Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | The Revenue Challenge

Are you ready to take your revenue to the next level? What if I told you that you could create a significant amount of money in just 30 days, regardless of your current income level? Introducing the Revenue Challenge: a powerful concept that’s been changing lives in my 200k Mastermind for years and is now available to entrepreneurs everywhere.

The Revenue Challenge is all about setting a specific revenue goal and committing to achieving it within a finite period of 30 days. It’s an opportunity to push yourself, overcome limitations, and develop a strong mindset around creating value and generating income in your business.

Tune in this week to learn how The Revenue Challenge will help you break through barriers and reach new heights. By focusing on creating value, serving your audience, and cultivating a powerful belief system, you’ll learn how to make money on demand and build a thriving coaching business. Get ready to transform your relationship with money and unlock your full potential as a coach and entrepreneur.


Want to step up and claim a new revenue tier, expanding your capacity for what’s possible in your business? The Revenue Challenge starts October 21st, 2024 and you can join by clicking here!

Join us now in the 2k for 2k program with a new 12-payment option — just $200 a month for lifetime access! Click here to sign up. Don’t miss out!

Click here to join the 200k Mastermind waitlist!

I’m making some big changes in my 2 Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How to set a compelling revenue goal and achieve it in 30 days, regardless of your current income level.
  • The power of focusing on creating value and serving your audience to generate income in your business.
  • Strategies for overcoming challenges, obstacles, and limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential.
  • The importance of developing an unshakable mindset and belief system around money and success as an entrepreneur.
  • How to cultivate resilience, self-compassion, and a growth mindset in the face of setbacks and failures.
  • The transformative impact of being in a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs pursuing ambitious goals.
  • How The Revenue Challenge will change everything in your business.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2k, 20k, and 200k using her proven formula.

Hello, hello, hello coaches. How are you doing today? I am so excited for this episode. I am just squealing inside my body. First of all, I have to tell you, we are having the most gorgeous weather in Kentucky. I have a window in my office and you will laugh, but I have never opened this window. I don’t know why, I’ve just always kept it shut year after year after year and the last week I’ve been like, “I’m going to get some fresh light in my office.” And I’ve opened it up.

And I have the most beautiful view of the trees outside of our house, and they’re all turning orange and yellow and all the beautiful fall colors, but it’s 70 and perfectly sunny. We’re having the best weather. So, it’s a beautiful day and I’m going to record this episode. I’m going to coach my 200k Mastermind students, we’re in a 25k in 30 day revenue challenge. And then I’m going to drive to visit family and we’re going to take my son to a fall festival. So, today’s a really good day.

And I am in the middle of creating a brand new member portal for all of my programs and it’s been a very long and arduous process to get it exactly the way I want it. To where when I see it I just want to spend all the time there because it feels so fun and inspiring to be there. And they just showed me a mock up and it looks insane.

So, I will just tell you all that, it looks insane. If you are in 2k for 2k, 200k Mastermind, Two Million Dollar Group, or as we do these entrepreneur series, once we actually get it launched to my core programs. And we’re also going to host my entrepreneur series courses on it as well, and you’re going to die. So exciting.

But here’s what we’re talking about today. Are you ready? Today I am announcing the next course in the entrepreneur series. and it is the revenue challenge. This is a challenge that I teach inside my 200k Mastermind. In 200k, we’ve always referred to it as the 25k in 30 day challenge. There is also a podcast from the Make Money as a Life Coach podcast, there is an episode on the 25k in 30 day challenge from the past. But it’s really developed now into the revenue challenge because everybody is choosing different amounts of revenue.

25k was an arbitrary number originally. It was to help people make their investment back from the mastermind, so then they could just keep profiting from then on out. And originally when I first launched this challenge, I wasn’t even calling it a challenge. And it is still in the 200k Mastermind member portal under, I believe, the second live event I ever did for the 200k Mastermind. But at that time, it was a 10k in 30 day challenge. So, some of my students are doing 50k in 30 days. Some of them are doing 15k in 30 days. It’s an infinite amount of money.

I have done this challenge for $2.5 million in 30 days. So, I know that it’s known as the 25k in 30 day challenge. But I’m really starting to move away from that and call it the revenue challenge because it can be done for any amount of money. But I do teach this inside my 200k Mastermind. I’ve taught it 10 times over the last 12 rounds. We didn’t teach it on the first round and I think there was another round that we didn’t do it, but it’s also its own course inside that program.

So, when you join 200k Mastermind, you can do the challenge whether or not we’re in an active one as a community or not and many people do. So, we’ve had four or five people this round that have already just done the challenge on their own and achieved it, which is so crazy and amazing. But this specific entrepreneur series course and opening up the revenue challenge publicly for the first time ever is truly an extraordinary opportunity.

I have never taken any of the courses that I teach in the 200k Mastermind room and made them available to purchase separately, to have access to regardless of how many times I get asked. And I get asked about this specific challenge a lot. And one of the reasons I haven’t done it in the past, but I’m not letting this hold me back now, is that this is an advanced concept.

It’s for entrepreneurs who either trust themselves to invest and make money, or who want to, who see the value in that, who know if they spent 30 days with me in a deep dive container on creating revenue, they will. And I find that as you start making more and more money, you start developing that belief deeper and deeper. But however, this happens at different revenues, there are people who invest 2k and make 2k back and they’re like, “Yeah, I believe I could do that again. I could do that over and over and over.”

So, there isn’t a specific revenue, but I’ve always just done this for my more advanced entrepreneurs. And again, even though it could happen for anyone, I think that how you know that this entrepreneur series course is going to be for you, because this ability to believe, if I have 30 days, I know I’m going to do something with that. I’m going to make an investment. I’m going to get something from that, because that feeling happens or I want to have that feeling, I want to be that person, I want to develop this.

How you know that this course is right for you is when you hear it, when you hear the idea of the revenue challenge, when you hear the idea that it’s an advanced concept. When you hear the idea of putting a certain amount of money with a certain timeframe, you feel excited. Your main thought, your main reaction is, let’s go. So again, I’ve done this challenge with students starting at 25k in revenue, and I’ve done this challenge for myself at $2.5 million in 30 days.

The process is the same no matter how much money you’re trying to create, whether it’s 5k or 500k, it doesn’t change. So what is the revenue challenge? The revenue challenge is an infinite concept that we can only master and learn by doing in a finite time period. You choose the revenue, you commit to creating it in 30 days.

I remember when I heard the idea that revenue was a measurement of value you have created and how that resonated in my body. That felt so true for me and so exciting. Now, I know a lot of people do not like to hear this concept because they aren’t creating the revenue that they want and they feel like, which is really a thought any time we say, “I feel like,” we’re thinking something. They are thinking they have given more value for that revenue, plenty of value for that revenue and it hasn’t happened. So, it must be untrue.

They can’t justify the validity of the statement because it doesn’t ring true for what they believe their experience to have been, but it actually is true. Effort doesn’t entitle us to revenue. And the faster you believe that statement, the happier you will be as an entrepreneur, the less suffering you will experience as a coach and an entrepreneur. Effort does not entitle us to revenue. And our theory of how much value we have to give to create revenue is just that, it’s a theory.

I think so many of us do not recognize our initial effort, our initial theory as a theory. We believe, no, no, this is the effort I gave, it should have happened. So, if you don’t have the revenue you want, it is because you have not created the right value in the right frequency, which is mindset and energy, mindset and emotional body and gotten that value in front of the right people enough times for them to see it and decide to buy. And this is a very mature entrepreneur concept that I’m calling you into. I really want you to think about millionaires.

I talk to my students about this a lot. When I am in a room with my colleagues at my level, no one is sitting around thinking, I’m not valuable. I gave this amount of effort, it should have come back to me. I already tried that. I already gave it my all. And making it mean something terrible about us or something, the goal itself is impossible. What we are thinking is, okay, that didn’t work. That wasn’t the right value equation. What can I try next? Let’s explore, let’s strategize, let’s theorize, let’s evaluate.

This mindset is what sets millionaires apart, even six and multiple six figure earners apart. Even though I do still see this thinking at that level too, of, I put in so much energy for a launch and it was a launch zero. And so clearly launching doesn’t work and clearly won’t work for my offer and clearly I’m never going to figure out selling group. And clearly this is never going to happen for me, versus I didn’t get the right value equation with the right frequency. I didn’t get that value in front of the right people enough times for that, for it to click for them and for them to buy. That’s it.

So, it is a very mature concept to develop, but the more you develop it, the more revenue it creates. So, the revenue challenge is a chance to create a lot of value in a very finite period of time, to work very closely with your mind and your body, your emotional body. To be in belief and act from the place of having achieved something and see it all the way through with that belief.

So, the big things you have the chance to walk away from the challenge with are knowing how to stay in service even when you have a deadline. Knowing what it takes to create money on demand. Using connection to your clients, your mission, your purpose. And living in the land of their outcome and your outcome, in order to be highly creative and show up more than you’ve ever shown up before.

One of the things I just said in my 200k Mastermind to one of my students. She was crying because she actually achieved the 25k in 30 day challenge. She wasn’t even attempting to do it, but I had just coached her on something a few weeks or a few months past that, was really deep for her and creating a ton of suffering. And when she moved past that suffering, it opened a freaking portal for her. The ability of high level thinking, the ability to sell like she’s never sold before, and she started closing clients like crazy.

And she was feeling very emotional and she was not apologizing but slightly apologizing for crying. And I told the whole room, “Listen, if you are not feeling so much connection to what you’re doing, your mission and your purpose and your clients. And really living in the land of the outcome that you are helping create for them and the impact and the importance of that to where you could be moved to tears any minute, there is room for improvement.”

I really think that that’s where all of the magic resides is in our ability to be living kind of with that emotion at the surface of the importance of this work, of the mission and the purpose, and the why we do this and being so emotional about our offers. Not over-emotional, but when you are that engaged where you could cry about the work that you’re doing, you’re going to sell like gangbusters, seriously. It’s going to be crazy. So, this is an opportunity to create that, to bring that up, to foster that in this challenge.

And you also have the ability to walk away with the belief system of, I need to create money. So okay, what value can I create to exchange value for money? It could be your brain’s hardwire response to creating money is immediately, okay, I’ve got to come up with an awesome value plan. That is the way my brain thinks. People always ask me, “When you had no clients,” and this is what I mean by you could do this revenue challenge at any level. You could be at zero and do this revenue challenge if you have the right mindset with it.

And sometimes that mindset is, you create it, you step into it. And other times, it’s just a force of nature. So, for me, when my bank account was negative, I didn’t feel like I had other options. I could wallow. I could be in pity. I could be entitled. I could be mad at how much I’d put out in the world and that the money wasn’t coming back, or how many shows I’ve done and how it hasn’t brought in enough money selling mops in Walmart to pay my bills. Or I could be all frustrated and upset and resistant about that. But I just knew I don’t have time for that.

My account is literally negative and I don’t know where my next meal is going to come from. How is money created through value? Okay, I’ve got to go create value. That’s the only thing I can focus on. There just isn’t time or room to focus on anything else. This is the message at hand. This is what we’re doing. And that type of mindset, when you can really believe and start correlating with, this money is created by this value or I’m going to create the value plan and then I’m going to go out and create the money.

And I’m going to believe that I can create the money because I’m so strong in my value plan. I’m so committed. I know what I’m creating here. As I’m creating it I know the value of it and I know the money is going to be following. That I developed with a negative bank account. I think I had two whole clients at the time making $100 a month off each client, I think, or $100 a week off each client. It wasn’t a lot of money. It wasn’t even enough money to pay my bills, but I believed that.

And when I see people click in their brains and the light bulb come on, I always know they’re going to go and really do something as a business owner. And as a coach, as an entrepreneur, as a coach, when those two things are working so succinctly this is what happens. We see money as a direct result of value. So, when we need to make money, we immediately go and create a plan for value. We immediately go serve others. We immediately go connect to others.

We immediately see that inherently giving is what creates us getting, not, I’ve got to get and then the giving is somehow left over and in that kind of opposite way, our brain tries to solve it. So, this is a beautiful opportunity. This is the chance with this challenge is to really see that that’s true because there’s such a constrained time period with it.

Your brain’s going to want to go to get. It’s going to want to think about self-focus and think about what you can get from someone. It’s going to want to go out and hustle. It’s going to want to try to push urgency. And you’re going to constantly bring yourself back to creating value and value never comes from forced urgency.

Now, what you’re also going to learn in this challenge is when your brain starts failing you and creating the fail before it actually happens. This is another big thing that happens to all people who are trying to achieve big things. How your brain gets you to give up and conserve energy and pull back when it thinks there’s a chance that you won’t make it and you won’t get what you want. So, I want you to consider that most people fail because they don’t produce enough effort, enough sustained effort all the way through the finish line. Not because they’re not good enough.

There’s something that happens when your brain just decides it’s going to be a fail ahead of time and starts pulling back. This happens a lot in launching. You get in, let’s say your launch is open for seven days and day four you don’t have the sales you anticipated, your brain starts freaking out. Maybe it’s even day one, it could be day two, the brain starts freaking out, decides, you’re not going to make any money. Decides it’s a waste of energy. Don’t put any more energy into it. And you start to quit, you disappear, stop posting on social, stop sending emails out, stop engaging, stop fighting, stop connecting, stop serving.

Versus going all the way through the finish line. This has happened so many times in my launching career where I have gone to sell something and it hasn’t met the theory of value. That I posed a theory of how many emails and how many things and podcasts and how many things I was going to have to do to create enough value to create the launch goal that I wanted. And then on day one or two, I figure out, oops, that theory was really off.

And I’ve watched my brain want to pull back and give up, better luck next time, freak out, be super disappointed. And the act of getting your brain to re-engage with, that was just the theory, now’s the time to do the hard work. Let’s go. To get your brain to engage with that and go all the way through the finish line, literally thinking of things up until the very last minute, what’s the next thing I could say? What haven’t they heard yet? What do they need to feel to be moved to take action right now?

Having that engagement, your brain doesn’t want to do that work, it’s uncomfortable. It wants to conserve energy, that is its main job. So, the entire time you’re trying to achieve something big, your brain is fighting you to try to conserve energy. This is one of the most important things when you start catching it that you can get control over.

You will also have the opportunity to overcome so many challenges, obstacles, limitations. I’m saying it in different ways. They’re all really the same thing, but challenges, obstacles, limitations and solve the problems that are keeping you at the revenue that you are at now. You’ll have the opportunity to learn your reaction sequence, which is the sequence of events, the course of action you take, the way that you react to obstacles and challenges and limitations and hardships and problems as who you are now.

And then there’s who you want to be. And I’ve been telling my challenge students since we have already started the 25k in 30 day challenge in my 200k Mastermind. One of the things I was telling them is there’s the reaction of who you’ve always been when something happens. Let’s say you decide to go big and you’re going to make a lot of money this month and then your kid gets sick. And you’re like, “Oh my kid always gets sick.”

And you could have this freak out and decide it’s not for you and you’re just not going to be able to do it and you’re not going to get any sleep now because they’re going to need you to hold them all night. Once again, you’re going to have to give up your dreams. Or you have a different reaction of the person who achieves the thing even with the obstacle, even with the limitation, even with the challenge. Not because it wasn’t there, that’s what keeps us not being able to depend on money is, I make money when it’s convenient.

I know how to make money when it’s easy. I know how to make money when there’s no friction. I know how to make money when the circumstances are right, when the environment’s right, when I get lots of engagement. I know how to make money when people just buy, when it seems really easy. What I am talking about is knowing how to do it despite challenges, obstacles, limitations, frictions, problems that arise, being the person who can do it now. That is the best thing. It’s literally the feeling of control over making money.

And really what I call this is the ability to forecast revenue or revenue forecasting. So, when I first started making hundreds of thousands of dollars, around 200k/300k, I hired a bookkeeper. And we would meet once a month and we would go over all of the expenses, all of the upcoming expenses, and then there would be a number at the top of the budgeting screen and it would either be green or red. And green means we have plenty of money to do all of these things sitting in the reserve, and red means you’ve got to come up with all this money.

And sometimes that red number was hundreds of thousands of dollars. And sometimes I had no idea how I was going to come up with that money. There was no planned launch there. And one of the things I noticed that I developed over time of being willing to do that, to look at how much money needs to come in, in a constrained amount of time and then going out and doing it is, I became the person that could say, “Well, we’re going to create this much money this month and we’re going to create this much money this month.”

So even if there’s a negative this month, that’s okay. We’re actually not going to launch anything right now. We don’t need to be hustly because I know how much money is going to be created by this launch coming up and that launch coming up. I know this money is going to come in so I don’t need to freak out this month if it doesn’t come in. The ability to forecast revenue only comes from the feeling of control over revenue, and that only comes from knowing that you’re the person that can do it even when circumstances aren’t beautiful and amazing and easy and ideal, ideal circumstances.

When you can make money outside of ideal circumstances, that’s when you can start forecasting revenue and being very certain in how much money you will bring in. Though there are tiers to that. You’re like, “I feel very confident this much money is coming in. I bet this much money is coming in and it’d be really awesome if this much money is coming in, but I for sure know this much money at very minimum is definitely going to come in.” And you can do this with one-on-one clients.

People think oh, you can only do this when you’re launching. No, this is available when you’re selling one-on-one too. I remember having these conversations with, “Well, I have this many spots left open, so I’m going to fill this many spots and then these spots are going to come open and this many people will renew.” And then I’m going to raise my prices for this, and then I’m going to sell these spots with such confidence, with such a knowing. Not because I’m forecasting the ideal conditions, but because I’m forecasting who I’m going to be in the non-ideal conditions.

This is a life changer. It’s so much bigger than a challenge. It’s so much bigger than a 30 day time period. It is the infinite game, it really is. This is what we’re creating. And truly I want to offer that this challenge and the things we’ve just discussed just already, this is the mindset and the emotional regulation that has to be behind the marketing and the selling and the delivery as an entrepreneur.

In my 2k for 2k, in my 200k Mastermind, in Two Million Dollar Group, I teach all variations of different levels of marketing, selling and delivering. In the 2k level, the advanced level and then selling at scale level. But underneath the current of that, this is what’s required, this mindset being this emotionally regulated when it comes to when you’re going to be in the act of marketing and selling and delivering, when you’re trying to make money. That’s what’s required.

Now, here’s the reason that you might not be up for this challenge, and not just in general the challenge, but this specific opportunity to come and challenge with me. This is the reason you might say it isn’t for you. And I want to tell you because you might think that it’s very, very true and situational just for you versus this is actually a common obstacle for all entrepreneurs, all coaches. This is very common.

The first reason is that you have goal aversion. You think the act of having a goal creates hustle, get energy and pressure. And that doesn’t make you show up the way you love. Therefore, the only way to show up the way you love is to never have a goal versus you have just not learned how to have a great, fun, exciting, compelling, transformative, healing relationship with money and goals and there is a big difference.

I want you to consider this. Your revenue goal has the ability to change you as a person. Every time you decide to set one and go for one, it has the ability to take you from a person with limited capacity and capability, who doesn’t work well under pressure, who can’t guarantee money will come in when they show up, especially in a difficult economy. Because you don’t know what other people’s spending habits are going to be, and you can’t seem to stop focusing on the fear of not getting it and acting from it. And being in graspy energy.

So, it has the ability to take you from that person to becoming the person who uses a goal to become the next version of themselves, who is free from the shackles of limitations, of excuses, of hardships. Someone who is empowered with their business, not disempowered by their business. Someone who knows their value, who gets excited about a challenge and figuring out how to overcome it. Who knows when they go big their audience gets big value, so they know every time they show up to hit a big goal, their audience, it’s a win/win. Their audience receives more than ever before.

They don’t think it means something terrible about them as an entrepreneur. Someone who knows when they step up to a challenge, they create space for people to feel inspired to step up to the plate too. Someone who feels inspired by the idea of meeting themselves in their highest power and authority with revenue. Someone who goes and makes money when they need to, period. And it’s always again a win/win for the people. I make money that I need to make and you get the help you need to get.

Do you want to become the version of yourself who says, “Bring it on?” This big goal, I already see the next version of me that it’s going to require and I can’t wait to become her. It’s going to require me not to procrastinate anymore. It’s going to require me to believe in demand so much so that I motivate myself to take consistent, powerful action every single day, not just because there’s a deadline. I’m doing it every day of those 30 days, not just the last week because the 30 days is almost over.

It has the power for you to think, I can’t wait to be more resourceful, to have more capacity at the end of this, to be more capable, to have solved problems at a higher level than I’ve ever done before. I can’t wait to become the person who has blown my mind. It has the possibility for that. Your relationship with your goal could feel like it is the most nurturing, transformative experience that you could ever put yourself in. It has the ability to be incredibly valuable for you as a human and it can be fun. It can be a good time.

It can make you feel more alive than you’ve ever felt before. Not less valuable and less worthy and less as a human than ever before. And that’s the next thing, the other reason you wouldn’t do the challenge is because you aren’t kind to yourself when you lose, when you don’t succeed. But that’s part of the next version of you. Do you want to become someone who can be kind to yourself through the losses, through the hard parts, through the missed expectations, through the realizing you were being a little entitled?

Can you put your hand on your heart and love and appreciate and feel proud of your effort, your belief, the help you gave other people, your active work towards something you want? This is available when you have a good relationship with yourself working to achieve goals. I have to tell you this story.

So, one of the students who just achieved the challenge before we even started the challenge. So, she made 25k in 30 days and didn’t even realize it until it had happened as we were going into the challenge, which happens a lot just because you set the intention to do it. Once you set the intention, this happens all the time in the 200k room, people suddenly realize they did it but just because they were in the room when it happens. I really believe your brain goes to work on these things even when you’re not actively working on it.

But anyways, this one specific client who just achieved the challenge before we even started the challenge, the most amazing thing ever. And I don’t know if I’ve told this story on the podcast before, but she applied for the 200k room three rounds ago and got denied. We do deny people every round, if we don’t think you’re ready, if your revenue isn’t there. I think she wasn’t quite at the 25k mark and we just weren’t taking anyone under the 25k mark.

And so, she got the letter that we send out, and we have the hard conversation where we don’t think you’re ready yet and it’s just not the time. And she printed that letter out and she put it on her refrigerator. And she told her children, “This is what happens, you don’t always get the things that you want the first time you want them. So, you’re going to watch your mother go after something she wants that she didn’t get the first time. This is my fail and you’re going to see me keep going until I succeed.” When I tell this story I seriously have the hardest time not crying. We have it recorded.

We interviewed her, it was the most beautiful story. And now she got accepted the next round. And then this round is really becoming her breakout round, where she’s really killing it. 25k in 30 days. That’s insane. You learn to do that consistently. That’s more than a $200,000 business. That’s more than a $250,000 business. It’s a $300,000 business.

So, do you want to be the person who, the way you react to losing and not getting what you want and failing is not beating the hell out of yourself? But something that is a model, a representation you would want to give to your children. Are you showing them what that looks like if you have them? As parents, so often we think about how the business takes away from us versus our children are getting to watch us work hard for something. They’re getting to watch us fail and get back up and keep going. They’re getting to watch us learn how to evaluate.

They’re getting to watch us develop the skills that no one teaches us in school. That will later become the things we teach them that will be more powerful than any money we could spend on private school and college tuition. So, do you want to be someone who can teach your nieces, your nephews, your sons, your daughters, your grandchildren, about failure? I promise you, if you learn to become someone who can be kind when you lose to yourself, your whole world will open up.

The self-compassion I have developed following my biggest losses, my biggest mistakes, my biggest financial hardships, is why I’m able to sit with such self-compassion for my people. I have developed this in myself. I truly have my own back. So, I go for a lot bigger things because I’m not afraid of being mean to myself at the end. And I’m so kind to myself and I have my back so much that everyone around me has it too.

My husband is so kind to me when he sees me fail, when he sees me have hardships, when he sees me make big, huge financial mistakes. He doesn’t get mad at me and tear me down and make me feel bad and make sure I understand how much I messed up. No, he hugs me and he holds me and he says, “I watch you every day. I see it’s not easy. I’m so proud of you.” He tells me all the time, “Me and Jackson are so proud of you, honey, we’re so proud of you. You’re doing it. You’re going for it.” But that’s not a result of, he taught me to feel that way. I taught myself to feel that way.

And then because I treat myself that way, I call in other people to treat me that way, too. This is again so much more than a challenge. Yes, it’s a finite thing that we’re doing with infinite outcomes. Now, the final reason that you might not do the challenge, be up for the challenge, or even consider yourself for the challenge, because again, I’ve done this 10 times. But it’s always a surprise when we do it in the 200k room. I don’t give them advance notice, they’re surprised the challenge is happening.

So, the final reason you might not do it is because it’s not convenient or planned. And it feels too challenging for where you are and what you have going on and you didn’t plan on working that hard this month, which also shows you a window into belief if you believe it requires hard work. And maybe it does, but just notice if that’s a belief that you have, the only option is to work very, very, very hard and cancel all of the fun and not do anything and not live my life because I’ve got to focus on the challenge. Versus I’m doing all the fun things this month.

Fall is our favorite time. We are doing all of the things. We need to have two trips planned this month. I am also working the hardest that I’ve worked probably this whole year this month. I have three calls a day, every day that I work. Plus, all of the marketing things I’m working on, all the content things I’m working on, the website,  everything. I’m killing it. I actually did a post about this on social media. I really believe the harder you work in your business the more brain rest you need so you have to be 50/50 in it.

So, I believe the challenge month is one of the best months to also be on vacation. I am taking my son, hopefully to Disney World this month to Mickey’s not so scary Halloween party. And it’s going to be my couple of days of mental rest. So, I can keep holding space and support and having capacity to serve my students through their challenge. I’m giving myself an intentional mental break. So, notice if you correlate that with you have to be all in, going 100%, never taking a break. That’s the only way, but also a lot of people just tell me, “It’s not planned, it’s not convenient.”

And here’s the thing, who you are now and what you have now is a result of the limits you currently have. So, the size of the business that you have is literally the cap of your ability to problem solve, find and create time, create emotional capacity, which comes from a focus on having versus not having. When you’re thinking of all the things you have, you have more energy than when you are thinking about the things you don’t.

Your ability to overcome obstacles, to be inconvenienced, I will tell you, millionaires have an insane ability to be inconvenienced, it happens all day long. There’s lots of inconveniences that come up. Especially if you have employees, if you have hundreds and thousands of clients, the more people you have in your world, if you have children, the more people that have the ability to have a situation that comes up, that’s very inconveniencing for you. You have bills that come up, you have surprise expenses.

I was just telling my Two Million Dollar Group that this website I thought was this new member portal, I thought was going to cost $30,000 and it’s going to end up costing $120,000. And then I also told them, they don’t need that, once you get to my level, you start thinking about having custom member portals. And you have very specific reasons why you want to go off of WordPress and into something that’s custom for you.

And until you are at that point of multiple, multiple, multiple millions of dollars, you don’t need to ever spend that kind of money on a custom website or a custom member portal. But that’s a big inconvenience for it to take three times as long as I thought and cost three times more than I thought.

So, the size of business you have now is the cap of your ability to problem solve, find time, create emotional capacity, overcome obstacles, be inconvenienced, go way beyond discomfort. Go beyond your discomfort, eliminate excuses, lean forward when you want to lean back, hold hard emotions like pressure, fear, disappointment, frustration, anger. When you are able to overcome these things at each new level, then you open up the ceiling for what’s possible for you in revenue, in success, in helping other people.

And the thing that I’ve been telling my 200k Mastermind students is, it’s called the revenue challenge because it is a challenge. It’s meant to be. It’s hard. It requires overcoming, but once you do, you get to be that person forever. You own that inside of you. And that, no one can ever take from you. It’s the most powerful thing you could own.

Now, I also said the challenge is an infinite concept that we learn only by doing in a finite time period. So, I want to explain that a little bit more. What this also means is there’s all of the outcomes that are way more infinite than just the revenue that you make in a small amount of time. But also, what this means is, if you say, “I want to make 5k in 30 days or 500k in 30 days,” this is setting a container for you for measurement, this challenge. So, at 30 days you measure, was the effort I put in a value match for the revenue I want to create, yes or no?

If not, you keep going because the revenue in a finite period of time is your first theory or your hypothesis of how long it’s going to take. And it needs to be short so that you can get a result quickly to compare against. So, you do want to choose an amount that is somewhat believable to you in a 30 day time period. But then you also want to find out the actual time it takes so you keep going. Does it actually take 40 days, 45 days, 52 days, 90 days?

And I always tell my students if it takes you 45 days, you will not be mad. I promise, if it takes you 90 days, you’re not going to be mad. You’re going to be so grateful you stuck with it and it kept going and you figured it out. And we have had all of these things happen in past challenges with my 200k. They did 25k in 30 days and some of them will do it and then there are some who don’t. And then the ones that keep going, maybe they do it in 40 days, maybe they do it in 45 days, maybe they do it in 90 days.

I’ve had someone try it one round, fail, give up and then the next round they come in and they do it unintentionally, they weren’t even thinking about it consciously. But their brain had been trying to figure it out the whole time, and then they’re suddenly like, “Oh my God, I’m now the person, I can do it.” They’ve never said to me, “I’m so disappointed it took six months.” They’re like, “Holy crap. I’m so glad I was willing to go all out with that challenge last round, because I cannot believe this round, I’m this person. I cannot believe I made 25k in 30 days.”

And then whenever you have your measurement, you go, “Okay, so now I know what worked, what didn’t, and how I’m going to do it differently.” It’s just like launching. So now I’m going to do it better. I’m going to do it faster because if I’ve been able to do it in 45 days, here’s what I know. I’m a new version of myself approaching this next challenge, approaching this next attempt to do it in 30 days.

In fact, what I want for everyone who joins this challenge is for you to become a new version of yourself every single day. You learn something from the challenge you go apply and then tomorrow you’re a different person. I’ve been saying this a lot. In 2k for 2k live we talked about this. I remember there was a time, years ago, I remember the moment I realized this.

I had just come out of hot yoga. This is where I always have my best thoughts and I was sitting sweaty and smelly in my car on a towel. And I remember thinking of my goal and feeling like it was so impossible. And then I remember the moment where I was like, “Wait a minute. What took me that long to create it in the past, but who I was when I started is very different than who I am now. I know a lot more. I’m more skilled. I have greater capacity. I think faster. I’ve made more money since then. I have a bigger audience since then.”

I had so many reasons that I could prove to myself that I wasn’t the same person who it took five months or eight months or however long it was, that I was a completely different version. And I’ve been thinking about this since. Every day I’m like, “Okay, so, yes, it was really hard and it took this long this time, but now look at how many different versions of myself I am and what’s available to me as this new version is very different.”

I just had a Two Million Dollar Group student tell me that she made 80K in three months and so now it just hit her that making $1 million in a year is 83K a month consistently. And she was like, “So now if I can do it in three, I know I can do it in one.” And now her brain is actually showing her the path. It’s making that correlation for her. This is brilliant because now she’s a different person. She’s the person who’s done it in three months and so now, as the person who’s done it in three months, she’s going to do it in one month. And then she’s going to become the person once she’s done it in one month that can do it every month consistently.

But this requires going through the finish line. If you had the finite game and you didn’t have the infinite game, if you didn’t factor them both together, you would just be like, “The 30 days is over, I didn’t hit my goal. It feels terrible.” I do that because that’s how it feels sometimes to myself in my own brain. That’s me making fun of my own brain. That’s what happens with us.

But if you go through the finish line and you don’t conserve energy and you don’t quit and you don’t pull back and you find new capacity that you didn’t realize you had, you don’t start getting tired at 30 days. You keep picking yourself up intentionally. I’ve done a podcast about increasing your capacity and how the way that you have to do that is throughout the entire process, you’re plugging in, you’re refueling. You’re not just wearing yourself down the whole time. So, at the end of the 30 days, you’ve never even considered, you’re not allowing your brain to be like, “Oh, I can’t wait. The race is over, I can quit.”

You’re like, “No, wait. This was the first theory, the actual theory, it looks like is going to be 40 days. So, we’re coming up with 10 more days of energy. We’re not pulling back. We’re leaning in. We’re giving more. We’re not conserving energy, we’re creating it.” You will learn how to do this and study yourself like this throughout this challenge. We also look at your unique challenge. And what I’ve been thinking about is this idea of mental thought switching that needs to take place.

So, I’m going to give you examples of this. But with each person, there’s going to be a thing that you need to turn on and off like a light switch. So, with one of my clients, she notices that she goes into get energy every time she thinks about a finite goal, a constrained period of time to make money in. And she has to constantly be guiding her brain back to calm and grounded and focused on her clients.

Another one finds that when she starts thinking about her goal and gets afraid that she’s not going to achieve it, she starts being mean to herself. So, she has to turn the switch on to kindness and gentle compassion. The reason this container is a 30 day period is because this does take a lot of energy, you are mentally rewiring. And even if it’s 40 days or 45 days or even 90 days, we’re all capable of this, you all, we really are capable of this.

But in this 30 day period, you’re focused on mentally rewiring. Because the longer and more consistent you do it, you just show your brain that what you want to do is associate making money and succeeding with calm, grounded service energy, with compassion, kindness and self-love, with give energy, not get energy. This is why my brain goes money, value, money, value. I have that association because I’ve turned the switch enough. You’re literally, you’re creating resistance for your own brain.

Your brain wants to go in a path that isn’t effective for you, a path that doesn’t create as much money for you as you want. And you’ve got to painstakingly push it to do the other thing, to go the other way, to go the way where you make the money you want to make in the exact timeframe you want to make it. You’ve got to do that over and over and over and over again.

We’re teaching my son, he wants to take toys and hit our dogs. And we’ve been figuring out, what happened? And I’ve learned so much and read so much about how this isn’t an aggressive thing. It’s not him trying to be mean. He doesn’t understand. And so, we’re working on every time he does that, we take his other hand and we’re like, “Gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle.” And we show him how to pet the dog and we pet the dog. And after two weeks, we’re really seeing a big difference where he just walks up to the dogs now and he’s like, “Gentle, gentle.”

That’s what we’re doing with our brains in this challenge. And remember, you get to have it and keep it and it gets to be who you are from that moment on. Okay so this is the revenue challenge as I can explain it in one podcast episode. If you want to learn everything there is to know in a very experiential hands on container, join me in the revenue challenge. You can sign up at

Now, this is an advanced premium entrepreneur course. Many of the courses are all leveled, they’re rated PG, everyone can engage. But this one, it’s rated R for revenue. So, you have to know whether you are capable of participating at this level for this type of conversation and really focusing on making money and creating value and revenue in a short amount of time. But if you are, this has the power to change you as a coach and an entrepreneur, to marry making money with service and value.

And again, there’s no, I’m not successful enough or I’m too successful to do this challenge. I’ve done it in $2.5 million in 30 days. I decided one month I had surprised my students with a challenge and so many of them were saying, “It’s so inconvenient and I hadn’t planned.” And I thought, you know what? I also haven’t planned to make 2.5 million unexpected dollars this month. So let me do it, too. We’ll all do it together. It’ll be so much fun.

So, you do have to know, you have to feel like this feels like it’s challenging, and it’s going to be hard but it stirs me in my heart and soul. I feel stirred by it. That’s a good way to describe if this is right for you. So here are the details. And these are also available if you go to, you’ll see all of these details. The challenge starts on Monday October 21st, so this next Monday after this air date and it goes until November 22nd, so it’s a 30 day period. But we are giving you access until December 1st because I want you to go all the way through the finish line.

And here is what you get. You will get the 10 step pre-recorded process on demand as soon as you sign up. I have done this challenge 10 times over the last six years. I have coached on it, when people are in individual challenges outside of our challenges. I was telling my students, it is one of the easiest processes I ever recorded. I had the least amount of drama, the least hardship getting the content and the process out of my brain and onto paper organized.

It felt effortless because of how many times I’ve done the challenge myself, but how many people I’ve coached through this challenge. We’ve had over 700 students go through the 200k Mastermind over a six year period. So, this challenge, the process is a well-oiled machine. It has been highly tested and delivered many, many times over. So, you will get this 10 step process, 10 classrooms as soon as you sign up. You will also get a Facebook community. You know I love communities.

I am actually a master community creator and networker. That is part of my human design if you are into that sort of thing. So, we will be having a community where I can feel you all’s energy and we can have conversations and discussions and evaluate and just do the work and be in community together throughout this process.

You are also going to get access to a collection of what I am calling the best of 25k in 30 day challenge replays. So, I have done this challenge again many, many times and there are certain calls where I’m like, “Dang, that was a good call.” And I’m going to give you access to a curated collection of those past challenge coaching calls.

And my goal with this is so that you can use those replay calls and the challenge process itself to be tapping into the energy reserves that you need every time you start to feel tired or frustrated. Or feel like giving up or you’re not going to get what you want or you’re in the wrong energy. Any time you feel like you’re not in the zone, you can tap in, whether it’s for 10 minutes or a full hour, whatever you need. I often pull up past replay calls and I tap in for 10 or 20 minutes and it’s enough.

So a highly powerful collection of these replay calls that I think if you watch 10 minutes of them, they would be really powerful. Many of them have me teaching on the beginning of the calls as well, things that aren’t necessarily in the process but are questions or contemplations that I give, things that I think will be valuable to support you along the challenge.

You are also going to get six live calls with me, where I’m going to be coaching the group live through this challenge. Everyone in the revenue challenge comes to these six calls and we’ll be coaching like crazy, getting all of the examples, all of the scenarios and creating solutions, blasting past limitations, obstacles, managing friction. Anything that pops up along the way that feels like this is ruining my challenge. We’re going to actually create a solution and move past it. Create thinking that allows you to be bigger than the obstacle.

And then because a big part of this challenge is belief, I’m also giving you access to my creating demand, five day training. Those of you in 2k for 2k and 200k Mastermind know the value of this training. This is a limited training I have done twice in my career. And it is the most asked about and requested training I have ever done.

And the simplicity of it is what is mind blowing, it is five days of coaching 200k level students on one belief. I am in demand and solving for, if you really believed that how you would feel and how it would influence your behavior, How you show up, what you do, the decisions you make and what results it would create for you. I really believe this is the key.

If you all watch me and you’re like, “God, her launches are so good. Her marketing’s so good. She’s so good at selling.” It all comes from this belief that I am in demand. How does she get so much done? How does she do it all and she’s so present with her kid? I am in demand. When I believe I am in demand, I act very fast, very focused and very purposeful to usher it in. So, you’re also going to get access to those five powerful coaching calls.

And you all, I just have to tell you because I just got to approve it today. This is all beautifully put together in your very own members area online, just like I house my core programs and all of the pre-recorded content is available immediately. So as soon as you sign up, as soon as you hear this episode, you go sign up, you get access. And then we’re going to have our first call on the 21st and then five additional calls throughout that 30 day period.

And the schedule can be found in the FAQ page, on the sales page at And we will have the replays if you’re a replay watcher. I’m a big replay watcher. If you’re watching in replay, we’re going to upload those same day as soon as they’re available. Now, this challenge, because it is an advanced premium entrepreneur course, it’s also going to come with a premium investment. The investment is $999. It is worth every single penny.

But you really want to check with yourself and say, “Do I believe I’m going to go out and create with access for 30 days to Stacey’s process, 30 days to the best replay calls she’s ever done, the best coaching on this challenge she’s ever done. 30 days to a community of people going through this. If I have the demand training and I get to come to six live calls and spend 30 days immersing myself in creating value and revenue. Do I believe I can create at least $1,000 return?”

If the answer is yes, I want you to join. If you’re thinking about joining 200k and that opening is coming up and you think, should I do 200k or not? This is the perfect container to find out, to see what it’s like to be coached by me and to see other people be coached by me at this advanced level. To think in this advanced way about making money as a coach and an entrepreneur. I cannot wait to do the challenge with you. I truly know it is life changing if you show up open and ready to have it change your life, to be the person who is going to extract every ounce of value available and create your return.

Now, this is also a limited offer. All of these entrepreneur series are only available for a small amount of time and they are finite containers. They’re not lifetime access. They’re not indefinite containers. They are small containers where we get in, we do the work and we get out. I don’t know if I will be doing this again. So, if this feels like it resonates with you and you feel activated by it, then you want to sign up now. Alright, that is the revenue challenge. I cannot wait to do it with you and I will talk to you next week.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part, using my simple five step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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