there’s no startup fee. A lot of times they get into it because there’s no startup fee. When I came into coaching, I was like $80,000 is about the startup money that I use per location. I’m going to assume I need about $80,000 to start this up. I’m going to buy into 200K. I’m going to get the equipment I need. I’m going to get a coach. I’m going to just figure it out. I’m going to take a loan out, and I’m going to pay it off the same way I did with the Massage Strong loans.

Stacey:  So good. The only thing for everyone listening. If you never have to do this, good for you. It’s seriously so great. But there are a lot of people that may have to take debt at some point in their business. What I really want to offer you is the only thing at risk truly is how you’re going to feel while you have it, and you get to be in control of that. That’s what I learned from doing that debt management program is I can be happy. I can feel free. I can feel like I can breathe. I can have no anxiety or stress about the debt while I have it.

Becca:  Yeah.

Stacey:  Then eventually we just paid it off and it was like I didn’t even notice it.

Becca:  Yeah. Something to remember is most large companies, especially brick and mortar companies, but most companies have some sort of debt. They have some sort of credit line that they’re working through, and they pay off and they add onto it. You have to whenever you need large amounts of equipment or growth or whatever. So I truly think that the death of certain companies is because of the massive resistance to debt. These people that have been Dave Ramsey’d to death.

Stacey:  Yeah.

Becca:  I’m a big fan of debt, but personal debt is very different from business debt. It’s two totally different animals.

Stacey:  Yes, agreed. 100%. So if you’re in this position, I just want to offer. I told everybody this on the 200K stage is really do the math. I think a lot of times too we’re just freaked out because you haven’t done the math. If you’re going to take out say an $80,000 loan, give yourself double the time you think you’ll need to pay it back or maybe even triple depending on where your mind is. If you have resistance, you might be like, “I only have 30 days.” Right? Maybe give yourself six months to a year.

Then look at what’s the interest rate and what will you be paying every month to what I call debt buying money. So how much will you pay per month to buy that money at a time where you could really use it. Then you could leverage it to grow faster than you could without it, right.

So if you’re going to say pay, let’s just say—I don’t even know. This would never happen probably. Let’s just say $3,000 a month that you’re going to pay. So it’s like $36,000 that you’ll pay for this debt. This is extreme, but let’s just go with it and say it’s $36,000 a year to have this debt. But you leverage that debt to figure out how to make $200,000.

Becca:  Yeah. It’s money that works for you.

Stacey:  Yes. We’ve been taught in society to never pay interest. That interest is terrible and awful and all the things, and I agree if it’s personal interest. Although, I do think that people are totally on board to pay $500,000 of interest on their homes that they buy over a 30 year loan. They’re like, “Yeah, I’ve got to have a house. So that’s legit.”

Becca:  Well, I feel like people are so cool with buying help in other ways, right. Like if you want to lose weight, you buy a personal trainer. You buy the gym equipment. You’re just buying help. I think of that from the banks. Everyone gives the banks this big, “The banks are the problem. The banks are out to get you.” No, the banks are there to lend you money, and they’re a business too. You have to pay them because they are a business. They have to survive so that they can keep helping you.

Stacey:  But they are like the place you go to buy money. How amazing is that? That you can walk into places and be like, “I need to buy some money today. I’m starting a business.” Right? Like you really could do that. I love that we had this conversation. I think that it’s going to be helpful to so many people. It’s like ah, I feel like we could talk about it all day.

Okay let’s move on. We’re coming to the end of our hour. I wanted to ask you this question that I ask everyone. Which is when you were thinking about coming on, you had to have had possibly like oh we have to talk about this. Or I want to make sure I tell them this or I say this, or I teach them that.

Is there anything that you were thinking about that we did not cover that you think someone in my audience listening who is building their coaching business whether it’s their first 2K, their first 200K, or their first million? Is there anything that we haven’t covered that you think they need to hear?

Becca:  Yes.

Stacey:  Perfect. What is it? Tell us.

Becca:  Let me say if I can articulate this well because this has probably been the biggest shift for me. You guys don’t have to be like Stacey. You don’t have to be like me. You don’t have to be like Dotzlaf. You don’t have to be like Lindsey Mango. It took me a while to realize, and it might have been because I only followed your podcast and your 200K. I have done what I think is really well.

Stacey:  Yeah. Constraint is so good.

Becca:  You should constrain and focus, but the one problem with that is you don’t know what coaching can look like in other ways. In my mind it looks like this, and it looks like that because that is the way Stacey does it. It took me a long time to be like, “Oh, it can look so many different ways.” I want to articulate this well because I think that there are so many people that aren’t trying to be like Stacey, but it’s all that they know. So they’re not allowing themselves to venture out and make it look drastically different.

Stacey:  Yeah.

Becca:  So tap into like, obviously use 200K and 2K for 2K like it’s your life crutch for sure. But if that wasn’t there, how would you be getting your message out? How would you actually be doing this? What feels good to you? Sometimes I have to quiet the noise in my brain, and I have to say like, “Becca, what were you doing when you were starting Massage Strong? What worked so well?” Swallow your pride again and just decide to be very different than other people and go get them. There’s no right or wrong.

Stacey:  That’s so good. I just want to add to that that I also think that there’s such a fine line of following someone’s vibe, their energy, coaching how they coach, having things look the way that they look, thinking that that’s the right way. Then being coachable with the process. Because I just actually got an email recently in our company.

The person had said, “Stacey was trying to be the authority of my business, and I wasn’t able to be my individuality.” I remembered the last coaching I gave this person. This person was very stressed out always, always for like a year on not having enough money for their family. Money was always an issue and they wanted to go to group.  I had coached her and said, “Sell four more one on one. Make $40,000. Take that money, put it in the bank, and have it. Be the coach who has it. Then sell your group, and you’ll have so much. That $40,000 will make a big impact.” Right?

I was like that’s so fascinating that I was trying to take her individuality away from her by giving her savvy business advice to not hustle and to pay her bills. So I have to say like there’s just this like fine line of sometimes people are like, “So and so’s trying to make me do something.” It’s more of like we’re trying to make sure you don’t fail.”

Becca:  I feel like that’s why I took my loan out because people get weird when money’s tight and I do too.

Stacey:  Yes.

Becca:  Our brain’s get weird when money gets tight. If you’re in lack—

Stacey:  I love that. Our brains get weird when money gets tight.

Becca:  It does. It doesn’t matter who you are. It’s built into our brains. It’s instinctual. We want to survive. We want to thrive. We want to keep our species alive. I just rhymed all of that. I didn’t mean to. If our resources go low, we start blaming. We start pointing fingers. We start operating from lack. Let me tell you guys something. When I got back from Cabo and I switched everything around, I have never had more people in my life come to me saying that they want offers that I no longer offer. It was like the universe was testing me.

Stacey:  Of course. It always happens that way.

Becca:  Yes. I won. I won the test. Because I told them no, we don’t offer that anymore. You can go into this program. So many of them were like, “No thanks. Bye.” I had to sit with it and figure it out. Like y’all, I knew that that was coming. I knew that it was happening. I wanted to have a cushion so that I didn’t get weird.

Stacey:  Yes. So we don’t get weird around money. We don’t have to have our business look exactly like Stacey’s, and we don’t blame if someone just wants us to have money before moving on to an offer that we know is going to be hard to sell. Right? So we don’t use the trying to be individual against ourselves to make bad business decisions.

All right. This was brilliant. People are absolutely going to die for this episode. You just have such a brilliant business savvy mind. Where can people connect with you if they’re like, “I loved Becca. Her energy.” I don’t think we’ve had anyone with your energy on this podcast before.

Becca:  Really?

Stacey:  I was thinking when we came on like you just have such a powerful, strong say it like it is energy. I don’t know that we’ve had that before. So I really love that people got that experience. So if they want to follow you, how do they find you?

Becca:  Yeah. So I’m on Instagram. It is @1beccapike. I just launched a podcast. It’s called The Hell Yes Entrepreneur. So that’s going well and fun.

Stacey:  So good.

Becca:  Dude podcasting is fun. What episode is this for you? Do you know?

Stacey:  I think it’s 146.

Becca:  Man, you’ve been doing this for a while. Huh?

Stacey:  That doesn’t count the 64 episodes of Diva Business School.

Becca:  Wow. Are you having fun with it? To me having a podcast is like I have my own show. I’m like who wants to hear about life? It’s like put a mic on me.

Stacey:  We have a love/hate relationship, I’ll be honest. It’s like the time it takes to do them. This is another investment thing, right. It takes me two to three hours to do like not one of these, but to do content podcasts. It takes me a while to do them. So there’s a little bit of that love/hate of like there are other things I could be doing. Then sometimes there’s also like I have so many topics. Like I have probably a hundred that I would love to get out and I can’t get them out fast enough.

So yeah. There’s a little bit of like I love doing them. I don’t think I could ever see myself stop because the topics never run out. Someone just messaged the other day and was like, “You never did that podcast on social media.” I’m like I’m going to have to go listen to the episode to hear what I was talking about because I don’t remember this episode.

Becca:  Yeah.

Stacey:  I have so many in the queue that I’m like, “Okay, I’ll never not do them.” But it’s time consuming. It’s a huge commitment. So it’s a love/hate.

Becca:  I drastically underestimated the amount of time that it would require to have a podcast. It’s a lot like a part time job. I’m getting better at it now, and I just started doing interview style which is so much easier than just content creating.

Stacey:  Oh the content ones are the hardest. Yeah.

Becca:  I see why people just do interviews.

Stacey:  Mine are long, right. Like most people only do 20 minutes, but I’m a talker and I just have so much in my brain. I probably over give like crazy and mine are always very long.

Becca:  Also changing people’s lives for real. I have a bittersweet memory of walking my dog rain, snow, sunshine. All the seasons. I would bundle up and I would listen to Stacey Boehman on my little podcast thing. I would eat it up for real. So you’re doing something.

Stacey:  I am doing something with a large amount of commitment. Yeah. It’s a very love/hate. Mostly a love relationship. It’s like that thing of having to have discipline to sit down. I write mine all out before I record them because otherwise my brain…It’s like I have one of those brains that is so intelligent that it can get lost in itself. If you get me talking about something it could be like where did we go? We’re down a rabbit hole, and I have no idea how to get back out. So I make myself constrain. I type them out and have all my points so that I stay on topic.

Becca:  Yeah, 100%.

Stacey:  It’s time consuming, but I love it. I love hearing stories. Like you made $100,000 listening to this podcast. That makes it worth it for me.

Becca:  Yeah. It might have taken me a year to invest in you. The way I think about it is like yes, I learned from you “for free” for a year, but by the time I did invest, the rapport that had been built without you even knowing it. Like you didn’t even know we were in a relationship. Then by the time I was in 200K, I was all in. There was no tippy toeing, you know what I mean? So it’s an investment.

Stacey:  Yeah, I love it. Thank you so much for coming on. This conversation was so different than the other two women I spoke to. I love that they’re so drastically different. This one was so great. I think it was unlike anything we’ve had on before. I know that people are going to get so much value. So I really appreciate that.

Becca:  Man, thank you so much. I had a good time. Thanks.

Stacey:  I’ll see you soon in January.

Becca:  Yes. No, in October.

Stacey:  Oh wait, October. Right. I keep forgetting.

Becca:  Two weeks.

Stacey:  We meet four times a year for 2 Million Dollar Group. Oh my god it is two weeks here in Louisville. That’s right.

Becca:  I’m already thinking about my nail color. That’s how close we are. I’m like what color goes with boss ass fives?

Stacey:  Black always. Obviously.

Becca:  I chose black. That’s exactly what I chose. That’s so funny.

Stacey:  That is so great. Okay I will see you in just a few weeks here in person. I love it. Thank you so much.

Becca:  Thanks Stacey. Have a good day.

Stacey:  You too. Bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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