Make Money as a Life Coach® Podcast

Ep #227: Things to Know About Me

Ep #227: Things to Know About Me

Whether you're a regular listener or have just discovered me, there are some key facts about my life that you should know. These insights will provide valuable context for implementing my mindset...

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Ep #225: Envisioning Extraordinary Wealth

Ep #225: Envisioning Extraordinary Wealth

If you’re the type of coach that believes in vision boards, the law of attraction, manifestation, or living into any kind of aligned model ahead of time, this episode is for you. Of course, it’s...

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Ep #223: Intentional Feelings with Sara Fisk

Ep #223: Intentional Feelings with Sara Fisk

Your life is disproportionate, even as a coach. This means that, sometimes, you’re going to experience circumstances, thoughts, and emotions that you can’t seem to get out of. The great news is that...

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Ep #222: Feeling Pressure

Ep #222: Feeling Pressure

When you decide to show up and achieve bigger things than you ever have before, pressure becomes inevitable. Pressure is part of the entrepreneurial experience. Taking on the task of owning a...

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Ep #220: Shedding Hot Mess Identity

Ep #220: Shedding Hot Mess Identity

Being late to calls, taking calls while distracted, or altogether forgetting calls, consults, and places to be were some of the biggest ways I showed up as a hot mess for a long time. Not only that,...

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Ep #219: Troubleshooting Your Sales Calls

Ep #219: Troubleshooting Your Sales Calls

If you’re at the very beginning of your business, you might feel like you’re doing everything wrong in your consults, and there are a whole host of things you can do to evaluate and troubleshoot a...

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Ep #218: Wisdom from the Black Coach Panel

Ep #218: Wisdom from the Black Coach Panel

In mid-2021, I offered a value exchange for a few of the most successful Black Coaches in my community. I offered to mentor them for a year, privately, in a small group, and at the end of our time,...

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