Make Money as a Life Coach® Podcast

Ep #160: Offers Q&A

Ep #160: Offers Q&A

I am currently knee-deep in the middle of Offer Week, and in between all the teaching and coaching, I’ve been receiving so many valuable questions about making offers. So, this week, I thought it...

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Ep #157: Offer Week

Ep #157: Offer Week

There is only one thing that will make the revenue you want to make in 2022 inevitable, and that’s your offer. Offers are the biggest point of drama that comes up for all coaches at all levels, but...

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Ep #156: Believing in Magic

Ep #156: Believing in Magic

Something I’m so grateful for in my childhood was the fostering of make-believe. The magic and excitement of make-believe figures like Santa and the tooth fairy were a huge part of the most...

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Ep #154: What to Call Your Sales Calls

Ep #154: What to Call Your Sales Calls

One question that comes up all the time in 2K for 2K is, “What do I call my sales calls?” Coaches want to call their consultation or sales calls anything from breakthrough or life discovery sessions...

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Ep #153: MVP No. 2 – Success Intolerance

Ep #153: MVP No. 2 – Success Intolerance

Today, we’re bringing you another Most Valuable Podcast. This episode and the concept of success intolerance are talked about repeatedly inside all of my programs, and it’s one of the most useful...

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Ep #151: The 13 Million Dollar Launch Model

Ep #151: The 13 Million Dollar Launch Model

Over the past few years, I’ve been working on my mastermind with the intention of obviously delivering massive results, but also scaling the number of students we can take at one time, so nobody is...

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