Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | 156K in 12 Months to 128K in 3 Months by Result Focused Investing with Megan Wing

My students are experiencing insane growth in their businesses, and I always want to get them on the podcast as soon as possible so you can learn from them and use their insights for yourself. And to kick off a series of bonus episodes with my 200K Masterminders, I’m speaking to Megan Wing this week.

Megan Wing is a business coach for entrepreneurs and the creator of the Six Figure Systems framework. Coaching helped solidify and up-level her self-concept as a CEO, and she’s learned valuable lessons along the way about what it means to be in business. She went from making $156K all of last year to making $128K by the end of this first quarter, and she’s here to give you a masterclass in all things entrepreneurship.

Join us on this bonus episode as Megan and I explore the importance of aggressively investing in your business and how she made hitting six figures statistically inevitable. Megan is sharing her thoughts on the core tenets of running a successful coaching business, the importance of having a community on your journey, and why tracking data is one of your biggest responsibilities as a coach.

The 200K Mastermind is open for enrollment from May 13th to May 15th, 2024. Make sure to mark your calendars for these dates if you want to join.

I’m making some big changes in my Two Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How talking openly about money has helped Megan create the income and lifestyle of her dreams.
  • Why Megan has aggressively invested in her business. 
  • How she quadrupled her income in one quarter. 
  • 4 examples of result-focused investments, and why Megan believes these are the biggest aspects of her business.
  • The benefits of investing in a coach who teaches you how to project your business into the future.
  • Why tracking your clients’ results is one of your biggest responsibilities as their coach.
  • How Megan made it statistically inevitable for her to hit six figures in her business.
  • Why you want to switch from coaching one-on-one to group as fast as possible.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, I have a special episode for you today, an interview with one of my students, Megan Wing. She is back on the podcast for her second interview. I rarely do second interviews, but Megan is having some insane growth. And I think anytime someone in my community is having insane growth, we have to get them on the podcast as best as I can in my schedule. We have to get them on the podcast to hear all of their thoughts and just squeeze that lemon, get as much out of them as we can so that we can use for our own selves on this podcast.

So Megan is here today to do just that. So in case they did not hear you on the first time you’ve been on the episode, which was recently, would you introduce yourself. Tell everyone who you are, what you do, and then we’ll dive in.

Megan: Perfect. Hello, everyone. My name is Megan Wing. And I am the founder of Six Figure Systems. I am also a business coach thanks to the lovely Stacey Boehman. And within my business I have learned so much that I really just want to give back to other entrepreneurs. And for my business, what I do is I help people make more income and impact in less time. So that’s one of the things that’s important to me.

Stacey: Yeah, I love it so much. Okay, so I don’t remember when I had you on, but I feel like just a couple of months ago. What did you end last year at? Do you care if we talk about the numbers?

Megan: I would love to talk about the numbers because I think that this is something that I truly appreciate you being a role model as far as sharing income. And I think that for me I know that many members of my family, friends didn’t really understand sharing about those kinds of things. And I think that people at first were very surprised in not a positive way. I don’t think that they loved hearing about [crosstalk].

Stacey: I have to be careful about that. Sometimes I will say how much something costs or ask someone how much something costs or talk about money in a way that’s too comfortable for other people. And then I feel the discomfort that’s happened. And I’m like, “Whoops, only in my communities.” This is something that is not normal, 100%. But I do think it’s really healthy and it’s really good. And I just think transparency helps us all grow and learn. And I would love to have more money conversations, I’m all about it.

Megan: Me too. So in the last episode, I think I spoke, I was a former teacher. So definitely came from a career where income wasn’t ever discussed, because everyone was at the same baseline. Rarely were there raises or promotions or things like that. So I think that for you, seeing you and people like Brooke sharing their income was such an example of what’s possible.

And literally one of the things that I created from that level of you sharing and your possibility was not only the income that I made, but also the lifestyle I made and I’ll share about that. How you shared about the three day work week. I was like, “How can I make that happen? How can I make at least six figures happen?” And now I created eight hour work weeks, that’s my thing now. It’s just crazy because of people sharing how much opportunity. So last year I made 156,000.

Stacey: This makes this even better. I’m so excited. I couldn’t remember what the number was last year. So this makes it even better, 156,000.

Megan: $156,000, which, by the way, I made 40,000 as a teacher and I was still a teacher in 2021. So just to give you a frame of reference, [crosstalk] this is to me. Also, last year was my first year I had switched from being a general kind of career coach to a business coach. So it was year one and the year before that as a career coach I made 120, which has already tripled my teaching salary.

So I quadrupled my teaching salary and I still love teaching, it’s nothing against that. But it was just the insanity of that being possible. And this year, my friends, I kid you not, I am at $120,000 as of April 15.

Stacey: You made basically, in one quarter what you made all of last year.

Megan: Yeah. And I was going to share with you about the investments that I made as well, because I think people see that. This is my third year full-time. So, yeah, they can come to expect that that’s how it happened. Just three years in and you make this amount of money. But I think that for me, I never heard about what people invested. So you can have this frame of reference, in 2020 I invested 26 and made 15. In 2021 I was still part-time, I invested 51, I made 47. So I still did not make a profit at all until 2022.

I invested $94,000 that year and I made 120. So again, people are seeing the revenue, but they need to see that I was investing aggressively and heavily into my business into what I was learning. And that is something that I think that I heard from you, I heard from Brooke. That’s one of the things that was recommended. So I was like, “Yeah, let’s go for it.” And then last year I invested 81 and made 156. And now as of this year, I’ve only invested 10,000, and plan on doing a lot more, but I’ve made that 128.

Do you see what I mean? I think people see the revenue and they don’t see the investment. Investing heavily at the beginning is one of the most important strategies that I think that everyone could do if they want to.

Stacey: Well, and it doesn’t have to be that much. It gets to be whatever you decide. I’m guessing that you were like me, I wanted all of the things and I wanted them as much as I could afford them as soon as I could afford them. And again, this is not advice. This is not telling you, you should do this. But if we are having two successful women on to talk about what they did and they just happen to be similar things, let’s just talk about it.

But I remember I would literally be selling coaching, going out and making offers just so that I could go invest in more coaching. Be like, “Okay, I want to do this mastermind or I want to get this certification.” And I don’t know exactly what my numbers were, but I do know I invested heavily. And I mean to date, gosh, I need to sit down and write it all up. But I can’t imagine just in coaching, I can imagine it’s less than 300K, probably closer to 500K.

What’s crazy is that it gets to the point where I remember it used to feel like 100% of my revenue. And now our last P&L, it was less than 1% of my revenue, of my profit that came in. And it’s so wild how that happens. But I do think we don’t talk enough about investments that businesses require and it’s not just coaching businesses. I’m a big fan of coaching investments if it’s on your brain or on a strategy because it just makes you better and better and better as you go.

But I mean when you look at franchises, what it takes to start up a franchise, we’re talking about a million, maybe a little less. I’ve had so many conversations with Patrick because he comes from the tech world. And he’s like, “Silicon Valley startups require hundreds of millions of dollars of venture capital.” So to do it for even, I mean, I don’t know how much, we’d have to add this up but something like 200 maybe?

Megan: Yeah, 262 invested and $466,000 is what I’ve made.

Stacey: So good. Yeah, and that number will only compound.

Megan: Because, and one of the things that I think is really, really important is understanding how to make result focused investments.

Stacey: Okay. What does that mean?

Megan: So for me, there were things that I did not have, skill sets that were an investment for me, that were more valuable than income at the time.

Stacey: What were those? Can you give examples?

Megan: Absolutely. Marketing, learning how to manage leads, selling and planning. Those were the four biggest aspects of my business. I think they’re the four tenets of every business. I call them the core four. From you, from me, from anyone who’s listening to this all the way up to Google. All of those companies, those are the four things that you need to do to run a successful business. And I think that whenever I invested in any program, it was to gain that skill set.

I was learning the skill set of marketing. And when I learned that skill set I learned, I actually invested specifically in a marketing coach. And I actually am using the same system from 2021 all the way till now. Something that I spent in 2021 is something that literally I now teach, is something that is a part of what I do. The same with sales and things like that, investing in 2K 200K, hopefully two million, fingers crossed. But it’s one of those things that I needed to learn how to sell at the skill set and at the pace I was at.

And so by having those investments, I knew I wasn’t just investing. I think a lot of people look at those investments and they’re like, “That’s a crazy amount to be investing each year.” But I didn’t know. I came from a non-business world, no one in my family had an online business. They were like, “What is this girl doing?” Actually they were super supportive. They were wonderful. But it was one of those things that I think that in the back of their mind…

Stacey: When you’re the first entrepreneur in a family, people are definitely like, “What’s happening?”

Megan: What’s going on here?

Stacey: And when the entrepreneurship is life coaching.

Megan: Right. So I didn’t know. I had no idea how to market myself on social media. Generating and nurturing leads, forget about it. I was like, “I have no clue. I’m literally just going to post everything that I feel. I’m just going for it.” And when I invested, it was to learn those skill sets that wouldn’t just take me in 2020 to 2021 to 2022. It was an investment that I was learning in being a CEO of a business that now I can be like, “I know how to plan for my business.”

One of the things that I wanted to speak about is the benefits of investing in a coach that teaches you how to think and project your business into future years. It’s one of the reasons why I invested early into the three year plan event, things like that. Learning how to see beyond what I truly thought I was capable of. That’s a huge piece of why I invested in what I did. And it was all done very strategically. It was done systematically.

I think people thought that you could think about it like you’re just throwing money at a problem or you could be, I am specifically learning how to do something that is a deficit in my just knowledge. You can continue to invest in it and strengthen your skill set in different facets.

Stacey: I love that so much. Yeah, I was just talking about that on the data study podcast. I talked about how I invested, I think at the time, $25,000 into master coach training. And that was just one of my investments at the time but it has paid dividends literally. And that’s not even a financial specific investment. Business coaching I think it’s sometimes a little bit easier for people to say, “Here are my results. It’s showing that I’m making more money.” But for something additional coaching or whatever.

But I literally just coached someone on 2K for 2K this morning. She was getting coaching, but she just happened to have models on big giant flip chart papers taped to her wall behind her. And I was like, “Okay, so let me just tell you something I did in master coach training that really helped me wiggle beliefs.” And I was able to give her feedback from her models that she wasn’t asking for but gave her a tool and a tactic that will be deeply powerful for her, and it was just from what I learned from master coach training.

And it was really focused on sitting with your unintentional models, literally just sitting with them until you see them so deeply they go away instead of automatically trying to create a new thought. And I was just thinking, how crazy is it that I just said on the data study that that was one of the best investments I can make. I remember thinking to myself, if I’m going to make millions and I’m going to be coaching thousands of people, I really want to up my coaching game. I want to find out all the areas where I need improvement, and I want to improve them.

I also learned planning in master coach training and Monday hour one and scheduling and showing up and honoring my word and doing what I’m going to say I’m going to do and not making my team or my clients wait on me for things and not being late places. And so I learned so many things that helped me become the person I am today. And I did that very, very intentionally, but it keeps paying off just compounding results over and over.

Megan: That’s the thing that people don’t see is, I think initially a lot of people are looking to be like, “I pay this. I’m going to make this.” It’s very black and white. I think this is a different frame of reference that we want to offer you guys, just to be, there are bigger ways that you can think about the way that you’re spending. And I think that something that I would love to touch on is you are creating intangible results as a general life coach or as a person who is not a business coach, right now you are creating that for your clients.

You might just not be tracking it yet. And that was what we were talking about, but we hit record. One of the things that I think is so important is, I know that you guys have been listening to Cici’s podcast. Listen to the data podcast that she just did where she talks about the numbers. Where she could actually see that her clients were getting the result that she intended for them to have. You, as a general coach, have those results as well. And there’s a podcast that you did about intangible results.

As coaches, we give people a lot of times intangible results. So you might be helping someone become more confident. You might be helping someone become less stressed or less burnt out. You might be helping them become more confident and capable with their time. They might be learning how to create work life balance. They might have stronger relationships. They might be developing a future plan because of the work they’re doing with you. And when you think about those kinds of results, that is what you’re really selling people on.

You’re not selling people on, pay me $10,000, 5,000, $2,000 so that you can coach with me. $2,000 equals the confidence then to get you that promotion, that raise, your ability to handle things as a mother, whatever, not necessarily niche, but your population really needs from you.

Stacey: I love that. Okay, hold on. We have to take a second for that. That’s so good. The way she just framed that, everyone, I hope you heard it. It was so subtle and such a small part of what you were saying. You called it instead of your niche, your population. That’s so good for so many general life coaches to think about your population, the people around you versus the niche, I think is so good. I know that was such a small part and I’m like, “Whoa, we’ve got to talk about that.” That’s good.

Megan: Even as a business coach now, I am not necessarily niche to one specific type of business., 95% of them are coaches, of course, because I’m a coach. A lot of people hear about me through coaching. However, I think that these systems can work. I’ve worked with graphic designers, realtors, website designers, personal stylist and things like that.

Stacey: So just thinking about it as your population. So good.

Megan: Yeah, as your population. And I think that when you think about your business, one of the things that I realized is PSPR, your problem solution process result. If you go back and listen to that podcast as well, that was very helpful for me.

Stacey: Well, we’re going to need a podcast guide after this one.

Megan: [Crosstalk] podcast guide and I was like, “Yeah, I’m just going to throw some quick things at you.” But one of the things that I realized is that if you could take each of those components and think about your offer as a whole, what I did, I made pillars. So marketing, sales, managing leads and planning, those are mine for Six Figure Systems. My larger offer has pillars or core components that I utilize to make sure that people understand what they’re getting when they work with me.

So within that, one of the things that you guys can consider is that as a general coach, you could have the same kind of confidence as someone who deals with a tangible result like money. You can create that same kind of confidence in a skill set.

So what I did when I was even a general life coach, when I had the career fulfillment initiative, one of the things that made me feel really confident in selling what I was offering is that when people worked with me, they overcame burnout. They learned how to manage their time. They created confidence, they mastered work life balance, and they learned how to create a 10 year plan. So those things, every single week I tracked at the end of our coaching call. I said, “First off on our sales call where are you at now? Where do you want to go?”

Stacey: How would you rate it?

Megan: And then every single week at the end of each call, that’s how I finished it up. And I literally could see it on a spreadsheet. I’d be like, “No one that has ever worked with me has ever regressed.” And so when I’m selling things but not just with business coaching, but with general life coaching too. So I would be on the calls and I’m like, “Yes, I get you results depending on where you’re at.” And now I’m tracking the tangible results too. And I’m like, “How many hours are you working a week? Let’s cut that down. How much money have you made? Let’s bring that up.”

One of those things that you can be thinking about, whether you are a coach that helps with tangible or intangible results, tracking that data. Tracking your results is something that’s going to give you so much confidence as you go. And I figured out a lot of that when I was working with you. And by being in the 200K room when we were doing the revenue reporting, I started tracking my revenue weekly.

Stacey: That’s so great. That makes me want to cry. That’s so crazy. And I want to tell you, this is another good example. I worked with Brenda Lomeli to lose the last 10 pounds, two, three years ago, I can’t remember, before I got married and had a baby. And one of the things, I never even put them two and two together. It never occurred to me, I do revenue tracking and she does weight tracking. I don’t know if she still does this, but at the time I had access to some forum where I could input my weight every week and it would show me if I was going up or down or if there was a plateau.

And then she was able to look at it and we could talk about it and be like, “Okay, so the difference of water weight fluctuations or certain foods that make you inflame more than others”, and all kinds of stuff. And I found that really fascinating, very engaging. I think it helps the person’s brain, you just drop them, seriously, so much money in value from telling them, just polling them. At the end of every call and have them rate where they see themselves in that area that you just talked about or even how they are feeling, the difference in their feeling.

You could literally do that every week. I said on one of the podcasts I’ve done recently and now I can’t even remember which one, probably the data study one because it felt like five in one podcast, it was so long. But I think I talked about how so many coaches struggle to believe in their coaching and that’s what makes them struggle to sell it. But it’s mostly because even if they are working on people, they aren’t tracking their results. And our brains are not trained, are not made up, it’s not a normal thing for our brains to do, to track our progress.

So as coaching, part of the value we give as a coach is to show our client when they have had progress that they might not necessarily be seeing. So what I love about doing it every call, if that’s what you want to do or every quarter or whatever doesn’t overwhelm you is get started doing it even if it’s once a month or whatever it is. Checking in to say, “How would you rate it?” Show them, if they are having progress, they see it.

And if they aren’t or they aren’t perceiving that they’re having progress, then you have the opportunity to address that way before the end of the coaching. I also talked about, I did a renewals class for 2K for 2K and I talked about renewals should always be less than a five minute conversation. And you should always know whether you think they’re going to renew or not.

And if you don’t have an indication, it’s because you weren’t paying attention to what was happening in the coaching. If you sell renewals, not everyone sells renewals. But if you do, you were not paying attention during the coaching relationship or you weren’t having them pay attention to their progress and their results and you weren’t fixing things along the way. Then you might not know and you might be scared to bring up a renewal conversation. But for me, I always knew who wasn’t going to sign and who was. It comes from tracking the progress.

Megan: Well, and what I would do is, I would also take notes on the side. Like, “Oh, my God, do you remember that your mom was really bothering you at the beginning of our coaching calls. And now you actually just went on a trip with her and you feel not only that she wasn’t a burden, but she was a benefit to your life.” Showing them that people forget and a lot of times, fun fact, your brain, it takes five positive thoughts to replace every negative thought. So if we have that in mind, that’s just in science of our brains, people are going to forget progress.

So if you can show them the progress, it can really help. And furthermore I think a thing that being in 200K really helped to solidify in my self-concept is, I felt like I was a life coach that really wanted to have a business. I feel when I first joined, it was in January of 2022, I loved coaching and I was just like, “This is awesome. And I want to help as many people as possible.” But I don’t think that I was a CEO. I don’t think I was able to think about my business in the way that I needed to in order for it to scale.

And I think one of the benefits of being in a container like 200K is it really helped me to up-level my self-concept in just the community and in the calls and especially by doing the revenue data and being like, “Okay, this is what a CEO does. A CEO knows their numbers.” Jenay said a fun thing, she was like, “Professionals follow up.” Just different ways that I really up-leveled as an individual because of the community and because the conversations were a lot of times, [inaudible]. And if I noticed that there was ever a dip in my monthly revenue, I was like, “Okay, what can I do to mitigate that?”

Stacey: Well, and even knowing is it intentional or not? I know you want to be in the Two Million Dollar Group room. Once you’re in that room so many people are not launching. So I was telling them, they needed to be budgeting every month. And I said, “Even if you don’t have a launch coming up and you’re like, “Well, the numbers are still the same from the last month as far as revenue.”

You still need to do that call with your budgeter every single month or you still need to sit down with yourself every single month regardless of whether the income for you has changed, you need to do it because you need to also look at, was this intentional?” Yes, I only do four launches a year, it’s very much intentional. You need to look at, do I still love all of my expenses and the decisions I’m making around my expenses? What are my thoughts around the profit that I have? What is my level of belief for achieving what I want by the end of the year?

All of that happens when you’re looking at your numbers. So anyways that was a little lesson I just gave the Two Million Dollar Group. You can have it too.

Megan: Absolutely. And I think that when you are a life coach that is looking to start a business. I think it’s very difficult to understand all the aspects that go into being a CEO. One of the things that I like to do is I like to think about, as you mentioned with Patrick, a tech startup. So if you’re in a tech startup, they have the CEO, but they also have the CMO which is the Chief Marketing Officer. And under the Chief Marketing Officer there is the content creator, and then there’s the graphic designer and there’s the copywriter, and then there is the social media manager.

Stacey: You’re all of those in the beginning of your business.

Megan: You’re all of those. And you’re also the sales team and you’re also the CFO, which is the person who is the Chief Financial Officer who is planning your numbers. And you’re also the COO, Chief Operations Officer.

Stacey: Yeah, you got it.

Megan: And then you are the coach. When people are like, “Man, I am working a lot.” And yeah, because you have pretty much 12 jobs that you’re trying to do as one human, so yeah.

Stacey: Yeah. Now, the benefit is you don’t have as much to manage either in the beginning. And I do want to offer that I do think, especially if you’re in coaching containers, you do grow your skill set with that. So yeah, I was just the CEO and the coach. Now I’m CEO, COO, manager, all of the things. I’m doing all of the roles, but my skill sets have grown so much that it doesn’t feel like more than one job anymore. I don’t want them to be overwhelmed. But also I think it’s impactful to know if you think it’s hard, that’s why. It is hard, otherwise everybody would be doing it.

Megan: Otherwise literally everyone would have a business. And I think that when you can take that perspective, it’s definitely not to overwhelm you but it’s just to be like, “I have perspective now.”

Stacey: You’re going to have to learn all these jobs. I have to build proficiency and the more proficiency I build in all these jobs. People have been asking me ever since I took over my operations and my management, even I just met with my lawyers and they were our quarterly check-ins. And she was like, “How are you feeling? Are you overwhelmed?” I told her, I was like, “No, I’m really not. I feel great.” I’m definitely challenging my upper capabilities. I’m definitely there. Every day I have to coach myself out of overwhelm and into capability.

But I don’t feel overwhelmed most days because I’m choosing capability and I really am just doing it, it’s just I’m doing it. The only thing that I can explain is that these were actual jobs that were full-time jobs from other humans at one point. And I’ve just gotten skilled enough in these things, and in my decision making and how I manage my time and how I manage my calendar, that it’s working, it’s happening. I’m able to do it. I wouldn’t have been able to do that. Stacey two years ago didn’t have those same skill sets. So you do get better.

I don’t know if we can go back to this for a second because I just think this is useful to also mention. You had said, I just love that you are tracking progress for your clients. And you said something about people forget, which is 100% true. Even my coach reminds me of progress that I’ve made and I have to take a second to be like, “Holy crap.” And I do think that the early coaching I received from my first coaches in this industry, even before I became a business owner, that was something they were really good at, is tracking my progress.

But one thing, you said people forget and I want to offer that just before we move on. I was talking to one of my new coaches about this, is that not only do people forget the progress that they’ve made and the skills they’ve developed and all the good wins that they’ve had. But also, people’s memories can be reshaped by current emotions. So if you are, let’s say going to do a renewal conversation or someone has a launch coming up and people continue on, whatever it is.

If you’re going into that renewal conversation and you haven’t tracked progress and you haven’t presented progress to your people, let’s say their husband just lost their job or they lost their job or they are going through something really hard or whatever it is. If their emotion, if their emotional world changes and they are having a lot of negative emotion in their brain, their lives, for whatever the reason. They can also just remember the coaching differently. I’ve seen it happen. It’s so wild.

So if you want the renewal conversation to go well and you’re tracking progress the whole way, it will be much harder for them to misremember that you are useful and valuable to their life. I didn’t do that early on in my coaching. And I was very surprised when I would have calls with people. And I had one client who was in network marketing and she was really high up and she’d come to me because her whole team, just they had a really bad confrontational relationship and it was very fractured.

And towards the end of her engagement, she was like, “Oh my God, I’ve healed all these relationships with all my people.” But then I don’t even remember what happened but she was very stressed about money for something. And then we had our renewal call and suddenly I mean, she just forgot all of the impact, all of the results, everything that had happened and coaching became this extra expense. And so I remember thinking of that then but I still didn’t do tracking until we got to 200K.

But I think it’s impactful and something to consider and deeply think about what Megan has offered you with tracking your clients’ progress even at the end of every call and keeping the notes. Don’t take it as a cover your ass thing. That’s not what I’m saying. But as your job, to remind your people that they are improving, they are getting better, if it is like that, if they are getting value. If they aren’t, it’s also your job to figure out why. If they’re constantly reporting, you’re very, I don’t want to say lucky, but my numbers are amazing. It’s so amazing when they’re getting results.

But if you are doing well in one-on-one coaching and you ask someone and their numbers are low, it’s an opportunity to ask them, “Why do you think that is?” I don’t know, just exploring that conversation. I just think we should never be surprised when we get to the end of a relationship and either our view of how things went was different than their view or they don’t remember their progress. It’s blown my mind. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, how much the human mind can rob people of their progress and the value of coaching or the value of them trying new things.

I’m always reminding people in my own life just in general, I’m like, “Look at you doing this or look at you doing that.” Because I’m always trying to just help people remember because if you don’t believe in progress, if you don’t believe it’s working, you do less and less and less.

Megan: So one of the things that I love is the science behind things and understanding why that kind of a negative emotional experience that they’re having in a moment would make them forget things. And I’ve learned a smidge, very limited information about the polyvagal theory. And within this theory, what happens is when your nervous system or your primitive brain as some of us call it, gets activated or stressed or triggered in some way in that emotional state.

One of the things that I remember learning about when I was getting certified is that your prefrontal cortex or the logical part of your brain stops working. But literally what happens is if your emotions are high, your intelligence is low. And literally factually, that’s what’s happening for your clients. So the more data that you can provide for them I feel like it’s honestly a piece of our responsibility if you want to kind of think about that as their coaches, to help provide the data to help them mitigate the drama that they might be experiencing.

Stacey: And that’s so good. And remember, you could do that. I seriously think a wave of data trackers is coming. But if you can do that even with how differently do you feel, do you feel less anxious? I remember coaching someone one-on-one who came to me and I was not an expert in panic attacks in any way, shape or form. I was a general life coach, but she came to me and she was having lots of panic attacks, lots of anxiety in her life, lots of things up in the air.

And one of the things by the end of our first year, she’s like, “I’m having less panic attacks.” I see that. That is a tangible result. So it can be, I feel more confident. And then I also think there are tangible things you can track, if you ask your client and they’re like, “Yeah, I’m feeling more confident.” You could say, “Give me some examples of how that confidence has shown up in your life. Tell me a couple of things that that’s impacted. What has been different for you.” Maybe they are able to have that conversation with their boss that they weren’t able to have before.

I recently got coaching from a friend and was able to have a conversation that if I hadn’t gotten that coaching I don’t think I could have had that conversation. And then that conversation really changed me when it comes to personal relationships. And then I ended up coaching a couple of people on it right after. So I can see that as a measurable impactful result of coaching. I think you’re going to see a lot more of it in the industry in general.

And I think that there are a lot more studies being done. I think people are very curious, does this thing work? But I think on the smallest level, asking your clients to rate their progress or how they’re feeling or anything is just if you take anything from this episode, that’s the thing to take.

Megan: And one of the beautiful things about coaching is Sunny Smith, I think that she spoke last year at Mastermind. She’s another LCS coach, but there’s actual empirical evidence that coaching changes people’s brains.

Stacey: That was a medical study. I can’t remember.

Megan: An actual medical study and there are many that are going on right now. So I believe so passionately in coaching because I think for me I changed from the inside out when I was able to see that, yes, there were many circumstances outside of my control. But when I focus on what I can control then it made the circumstances mitigate. And so one of the things that I also think was important is when I was in 200K. I feel sometimes, personally speaking, that we think that we’re doing a lot of work and things like that and we could feel like our business is outside of our control.

And when I was doing the one-on-one coaching calls, just like I did the tracking for my clients, I was like, “What if I create something like that for myself?” And I don’t know if anyone else feels like this, but it felt like their clients just came and they were putting all this work in but it was never tracked.

Stacey: Combined together, I could see a direct impact of this action. I have thought so hard for so long about how do you explain that intangible transaction between I’ve done this thing and then people come out of nowhere? And how are those two related? Explaining how those two things happen, that’s the thing.

Megan: Well, of course I created a spreadsheet and a tracker for it because I was like, [crosstalk] the solution for all things.

Stacey: But I love how organized your brain is. I’m not quite there, but I am digging in.

Megan: No, but the thing is, so I have ADHD. So my brain is inherently disorganized. It’s not because I love organization. It’s not because I’m a spreadsheet queen. It’s literally because I wouldn’t have a business if I didn’t have the systems to keep my brain on track. But within that I realized that, what are the things that I can control to get consults? And I was like, “Okay, I can coach myself.” And so I called it my thoughts and feelings. I combined that to be my energy. And I was like, “Okay, what was my energy levels overall for the week?”

And this is something I actually brought to the one-on-one coaches when I was in there. And I would be like, “Okay, let’s talk through this.” And then another thing was how many people were I nurturing in my network? When you talk about meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, offer to help them. I figured out that if I talked with 70 people on average within my network and outside of my network and I posted around six times a week, three posts, three reels. And then that would be what it took for me to get consults.

I made it statistically inevitable for me to hit six figures because I was like, “I need it to happen.” And if you guys haven’t listened to the last episode, I didn’t think I needed this business to happen. And your girl was reliant on someone else’s income. And I feel extremely passionate about creating financial independence for anyone who has a business just because you never know what could happen. And I was kind of hit with a little circumstance that was quite outside of my control with a breakup, living back with mom and dad in 2022.

And I hit six figures that year, which is so cool. But within that I wanted to make sure that I felt as safe as possible as I could within my business, which for me that’s getting stats, getting systems, making sure that my business could run even when stuff was hitting the fan. In my personal life, I was like, “Okay, at least I can make sure my business is at least on track.” And then my personal life started working out too.

Stacey: I love that so much for you. I feel really passionately about helping women become financially stable on their own. I just think when women can make decisions because they are making the money, the whole world changes. Every time someone tells me, “I became financially independent through my coaching business.” It’s one of those intangible things that when you have millions of dollars sitting in the bank, what makes you get up in the morning. And my husband’s always like, “No one ever tells you, you have to work that hard.”

It’s always so crazy how you self-manage and you’re just in your office and you’re just working and that’s the stuff though, that right there. When you tell me that, that’s it, that’s the game. That’s what I want for everyone. I’m going to get emotional, but I won’t.

Megan: [inaudible].

Stacey: No. Just because I have so many more questions and we’re kind of coming up at time. So I want to use our time with you very wisely. I think we’ve already given just such brilliant advice on this episode. It’s one of the most valuable interviews I know that I’ve done in a long time. So I appreciate your time. So one of the things I heard you say, that I want to make sure I condense for other people because I’m always listening to what my interview people say and then kind of thinking of what’s that overall message that someone could glean.

And one of the things that I heard from you, you said you broke down your process and we’re taking it to the one-on-one coaches and we’re like, “Okay, so these are the things I can control within consults.” And then you realized this is what is my sweet spot for my own marketing engine. What that tells me that I want other people to hear is you entered the zone where you were taking radical responsibility for your results down to literally every single thing and mining that for how to make more money or how to get to that next level.

Where I think it’s just all of our power is lost when we think that result is outside of me, that thing is outside of me. I can’t control that. And it’s really a sign too of you running intentional thought creations. I don’t know if that was something you clicked with in the Mastermind. But you were asking yourself instead, what is in my control, what is in my power? And then you really created a process for yourself for that. And I also do that, that is within me. So I think if anyone’s wondering, how do I grow exponentially, you’ve mentioned being willing to aggressively invest.

To just touch a little bit back on that. I always recommend, you have to know what you can actually do and sustain your life. Everybody has different life circumstances. I always think what’s the next best investment I can make with the money I have available to invest or that I can come up with by either selling more coaching or whatever means that I want to get creative, my choice. What’s the next best investment? So aggressively investing to your ability, being result focused with your investing, to gain specific skill sets that will stay with you for the rest of your entrepreneurship.

Tracking your clients’ progress, to also create your own belief, but also to make sure your clients are getting the value they came for. And then taking just radical responsibility for what you can control and looking at that on a daily and even weekly basis to where you could never say to yourself, “I don’t know why I haven’t created this much money or I don’t know how to do this.” It’s doing that intentionally, taking your brain to this is what I can control. This is what I do know. This is what is in my power.

And even if it is just your energy, I cannot tell you, energy is everything. It’s wild. I came out of a low value cycle that felt like years of just me trying to transition into motherhood, battling postpartum anxiety, having operations issues, bad publicity, all of it all at the same time. And I felt like I came out of that and I wanted to get photos to really represent what I’m feeling in my body.

And it was crazy how many people were personally texting my phone or messaging me on Instagram. People I haven’t talked to in a long time, to say, “Stacey, your photos, I don’t know what’s happening, but I feel a new energy coming out of you.” That to me was proof is in the pudding, that your energy does make people take notice. So if you’re feeling ignored in the algorithm, check your energy.

That’s something you can control, being someone who is wildly inspiring, someone who is serving other people, the serve versus get energy in 2K. There’s so much you can control there. So that’s kind of just a recap of where we are. A huge formula for success.

But I am curious because we haven’t touched on this yet, just between last year where you ended at 156K and this year four months in where you’re already at 128K. That’s a four month difference, really three and a half months. What is the difference that you think? Is there any thoughts you can attribute or anything that felt like it clicked into place just in these last three months?

Megan: So one of the things that I think is really, really important is investing energy and time around people that really believe in you. And I think that one of the reasons why I did four rounds of 200K was because the container and the people that were in the container and you yourself gave me the confidence to be a leader. I did not see myself as a leader. In the first round I was an underdog. And I was in the lowest income room and I started sharing things in my room and I was like, “Well, here’s my content calendar.” And they were like, “Oh, that’s cool.”

And I kind of felt like maybe I do belong here. Maybe I actually feel I can contribute something that could help someone else. And within that then at the next event in Orlando then, I was like, “I’ve helped a lot of people with business stuff. Maybe I can shift niches.” And I hit six figures as a general career coach. But then I saw myself as a leader again. And I was like, “Maybe I can lead people in business. Maybe I can help them with this.”

And then at the third event you actually met me in Cabo and you actually talked about me on stage. I just remember you saying, and not that you need to do this for every single person, but I didn’t believe in myself at all. You were like, “Oh wow, this is a person that is showing up in slippers because they lost their luggage.”

Stacey: I’ll never forget that, you just bought a dress at a gift shop and more slippers and you were like, “I’m here at the welcome event and I’m so excited.” I think someone else was there with a broken arm. It was wild. I was so weepy about what women will do to put themselves in rooms with other women to make money and talk about business. By the way, can I just input a side note? I took a photo of it. I saw it on Instagram or on Facebook or something.

But did you know that the way that women started getting money for themselves, to have their own money that was separate from their husband’s. We used to have to have permission to have bank accounts, to have credit cards. We couldn’t get business loans. And a group of women came together and started the First Women’s Bank. And it was within, I don’t know, days or weeks, this was in, I think early 70s, over $1 million had been deposited from women taking their money and putting it in this Women’s Bank. And I just thought about that.

It reminded me of Sarah Fisk when her husband was like, “Wait, well, why do you get to go to Cabo? And why am I not going with you?” And she’s like, “Listen, you have your room. You have the men mentoring you in your business.” There is something really, really special, and I don’t say that, people misunderstand me, in any way do I not think that we are not fucking already killing it in this world and all of the women. Yes, we have seats at the table, that is obvious. I am an example of that.

And I also am in rooms every day with women making money in the hundreds of thousands and the millions of dollars. I still see how societal thinking does impact women’s confidence. I do see how little spaces there are. The woman that took my photos, I’m going to have her on the podcast, but she introduced me to this idea of healthy masculine. And she was like, “You are the embodiment of healthy masculine. You are a woman talking about sales, talking about money, you have boundaries, you are precise in your business. You have all this embodiment.”

We all have masculine and feminine energy, that is my belief. It’s not a male or female thing. And the masculine energy is the action doer and then the feminine is the receiving, more caregiver kind of energy. And she was like, “You are the definition of the healthy masculine displayed.” And I think we as women need more of that. We need to know how we can run a business that is healthy and financially secure and stable. We need to know how to get past people pleasing when we have to make tough decisions in our business.

And we have to know how to trust our guts and we have to develop that. That hasn’t necessarily just been passed down. If you talk to men, even my husband, there are things that I would feel bad about that he would never even remotely even care if someone felt bad about it. If he set a boundary with our neighbors, for example, he won’t think of it one second. I’ll think of it all day long for a week and be like, “Oh my God, can I go out of my house today? Do they hate us now? What are they thinking about us?”

I can tell my brain does that even as successful as I am. So the space of women talking about business together and then other women seeing you bigger than you see yourself and holding you to that level. Yes, that’s it.

Megan: And that was what I found at the live events that you had. I felt so powerful, so strong. And it was like every single person was trying to help out everyone else. And I think that goes for every single person that I think you do a beautiful job of bringing into your community is, we really want to build each other up. And coming back to people seeing you bigger than you see yourself. In that last round that I did in Nashville with Charlotte. She was my breakout room instructor.

And she really helped me to not only be powerful and safe as a community but feel safe to be seen and vulnerable as an individual. I was really, really scared of being seen. I think many of us who are super cool and have businesses also have some tasks, some super fun, I was definitely bullied [crosstalk] aggressively as a child. And I think a lot of us come from that. And I think that when we have that, that I think is a huge obstacle is to be visible, to feel safe being visible, to see your mentor going through things that are not great and being like, “Okay, but she didn’t die so maybe I could be okay.

Stacey: Megan, can I just tell you? I went to The Life Coach School’s Mastermind, which thank God I did because it’s the last one they’re doing in person. And I cannot tell you how many people said to me these actual words, “It’s so nice to see you here. I’m so glad you’re alive.”

Megan: I’m so glad you’re alive literally.

Stacey: Well, yes, you’re right, I didn’t actually die. I didn’t stop breathing.

Megan: We’re actually doing alright. And the fact that you mentioned, I think it was one of the last things that you said on your last podcast, but you were like, “It wasn’t the end, it was the beginning. And now being a mother, it’s just shifting into this new self-concept.” I mean, really and truly getting other people on your side that get you to think bigger than yourself.

So Jenay lives really close to me and we are very close. And one of the things that she mentioned to me back in August, I think that my brain kept thinking, get to the six figures and then settle. And then life’s going to happen in my personal life and things are going to happen. And she was like, “Well, you’re not pregnant.”

Stacey: Listen, I still made more money when I was pregnant too, even if you’re pregnant.

Megan: Oh my God, no. Jackie Murphy, she’s been my coach since 2018 and she was the one that you were coaching to be, you can make money even as [crosstalk].

Stacey: Yes, Jackie Murphy, I’ll never forget her. I’ll never forget her.

Megan: What if we hit seven figures now? And it was like, wait, what? And one of the things that she really helped me believe was that, she was saying that, “It’s my social responsibility if I figure this out to serve other people.” And you talked about the energy of service. You right now, as you are listening to this podcast, I’m so grateful that you started this business. You figured out something that can help other humans and not in a negative way but we get a chance now in this short time that we have on this planet to make other people’s lives better.

And if we can just focus on somebody else and get into service and really think about even though I think it might be something that they’ve heard before, I want to make their day. I want to be the kind of person that makes everyone feel like a someone. I want to see them for bigger than they can see themselves.

Stacey: Oh my God, I want to cry. I want to be the kind of person that makes everyone feel like someone. Oh my God, Megan, yes, that’s so good. That brought instant tears to my eyes. If you want to think about what’s the simplest way to think about marketing? It’s that, be someone that makes everyone feel like someone. Yes.

Megan: Yeah. You see them in a way that no one else in their family sees them. You see them in a way that no one else in their friendships see them. And if you can be that bright light for them.

Stacey: You see them without any story of their past too. I also talk about, that’s the power of meeting people early on in your business and telling new people that you’re a life coach, is all the people you tell who already know you in your life. If you came to life coaching, you needed it for a reason. And not that you’re bad. It’s just there are things you came to work on. The people that are in your personal life, many of them know that those things needed to be worked on.

So when you come out and you’re like, “I’m a life coach.” They’re like, “What?” At least in my life, I don’t know about you all, but definitely in my life, people were like, “You’re going to tell people how to live lives. You sell mops in Walmart. What is happening?” And there was such power in even just meeting new people and saying to them, “I’m a life coach”, and them having no other preconceived notion of me other than what I’ve just told them, them having no history of me.

And the same is true for your clients. You don’t have any history other than what they tell you. You’re only coming with positive bias, hopefully, towards them. Your only job is to see them as who they want to be and where they want to go. And you’re that person every single week who creates that environment where they can be that person for even an hour. And then the longer they do that, the more they can start being that person out in the world. And the more they do that, that starts compounding into different and new results.

Megan: And I just want to offer that you were able to see them and hear them and understand them at a level no one else probably has ever experienced. And I’m so grateful that you could see me. I was feeling like this little teacher from North Carolina who had no business to be sharing anything. And I came to 200K at a really dark time in my life. There was a lot going on before I even joined 200K. And I just can never thank you enough for that and thank literally everyone for helping me.

I think that you asked. “But what was the shift?” And even Olivia Vizachero is another great friend. I love her to pieces. We went on a trip together, and she heard me do a webinar and she was like, “What is that?” She was like, “You’re kind of goofy.” And she was like, “That is not the Megan I know.” She was like, “Who is that? The world needs a little bit more of that.” I was like, “If Olivia Vizachero is saying that I’ve got something to say. Then maybe I actually do feel that I can actually say things.”

And I think that what I would just recommend to everyone is, surround yourself with people that see that in you. Really show up in a way that you can be seen, actually be vulnerable and be like, “Hey, here’s who I am.” And I think that when you allow other people to see the best in you, you can bring out the best in yourself in a way that can just focus on serving other people. Again, I think it’s working, things are going well.

Stacey: It’s working. Here’s what I will say. So number one, I have realized in my last two years, it’s not just about surrounding yourself with people who see you bigger, but it’s also surrounding yourself with people who love the version of you and unconditionally. And have acceptance for you in your low value cycles and your failure and want you around them in that. So I will just say, over the last two years I have been very open about my postpartum anxiety, and I’ve talked about a lot of things I’ve been through over the last two years on the podcast and in my containers.

And there was just a period of time where I felt solo. I felt I wasn’t even contributing value to my own Mastermind. And I remember talking to them, I think we were in person and I was just getting coached yet again on my crippling freeze response to the bad publicity. And it activated such a deep thing in me. I now know why and what it activated and I’ve really worked on that.

But I was like, “I just feel like I should probably drop out. I don’t think I have any value to offer you all. I am the only one that feels like I’m coming and consistently struggling. And it feels like I can’t imagine you’re excited to hear me with my problems again, hear me get this coaching.” I mean, it was so unbelievable the way they held me, but they were like, “What are you talking about? We have all been through some shit. You have been there for us. You will continue to be there for us. We all go through shit. This is what having an online business is. You’re not bringing us down.”

I really, genuinely just couldn’t believe it. And so many times in 200K people have said, “I feel nervous to get coaching because I’m going through something that no one else is”, whatever it is. We all go through these low value cycles. And I’m always encouraging people to take up space. And I have just a next level feeling about that. And now I’m back and I feel like I’m giving webinar feedback and I’m back and present and available to give what’s working and we all go in phases.

But I think it’s really good to have people that have your back even when you’re not producing your genius but you’re digging through the muck. I think that’s super important too. The other two things I will tell you, just to swing it back really quick to your ending at 156 and then being like, “I’m going to stay here for a little bit and iron out some personal stuff.” What’s so crazy is at the live event Olivia said on stage that she’s coached a ton of the breakout rooms, and typically she has 100K ish or higher room.

And she was like, “I’ve been thinking about the people who exponentially grow and then those that kind of get stuck around 100K or don’t go a ton higher, maybe 150 or 160. What happens, what creates that?” I think I said this on the data study, but she said, “If you don’t have a $1 million goal by the time you make 100K, you’ll get stuck there.” So I’m so glad that Jenay gave you that coaching because it’s so true.

And I do think it’s natural to want to do that because you work so hard to get to 100K that you’re tired and it’s okay to take a little bit of time to be like, “I’m going to bathe in the success. I’m going to track my progress. I’m going to celebrate. I’m going to make sure I love this.” And it doesn’t even mean that you have to start tackling $1 million right then. But you want to be like, “I’m going there. So I can’t stay at 100K too long because if I’m staying here then that means I’m not going there.”

And the other thing that I was just talking to Maggie about that I thought is really interesting. Because I’ve really been thinking about, you will never be more supported and have more access to support than after $1 million. So you want to go to a million because you want to get to that point where you have that level of support.

So the example was, I’ve been really sick and my son got some kind of cold. It was just a cold, but it was the most brutal, nasty, disgusting, awful thing ever. We both had it for two straight weeks and it was the worst coughing, up all night, just terrible. I was like, “How is this just a cold? Are you sure we don’t have COVID?” That was the whole thing the whole time and we did not. But I ended up not being able to do a coaching. I think I was scheduled to coach in 2K for 2K and I ended up not being able to.

And I text her early that morning because I was hoping to do it and I just had no voice. I had coughed so much that my voice, it was such a strain to speak at all. And I had hoped that it would overnight be better and whatever. And so I text her at 9:00 or 10:00am and said, “Hey, can you be a backup for me if I’m not able to?” And then I text her again at 11:00 and was like, “It’s not happening. Can you do the call for me?” And she wrote back and she was like, “This is the beauty of having such a big business is you’re so supported.”

And I was telling her, I was like, “I just was thinking about that literally 24 hours prior that I’ve never had more support as I’ve had more and more money.” And I think people think it’s the opposite. They think I’m going to have this business and it’s going to be so big and it’s going to be so hard and it’s going to be so much to manage. And they don’t realize, to get there, they would have created the systems, they would have created the skill sets but also they would have the people to help support them.

I know so many of you guest coach for each other in the 200K room or you’ll have your own clients who have massive results and they’ll start coaching for you when you need it. And so you will get that break to go on a vacation or to be sick. You’ll have those people that can just step in. And because you’ve served them so deeply, they will want to, they’ll be excited to. I hope that helps in your Two Million Dollar Group journey. I know you’re eying for the room.

Megan: Yes. Well, and one of the things that I think that you again were an example of what’s possible is that you can create the legacy you want within the impact that you’ve made. I also, like many other people, Christina Langdon and Yulia. They also were talking to me about what it would look like to actually make a million. I would encourage, if you feel called to actually create that kind of an impact. For me at the time when I was doing my numbers, it was 15 one-on-one clients and 35 people in my group. And I was like, “Oh my God.”

Just being able to picture, all of those people I was helping all at once, that’s the legacy. Right now I feel so complete and I feel so grateful. I’m always hungry for more, but that legacy, being able to create that in the world, but also the lifestyle. Even though I have made so much more, I still do not work more than 40 hours a week. And I have made sure that within that, for you showing us and being like, “Yeah, I work three days a week and I’ve made millions of dollars.”

I was like, “What? How can I reverse engineer that to be a reality?” And I want to encourage you that that’s one of the things that I’ve been thinking about is, what if nothing in my life has to change? You had two spoons. I had two forks. I was like, “I don’t necessarily need to get rid of the popcorn ceiling. I don’t need to change that much in order to hit seven figures.” And that was just the thought that I’ve had. And I’m really just so excited to be just in a sphere of coaches that are wanting to make this impact in the world. We really are changing the world, guys, it’s so [inaudible] pretty freaking awesome.

Stacey: So good, I love it. I know that babies are in your future. I think you’ve talked about that at some point. Here’s what I will tell you, this is so fun. It used to be the three day work week for me. And I was just telling my husband because it’s been hard. We haven’t had a nanny for a long time. And I’ve been taking over all the challenges in my business and restructuring things, and we’re just in a work hard phase. And so it’s a point where we really both have to be kind of on our game, mentally.

And so I was telling him, I’m always doing resets with us. And I was telling him like, “Listen, babe, I really want you to think about this. No matter how hard it is, we both are at home.” He has retired, so we are both home with our child every day, that’s Jacksons experience of life. But now I’ve changed my work schedule from three days a week to, I work my hardest hours when he naps either two to three hours a day, depending on his nap schedule. That’s when I get my hardest work done. And then there’s usually another hour or two.

So it’s maybe four hours a day over five days a week which is still about 20 hours. But I’m only really away from him on most days when he’s awake two to three hours max. I’m with him in the morning. I put him down for a nap. I am with him typically when he eats lunch, I’m with him while my husband makes dinner after I finish my afternoon work. And so I’m still getting all my work done. I worked in around my nursing schedule when I was nursing.

I always move, not my weekly calls but  all my meetings and stuff, will move around with the flow of his nap schedule. And I do think that’s helping a lot of people making a lot of money. But then having that ability to be with your family and to work around the schedule, for it to be flexible. All of that is such another reason why you want to get out of one-on-one coaching and into the groups and into selling off of consults as fast as possible is that is really what makes that possible. So I love it.

Any final words that you want to say? I feel like we covered a masterclass in all things, but anything that we didn’t talk about that you wanted to share?

Megan: I really do think that within your business and within every single thing that you do, I think in a coaching call it was [inaudible] that said this. She was like, “The biggest difference between six to seven figures for her was the amount of time she thought about herself decrease and the amount of time she thought about her people increased?”

Stacey: Yes, that’s great.

Megan: It is so good. And one of the things that you said is, you would write a post and you would have someone’s name and you would write the post to a specific person.

Stacey: Or the email, yeah, I still do that.

Megan: With the email, I think it’s genius.

Stacey: And always a handful of people who were like, “That was me. You were thinking of me.” And that’s usually not the person I was thinking about, which is so great.

Megan: Even just seeing one person in their struggle and helping them to succeed is enough. You’re already doing an amazing job. I want you to feel where you’re at is just so incredible, something that wouldn’t maybe be possible, even just 50/100 years ago. We might have never even had this opportunity to help people like we do now. And if you could just really lean into helping and serving as many people as possible, I just kind of was like, “Oh, my God, okay, I’m nervous. I’m hiring humans.”

But every time I was able to put myself a little bit on the back burner, not myself, but my fears and insecurities and concerns and just show up and serve. I really found that that really was the secret for me too. So thanks to you all for that thought. And also thank you for always refocusing us back on that, let’s serve and help people. That’s why we’re here. There’s easier ways to make money, way easier ways to make money. Let’s show up and help people [crosstalk].

Stacey: I love it. That’s so good. Thank you so much for coming on. I know we said this in the first episode, but in case they didn’t hear it, how can they follow you? How can they be a part of your world?

Megan: So I love Instagram, that’s my favorite. But it is just a very simple Megan Wing Coaching, M-E-G-A-N Wing, W-I-N-G, like the wing of a bird, coaching. And if you go to my website is also So pretty simple. And I actually am inspired to start a podcast. So I am going to have the Six Figure Systems podcast, is actually going to be launching very soon. So if you are looking to hear a little more, that’s coming.

Stacey: Oh God, I love it. I love it. So fun. Well, we’ll link all of that up in the show notes as well. Well, thank you so much for being on. This was such a valuable conversation. I’m so grateful for the time. And I will see you in Two Million Dollar Group, I hope.

Megan: I hope so too.

Stacey: I’ll see you soon. Bye.

Megan: Bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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